Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

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Environmental hokey pokey: the fight against climate change is ...
src: campbelllawobserver.com

The first global climate change discussed in US policy began in the early 1960s. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines climate change as "a significant change in climate size lasting for a long time." Basically, climate change includes major changes in temperature, rainfall, or wind patterns, as well as other effects, which occur for decades or longer. The climate change policy in the US has changed rapidly over the past twenty years and is being developed at the state and federal levels. The politics of global warming and climate change have polarized some political parties and other organizations. This article focuses on climate change policy in the United States, as well as explores the various stakeholder positions and influences on policy making and the impact of environmental justice.

Video Climate change policy of the United States

Federal Policy

International law

The United States, even though the signatories of the Kyoto Protocol, have not ratified or withdrawn from the protocol. In 1997, the US Senate unanimously under Byrd-Hagel's Resolution that it was not the Senate's sense that the United States should be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol. In 2001, former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, stated that the Protocol "can not be accepted by the Administration or Congress".

The United States, along with Kazakhstan, has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. This Protocol shall not be binding upon the United States unless ratified. President Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and (in January 2015) Barack Obama did not file an agreement for ratification.

In October 2003, the Pentagon published a report entitled The Immediate Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security by Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall. The authors conclude by stating, "This report shows that, because of its potentially horrific consequences, the sudden, though uncertain and very small, risks of climate change must rise beyond the scientific debate for US national security issues."


In October 2003 and again in June 2005, the McCain-Lieberman Clim stability Bill failed to vote in the US Senate. In the 2005 election, Republicans opposed the bill 49-6, while the Democrats supported it 37-10.

In January 2007, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced he would form a subcommittee of the United States Congress to examine global warming. Senator Joe Lieberman said, "I want to do something. It's hard not to conclude that the politics of global warming have changed and a new consensus for action is emerging and that's a bipartisan consensus." Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) introduced the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act on January 15, 2007. This step will provide funding for R & D on geological absorption of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), setting emission standards for new vehicles and renewable fuel requirements for gasoline starting 2016, establishing energy efficiency and renewable portfolio standards beginning in 2008 and manufacturing standards low carbon electricity that begins in 2016 for electric utilities, and requires periodic evaluations by the National Academy of Sciences to determine whether emissions targets are adequate. However, the bill died on the committee. Two more bills, the Climate Protection Act and the Sustainable Energy Act, proposed February 14, 2013, also failed to pass the committee.

The House of Representatives approved the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) on June 26, 2009, by vote 219-212, but the bill failed to pass the Senate.

In March 2011, Republicans filed a bill to the US congress that would ban the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from setting up greenhouse gases as a pollutant. As of July 2012, EPA continues to oversee regulations under the Clean Air Act.

Bush Administration

In March 2001, the Bush Administration announced that it would not implement the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement signed in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan that would require countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, claiming that ratifying the treaty would create an economic slowdown in the US. and do not put enough pressure to limit emissions from developing countries. In February 2002, Bush announced its alternatives to the Kyoto Protocol, bringing with it a plan to reduce the intensity of greenhouse gases by 18 percent over 10 years. The intensity of greenhouse gases in particular is the ratio of greenhouse gas emissions and economic output, which means that under this plan, emissions will still continue to grow, but at a slower pace. Bush stated that the plan would prevent the release of 500 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, which is equivalent to 70 million cars from the road. This target will achieve this goal by providing tax credits to businesses that use renewable energy sources.

The Bush administration has been accused of implementing an industry-formulated disinformation campaign designed to actively mislead the American public about global warming and to prevent the limits of "climate polluters," according to a report in Rolling Stone magazine reviewing hundreds of documents internal government and former government officials. The Book of Hell and High Water affirms that there has been a dishonest, unified, and effective campaign to convince Americans that science is not proven, or that global warming is the result of the natural cycle, and that there is a need to be more a lot of research. The book claims that, to delay actions, industry and government spokesmen falsely suggest that "technological breakthroughs" will ultimately save us with hydrogen cars and other improvements. It calls on voters to demand immediate government action to curb emissions. The paper presented at the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, held in 2009 under the sponsorship of the University of Copenhagen in cooperation with nine other universities at the International Alliance Research University (IARU), maintains that climate change skepticism is so prevalent in the US " and kept alive by a small number of conservative think tanks, often with direct funding from industries with special interest in deferring or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions regulations ".

According to testimony drawn up by the US House of Representatives, the White House Bush presses American scientists to suppress discussions about global warming "High-quality science" is "struggling to get out", as the Bush administration is pressuring scientists to tailor their writing in the warming world to match skepticism of the Bush administration, in some cases on the orders of former oil industry lobbyists. "Nearly half of all respondents feel or personally under pressure to eliminate the words 'climate change,' 'global warming' or other similar terms of communication." Similarly, according to the testimony of senior officials of the Government Accountability Project, the White House sought to bury the report "National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change", produced by US scientists in accordance with US law, Some US scientists resign their jobs rather than give in White House pressure not to report global warming. and remove important parts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report given to the Senate Senate and the Senate General Environment Committee on the dangers to human health from global warming.

The Bush administration is working to undermine the country's efforts to reduce global warming. Mary Peters, Transport Secretary at the time, personally directed US efforts to urge the governors and dozens of House of Representatives members to block California's first restriction on greenhouse gases from cars and trucks, according to e-mail. obtained by Congress.

Obama Administration

New Energy for America is a plan to invest in renewable energy, reduce dependence on foreign oil, overcome the global climate crisis, and make coal a less competitive energy source. It was announced during President Barack Obama's campaign.

On November 17, 2008 President-elect Barack Obama clarified, in talks recorded for YouTube, that the US will enter a system of restrictions and trade to limit global warming.

The President has set up new offices in the White House, White House Energy Office and Climate Change Policy, and selected Carol Browner as Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change. Browner is a former administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is now a principle of Albright Group LLC, a company that provides strategic advice to the company.

The American Energy and Safety Act, restrictions and trade laws were passed on June 26, 2009 in the House of Representatives, but not ratified by the Senate.

On January 27, 2009, Clinton's Minister of Foreign Affairs appointed Todd Stern as the Department's Special Envoy on Climate Change. Clinton said, "With today's appointment as our special envoy sending a clear message that the United States will be energetic, focused, strategic and serious in addressing global climate change and clean energy issues reasonable." Stern, who had coordinated global warming policies in the late 1990s under Bill Clinton, said that "The time for denials, delays and disputes has ended... We can only meet the climate challenge with a truly global response. will need to engage in strong and dramatic diplomacy. "

In February 2009, Stern said that the US will take a leading role in the formulation of a new climate change agreement in Copenhagen in December 2009. He made no indication that the US will ratify the Kyoto Protocol for a while. The US Embassy's shipment, which was later released by WikiLeaks whistleblowing website, shows how the US uses spy, threats and aid promises' to gain support for the Copenhagen Accord, where the vow of salary is the lowest by any country.

President Barack Obama said in September 2009 that if the international community would not act swiftly to tackle climate change that "we risk putting future generations on an irreversible catastrophe... the security and stability of every nation and nation - our prosperity, health we, and our salvation - are in danger, and when we have to turn this stream out. "

President Obama said in 2010 that it was time for the United States "to aggressively accelerate" its transition from oil to alternative energy sources and pledged to encourage swift action on climate change legislation, seeking to capitalize on deep anger over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The 2010 federal budget of the United States proposed to support clean energy development with a 10-year investment of US $ 15 billion per year, resulting from the sale of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions credits. Under the proposed cap-and-trade program, all GHG emission credits will be auctioned, generating approximately $ 78.7 billion in additional revenue in FY 2012, rising to $ 83 billion in FY 2019.

New rules for power generation are proposed in March 2012.

In 2015, Obama announced the Clean Power Plan, which is the final version of a rule originally proposed by the EPA the previous year, and which relates to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

A September 2016 study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory analyzed a series of definite and proposed climate change policies for the United States and found that this was not sufficient to meet the nationally designated US (INDC) pursuant to the Paris Treaty 2015/2016. Additional greenhouse gas reduction measures may be needed to meet this international commitment. These additional reduction measures will soon be decided to begin meeting the "under 2 degree" goal of the agreement, and countries may need to be more proactive than previously thought.

The October 2016 report compares US government spending on climate security and military security and found the latter to be 28 ÃÆ'â € "larger. The report estimates that public sector spending of $ 55 billion is needed to address climate change. The 2017 national budget contains $ 21 Ã, billion for that expenditure, leaving a recoverable $ 34 Ã, billion ear with a poorly performing weapons program. The report nominates F-35 fighter jets and closer combat ship combat projects to the coast as possible targets.

Trump Administration

During his campaign, Donald Trump made a pledge to replay some of the Obama-era rules that were enacted with the aim of combating climate change. He has questioned whether climate change is real and has indicated that he will focus his efforts on other causes as president. Trump also stated that efforts to curb the fossil fuel industry hurt the global competitiveness of the United States. He promised to roll back the rules placed on the oil and gas industry by the EPA under the Obama administration to increase the productivity of both industries.

President Trump appointed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). While serving as Attorney General, Pruitt revoked Oklahoma's environmental protection unit and sued the EPA fourteen times, thirteen involving "industry players" as joint parties. His candidacy to lead the EPA was confirmed on February 17, 2017 with 52-46 votes. In addition, President Trump appointed Rex W. Tillerson, former chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil, as state secretary. His candidacy was confirmed on February 1, 2017 with 56-43 votes.

The executive order is issued by President Trump on January 24, 2017 which removes barriers from Keystone XL and Dakota Access Lane, making it easier for the sponsoring companies to continue production. On March 29, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at improving the coal industry. The executive sequence reverts to Obama's era climate regulations on the coal industry to grow the coal sector and create new jobs in America. The White House has indicated that any climate change policy that they consider to inhibit American job growth will not be pursued. In addition, an executive order rolled back on six orders made by Obama aimed at reducing climate change and carbon dioxide emissions and called for a review of the Cleaner Generator Plan.

In the initial budget proposal of 2017, President Trump presented a cut of about 31% of the EPA as a result of a declining budget. President Trump cuts a third of the funding of the current Environmental Protection Agency - about $ 2.6 billion from the current budget of $ 8.2 billion. If graduated, this is the lowest budget EPA has had in 40 years.

Environmental justice

The shift in the direction of environmental policy in the United States under the Trump Administration has led to changes in the environmental justice sector. On March 9, 2017, Mustafa Ali, a leader of the environmental justice sector at the EPA, resigned over proposed cuts to the environmental justice sector of the EPA. The initial budget proposal will cut the environmental justice office budget by 1/4, causing a 20% reduction in its workforce. The environmental justice program is one of a dozen susceptible to losing all government funds.

Maps Climate change policy of the United States

State and local policies

Across the country, regional, state and city organizations achieve real emission reductions and gain valuable policy experience as they take action on climate change. These actions include increasing renewable energy generation, selling agricultural carbon sequestration credits, and encouraging efficient energy use. U.S. Climate Change Science Program is a joint program of more than twenty US cabinet departments and federal agencies, all working together to investigate climate change. In June 2008, a report issued by the program stated that the weather would be more extreme, due to climate change.

As described in a 2007 short report by the PEW Center on Global Climate Change, "States and municipalities often serve as" policy laboratories ", developing initiatives that serve as models for federal action, especially applicable to environmental regulations - most of the federal environment legislation has been based on the state model.In addition, state action can have a significant impact on emissions, as many individual nations emit high-grade greenhouse gases of Texas, for example, emit more than France, while California's emissions exceed Brazil's emissions. "

Cities should also have a role in collaboration for climate change policy. When federal and state programs are developed, it is up to the city government to support the programs. It is also important that cities are able to adapt responses to federal and state action against local circumstances. In addition, municipal and state governments often act as liaisons to the business sector, working with stakeholders to meet standards and improve alignment with city and state goals. This section will provide an overview of climate change policies across states as well as regional initiatives.


On September 8, 2006, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano signed an executive order requesting the state to make an initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels by 2020 and to 50 percent below 2000 levels by 2040.


California (the sixth largest economy in the world) has long been seen as a country-level pioneer in environmental issues related to global warming and has shown some leadership in the last four years. On July 22, 2002, Governor Gray Davis approved AB 1493, a bill directing the California Air Resources Board to develop standards to achieve maximum and viable greenhouse gas reductions from motor vehicles. Now the California Vehicle Global Warming law requires a car to reduce emissions by 30% by 2016. Despite being challenged in court by car manufacturers, support for legislation is growing as other countries have adopted similar laws. On September 7, 2002, Governor Davis approved a bill that required the California Climate Action Registry to adopt procedures and protocols for reporting carbon sequestration and project in forests. (SB 812. Approved by Governor Davis on September 7, 2002) California has established an inter-agency task force, housed at the California Energy Commission, to develop these procedures and protocols. The staff is currently seeking feedback on a number of technical questions.

In June 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order calling for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions of the following countries: 11 percent in 2010, 25 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. Measures to meet this target include standards tighter automotive emissions, and requirements for renewable energy as a proportion of electricity production. The Union of Concerned Scientists has calculated that by 2020, drivers will save $ 26 billion annually if California's automotive standards are applied nationally.

On August 30, 2006, Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature reached an agreement on AB32, the Global Warming Solutions Act. The bill was signed into law on September 27, 2006, by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who stated, "We just have to do everything we can in our power to slow global warming before it's too late... Science is clear.. "The law limits California's greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels by 2020, and institutes mandatory emission reporting systems to monitor compliance. This agreement is the first applicable state program in the US to limit all GHG emissions from major industries including penalties for non-compliance. It requires the State Air Resources Board to create a program for reporting statewide greenhouse gas emissions and to monitor and enforce compliance with the program. The law will also enable market mechanisms to incentivize businesses to reduce emissions while maintaining local communities, and empower state councils to adopt market-based compliance mechanisms including cap-and-trade, and allow for a one-year extension of targets in external circumstances ordinary. So far, flexible mechanisms in the form of offset-based projects have been suggested for five major project types. The carbon project will create an offset by showing that it has reduced carbon dioxide and equivalent gas. Project types include: fertilizer management, forestry, building energy, SF 6 , and landfill gas capture.

In addition, on September 26, Governor Schwarzenegger signed SB 107, which requires the three largest utilities California - Pacific Gas & Electricity, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & amp; Electricity - to generate at least 20% of their electricity using renewable sources in 2010. This shortens the time span set by Gov Davis in September 2002 to increase 1% utility renewable energy sales annually to 20% by 2017.

Governor Schwarzenegger also announced he would seek to work with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, and other international efforts to tackle global warming, regardless of the federal government.


The State of Connecticut issued a number of bills on global warming in the early to mid-1990s, including - in 1990 - the first global warming law of a country requiring special measures to reduce CO 2 . Connecticut is one of the countries agreed upon, under the auspices of the Governor of New England and the Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP), for a voluntary short-term goal of reducing regional greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2010 and 10 percent below. Level 1990 by 2020. The long-term goal of NEG/ECP is to reduce emissions to levels that negate dangerous threats to climate - a goal suggested by scientists would require a 75 to 85 percent reduction below current levels. These objectives were announced in August 2001. The state has acted regionally to require incrddition in renewable power generation in 2009.


Maryland began a partnership with the Climate and Energy Solutions Center (C2ES) in 2015 to examine the impacts and solutions to climate change called the Maryland Climate Change Commission.

Regional Initiative

Clean Energy Standards

The Clean Energy Standard Policy (CES) is a policy that supports the reduction of non-renewable energy emissions and increases the use of renewable energy. They help drive the transition to cleaner energy, building on existing energy portfolio standards, and widely applicable at the federal level and growing more acutely at the regional and state levels. The CES policy has been successful at the federal level, gaining bipartisan support during the Obama administration. Iowa was the first country to adopt CES policy, and now the majority of countries have adopted CES policies. Similar to the CES policy, the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a defined standard for ensuring greater integration of renewable energy in state and regional energy portfolios. Both CES and RPS help increase the use of clean and renewable energy in the United States.

Regional Greenhouse Gases Initiative

In 2003, the State of New York filed and reached a commitment from nine Northeast states to establish a carbon dioxide emission and emissions reduction program for a power plant, called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The program was launched on January 1, 2009 with the aim of reducing the carbon "budget" of the power generation sector of each country to 10 percent under their allowances by 2018. Ten northeastern states are involved in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, it is believed that state-level programs will put pressure on the federal government to support the Kyoto Protocol. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a system for limiting and trading CO 2 em emissions from power plants in member countries. The emission clearance auctions begin in September 2008, and the first three year compliance period begins on January 1, 2009. The results will be used to promote energy conservation and renewable energy. This system affects a fossil fuel power plant with a capacity of 25 MW or greater ("compliance entity").

  • State participants : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island
  • Observer status and region : Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick, Ontario.

Western Climate Initiative

Since February 2007, seven US states and four Canadian provinces have joined together to create the Western Climate Initiative, a regional greenhouse gas emissions trading system. The initiative was created when the Global Warming Initiative on the West Coast (California, Oregon and Washington) and the Southwest Climate Change Initiative (Arizona and New Mexico) joined Utah and Montana joint efforts with British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

The non-profit organization WCI, Inc., was established in 2011 and supports the implementation of state and regional greenhouse gas trading programs.

Strengthening Highland Initiatives

The Powering the Plains Initiative (PPI) began in 2002 and aims to expand alternative energy technologies and improve climate-friendly farming practices. His most significant achievement was a 50-year energy transition roadmap for the upper Midwest, released in June 2007.

  • Countries participating: Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba Province Canada

State litigation

Several lawsuits have been filed for global warming. In 2007, the United States Supreme Court ruled at Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency that the Clean Air Act gives the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to regulate greenhouse gases, such as exhaust emissions. A similar approach was taken by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer who filed a lawsuit California v. General Motors Corp. to force car manufacturers to reduce vehicle carbon dioxide emissions. The third case, Comer v. Murphy Oil, filed by Gerald Maples, a lawyer in Mississippi, in an effort to force fossil fuel and chemical companies to pay for damages caused by global warming.

In June 2011, the United States Supreme Court overturned a US 8-0 appeal verdict against five major power generation companies, brought by the US state of New York City, and a land trust, trying to force a cut in US greenhouse gas emissions on the global heating. The decision honors the reasonable interpretation of the United States Clean Air Act by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Regrets and relief one year after US ditched global climate deal ...
src: www.eco-business.com

Positions of political parties and other political organizations

In the 2016 presidential campaign, the two major parties set different positions on the issue of global warming and climate change policy. The Democrats play an active and positive role in climate change. Republicans deny global warming and continue to meet the party's goal of expanding the energy industry and limiting the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Other parties including the Green Party, the Libertarian Party and the Constitutional Party have various views on climate change and largely retained the long standing position of the parties to influence their party members.


In the 2016 platform, the Democratic Party views climate change as "an urgent threat and a challenge of our timing." Democrats are dedicated to "controlling the impacts of climate change, protecting American natural resources, and ensuring the quality of our air, water, and land for present and future generations."

Democrats are united on climate change issues. Democrats argue for the decline in fossil fuel consumption and advocate for the establishment of clean energy initiatives. The party believes that the United States, as one of the leading global leaders fighting climate change, should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80 percent by 2050. Democrats also encourage the federal government to support the negotiated efforts of the Paris Treaty, which aims to global temperatures are rising "well below" two degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

In relation to climate change, the Democrats believe that "carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases should be valued to reflect their negative externality, and to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and help meet our climate goals." Democrats are also committed to "implementing and expanding intelligent pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for cars and heavy vehicles, building codes and tool standards."

Democrats emphasize the importance of environmental justice. The party calls attention to environmental racism because climate change has disproportionately impacted low-income and minority communities, tribal nations and Alaska native villages. The party believes "clean air and clean water are the basic rights of all Americans." The party aims to expand access to cost-effective renewable energy by disadvantaged families and create employment with payroll guarantees in poor communities to prevent interest groups from illegally exploiting people's rights to enjoy the environment.


The Republicans have diverse views on climate change unlike the Democrats and the Green Party that are united with serious environmental concerns. Many Republicans are less likely to express concerns about climate change or claim that the issue is urgent to resolve. Unlike existing Platform 2008, the new 2016 Republican Platform denies climate change and refuses the efforts of scientists to reduce global warming.

In 2014, President Barack Obama proposed a series of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, known as the Clean Power Plans which will reduce carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. Republicans have regarded these efforts as "wars against coal" and have been strongly opposed to them. Instead, it supports the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, bans carbon taxes, and stops all fracking rules.

Donald Trump, 45th and current US President, says that "climate change is a hoax created by and for China." During his political campaign, he blamed China for not helping the environment on earth, but he seemed to ignore many projects organized by China to slow global warming. While Trump's words may be counted as his campaign strategy to attract voters, it brings left-wing concerns about environmental justice.

From 2008 to 2017, Republicans went from "debating how to combat human-caused climate change to assert that it does not exist," according to The New York Times. In 2011, "more than half of Republicans in the House and three-quarters of Republican senators" said "that the threat of global warming, as a man-made and highly threatening phenomenon, is at best exaggerated and at worst pronounced" hoax " according to Judith Warner wrote The New York Times Magazine . By 2014, more than 55% of Congressional congressional members are deniers of climate change, according to NBC News. According to PolitiFact in May 2014, "... relatively few members of the Republican Congress... accepted the prevailing scientific conclusion that global warming is real and man-made... eight out of 278, or about 3 percent." A 2017 study by the American Center for Action Progress, the Climate Change Rejection Fund at the United States Congress found 180 members who rejected the science behind climate change; all Republicans.

GOP is indeed fighting for some of the following energy initiatives: opening up public land and oceans for further oil exploration; fast tracking permit for oil and gas wells; Hydraulic boots. It also supports dropping "restrictions to enable responsible nuclear energy development."

Green Party

The United States Green Party supports greenhouse gas emissions reductions and improves government regulation.

In the 2010 Platform on Climate Change, Green Party leaders released their proposal to solve and integrate climate change issues and policies with six parts. First, the Green Party (Green Party member) wants a stronger international climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 40% by 2020 and 95% by 2050. Second, Greens supports economic policy to create a safer atmosphere. Economic policies include regulation of carbon taxes on fossil fuels, eliminating subsidies for fossil fuels, nuclear power, biomass and burning of waste, and biofuels, and preventing corrupt actions from rising carbon prices. Third, countries with little contribution must pay for adaptation to climate change. Fourth, green champions are more efficient but low-cost public transport systems and less energy demand economies. Fifth, the government should train more workers to operate and develop a new green energy economy. Lastly, Greens thinks it is necessary to change a commercial plant where it has uncontrolled animal feeding operations and excessive use of fossil fuels to health farms with organic practices.

Libertarian Party

In the 2016 platform, the Libertarian Party declares that "free markets and competitive property rights stimulate technological innovations and behavioral changes necessary to protect our environment and ecosystems." Libertarians believe that the government has no right or responsibility to regulate and control environmental problems. Environment and natural resources belong to private individuals and companies.

Libertarians have been looking for reasons to downplay the risks of climate change. They reject science dealing with climate risks. They oppose policies limiting greenhouse gas emissions that they believe will harm the economy and cause many to lose jobs. Furthermore, Libertarians criticize that climate change policies implemented will only extend power and increase the size of government.

Constitution Party

The Constitution Party, in its 2014 Platform, states that "it is our responsibility to be a wise, productive, and efficient overseer of God's natural resources." Regarding the issue of global warming, he said that "globalists are using the threat of global warming to gain more control through sustainable development worldwide." According to such parties, leading domains are unlawful because "under no circumstances can the federal government take private property, through rules and regulations that preclude or substantially reduce the productive use of property, even with fair compensation."

With regard to energy, the party called attention to "the continuing need of the United States to supply sufficient energy for national security and to immediately adopt a policy of free market solutions to achieve energy independence for the United States," and calls for "lifting of federal environmental protection. " The party also supports the removal of the Department of Energy.

climate change denial | Ethics and Climate
src: ethicsandclimate.files.wordpress.com

Climate and environmental justice

The Environmental Protection Agency defines environmental justice as: "Fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, in connection with the development, implementation and enforcement of laws, regulations and environmental policies."

Many studies show that the most irresponsible people cause climate change problems are also the most likely to suffer the effects. Poor and helpless groups often lack the resources to be prepared, overcome or recover from early climatic disasters such as droughts, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, etc. This happens not only in the United States but also among the rich countries, which mainly create climate change issues by dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and poorer countries that have to deal more with the consequences.

With the acceleration of rapid climate change in recent years, many grassroots movements have emerged to combat its impact. Spokespeople in this group argue that universal access to a clean and healthy environment and access to critical natural resources is a basic human right. These grassroots groups are part of an emerging global movement that demands attention to inherent inequalities in climate change. These groups, both domestic and international, tend to be self-funded and directed to act rather than special climate research. The livelihoods of many members usually depend on the climate-sensitive sectors they consider to be eroding due to climate change, such as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.

Assessing the impact of the climate justice movement on domestic and international government policies can be difficult because these movements tend to operate and participate outside the political arena. Global policy making has not yet acknowledged the overall principles (climate justice, inclusive participation, and human rights) of the movement. In contrast, most of these key principles began to emerge in activities in non-governmental organizations. Some examples of US-based organizations working on climate justice include: Climate Justice Alliance, Rising Tide, 350.ORG, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ), Indigenous Environmental Network, and Movement Generation.

Climate justice policy

State and regional policies

States and local governments are often assigned to defend themselves against climate change that affects regions and communities under state and local jurisdiction. Environmental justice issues are often mediated first at the state and local level, and encourage to control federal policy.

National Mayors Climate Action Agenda

The National Climate Action Agenda The Mayor was founded by Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, former Houston mayor Annise Parker, and former Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter in 2014. MNCAA aims to bring climate change policy into the hands of local governments and to make climate change more responsible federal policies.

As part of the MNCAA, 75 mayors from across the United States, known as "Climate Mayors," wrote a letter to President Trump on March 28, 2017 in opposition to the proposed repetitions of some key climate change departments and initiatives. They maintain that the federal government should continue to build on climate change policy, stating "we also stand for our constituents and all Americans are harmed by climate change, including those most vulnerable among us: coastal residents face erosion and rising sea levels, young and old people suffer from worsening and risky air pollution during heat waves, mountain peoples engulfed by wildfires, farmers struggling during the harvest season due to drought, and people across our country are being challenged by extreme weather. "

United States Climate Alliance

The United States Climate Alliance is a group of countries committed to meeting the emissions targets of the Paris Treaty even though President Trump announced the withdrawal from the agreement.


The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (commonly known as AB 32) mandates greenhouse gas emissions reductions up to 1990 levels by 2020. The Environmental Defense Fund and the Air Resources Board recruit staff with environmental justice skills as well as community leaders to calm justice groups environment and ensure the passage of a safe bill.

Environmental justice groups working on AB 32 strongly opposed mandatory restrictions and trade programs. A hat and trade plan were put in place, and a 2016 study by a group of California academics found that carbon balancing under the plan was not used to benefit those in California who live near power plants, most of whom are less wealthy than those who stay away from them.

Climate change denial - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

See also

  • Carbon price
  • Climate Citizens Lobby
  • Climate change in the United States
  • GHG emissions by the United States
  • List of climate change initiatives # North America
  • Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Approval
  • US Politics
  • Public opinion on climate change
  • Greenhouse gas regulations under the Clean Air Act
  • Scientific opinion on climate change
  • The Climate Registry
  • The Republican War on Science - a 2005 book by Chris Mooney
  • US. Climate Change Science Program
  • United States Wind Energy Policy
  • Western Climate Initiative

Canadian Climate Change Policy News for Business Leaders
src: www.osler.com


Climate Policy | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation ...
src: inhabitat.com

Further reading

  • The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and Fight to Save the Earth (2010) by Eric Pooley deputy editor of Bloomberg Businessweek ISBN 978-1-4013-2326-4
  • What Happens on Global Warming? As a political issue in the US, climate change seems to have evaporated on April 2, 2012 at The New York Times Upfront
  • Climate Threats We Can Beat, May/June 2012 Overseas with David G. Victor, Charles F. Kennel, Veerabhadran Ramanathan (paid website when the article is up to date)
  • UCSD Researchers: When International Climate Policy Fails, Grassroots Efforts Can Continue; Control of greenhouse agents other than CO 2 needs to reach local level, according to a new Foreign Affairs essay April 26, 2012 University of California, San Diego

The Latest: Tillerson: US reviewing climate change policy ...
src: cdn.saleminteractivemedia.com

External links

  • US. Encouraging to Cut Emissions from Some Pollutants That Cause Climate Change February 15, 2012 The New York Times
  • Small efforts to reduce methane, soot can have a major effect; Simple steps can slow global warming, reduce premature death, February 11, 2012; Vol.181 No. 3 (page 12) Science News

Source of the article : Wikipedia
