The scientific opinion on climate change is an overall assessment among scientists about the extent to which global warming is occurring, its likely cause, and its possible consequences.
Several studies on consensus have been made. Among the most cited are the 2013 study of about 12,000 re-examined papers on climate science published since 1990, in which about 4,000 papers have expressed an opinion on the causes of recent global warming. Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is caused by humans. It is likely that this warming arises from the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially from the burning of fossil fuels, partially offset by human-caused and volcanic aerosols. Natural changes alone will have little cooling effect rather than warming effect.
This scientific opinion is expressed in synthesis reports, by scientific bodies of national or international positions, and by opinion surveys among climate scientists. Individual scientists, universities and laboratories contribute to the overall scientific opinion through their peer-reviewed publications, and areas of mutual agreement and relative certainty are summarized in these respected reports and surveys. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is completed in 2014. AR5 follows the same general format as AR4, with three Working Group reports and Synthesis reports. The Working Group I (WG1) report was published in September 2013.
The conclusions of AR5 are summarized below:
- "The heating of the climate system is resolute, and since the 1950s, many changes have been observed unprecedented for decades into the millennium."
- "The atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have risen to unprecedented levels in at least 800,000 years".
- The human influence on the climate system is clear. Very likely (95-100% probability)
that human influence is the dominant cause of global warming between 1951-2010.
- "Increase in warming [global] increases the likelihood of a severe, permeable, and irreversible impact"
- "The first step toward adaptation to climate change in the future is to reduce vulnerability and exposure to current climate variability"
- "The overall risk of climate change impacts can be reduced by limiting the rate and magnitude of climate change"
- Without a new policy to mitigate climate change, the projection shows a rise in global average temperature in 2100 from 3.7 to 4.8 à ° C, relative to pre-industrial levels (median value: the range is 2.5 to 7.8 à ° C including climate uncertainty).
- Current trajectories of global greenhouse gas emissions are inconsistent with limiting global warming to below 1.5 or 2 Ã, à ° C, relative to pre-industrial levels. Promises made as part of the Cancún Agreement are broadly consistent with cost-effective scenarios that provide "probability" of opportunity (probability 66-100%) of limiting global warming (at 2100) to below 3 Ã, à ° C, relative to pre- industry level.
National and international science academies and the scientific community have assessed the current scientific opinions on global warming. This assessment is generally consistent with the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Some scientific bodies have recommended specific policies to governments, and science can play a role in responding effectively to climate change. Policy decisions, however, may require value judgment and therefore are not included in scientific opinion.
There is no scientific body standing at the national or international level that maintains a formal opinion different from these major points. The last national or international scientific body to drop disagreement is the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, who in 2007 updated its statements to the current non-commitment position. Some other organizations, especially those focused on geology, also hold positions that are not committed.
Video Scientific opinion on climate change
Synthesis report
The synthesis report is an assessment of the scientific literature that gathers the results of independent studies to achieve a broad level of understanding, or to describe the state of knowledge of a given subject.
The 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Summary for Policy Makers states that climate-system warming is 'assertive' with unprecedented changes over the decades to thousands of years, including atmospheric and oceanic warming, snow and ice loss, and sea level rise. Greenhouse gas emissions, driven largely by economic growth and population, have led to unprecedented greenhouse gas concentrations in at least 800,000 years. This, along with other anthropogenic drivers, "is very likely" has been the dominant cause of global warming observed since the mid-20th century.
It says it
Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to further warming and long-term change in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, permeable and irreversible impacts on humans and ecosystems. Curbing climate change will require a substantial and sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that, together with adaptation, can limit climate change risks.
Reporting the report publication, The Guardian says it
Ultimately it all comes down to risk management. The stronger our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the lower the risk of extreme climate impact. The higher our emissions, the greater the climate change we will face, which also means more expensive adaptations, more species extinction, more food and water insecurity, more income loss, more conflicts, and so on.
The New York Times melaporkan itu
In Washington, President Obama's science adviser, John P. Holdren, cites increasing scientific belief "that the kind of dangers that have already been experienced from climate change will continue to deteriorate unless and until a comprehensive and robust action to reduce emissions is done worldwide."
It goes on to say that Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, has declared his intention to hold a heads of state meeting in 2014 to develop such a treaty. The last such meeting, in Copenhagen in 2009, the NY Times reported, had ended in disarray.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007
In February 2007, the IPCC released a summary of the upcoming Fourth Assessment Report. According to this summary, the Fourth Assessment Report found that human actions are "very likely" to cause global warming, which means 90% probability or greater. Global warming in this case is shown by an increase of 0.75 degrees in average global temperatures over the last 100 years.
The IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report states that:
- Warming up the climate system is undoubted, as evidenced by the increase in global average air and sea temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea levels.
- Much of global warming since the mid-20th century is likely to be due to human activity.
- The benefits and costs of climate change for [human] communities will vary greatly by location and scale. Some effects in temperate and polar regions will be positive and others will be negative. Overall, the net effect is more likely to be very negative with larger or faster warming.
- Various published evidence shows that the cost of clean damage from climate change tends to be significant and increases with time.
- The resilience of many ecosystems is likely to exceed this century by an unprecedented combination of climate change, related disturbances (eg floods, drought, forest fires, insects, ocean acidification) and other drivers of global change (eg land use change, pollution , fragmentation of natural systems, excessive resource exploitation).
The New York Times reported that "a leading international climate scientist network has concluded for the first time that global warming is 'assertive' and that human activity is a key driver, 'very likely' to cause most of the temperature rise since 1950 ".
A retired journalist for The New York Times William K. Stevens writes: "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says it is 90 percent to 99 percent that heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, tailpipes and chimneys, are the dominant causes of warming observed over the last 50 years. In the panel language, this level of assurance is labeled 'very likely'. Only rarely does the making of scientific opportunities provide a more definitive answer than that, at least in this branch of science, and it illustrates the endpoint, so far, of a development. ".
The Associated Press sums up the position on sea level rise:
At sea level, the reporting project increased 7 to 23 inches by the end of this century. An additional 3.9 to 7.8 inches is possible if the latest melting of polar ice continues.
AS. Global Change Research Program
- Previous: Climate Change Science Program
The US Global Change Research Program reported in June 2009 that:
Observations show that climate warming is unquestionable. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is mainly due to human-induced heat-induced gas emissions. This emission comes mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from forest clearing, agricultural practices, and other activities.
The report, which concerns the effects of climate change in the United States, also says:
Climate-related changes have been observed globally and in the United States. These include an increase in air and water temperatures, reduced days of ice, increased frequency and intensity of heavy rain, rising sea levels, and diminished snow, glaciers, permafrost and sea ice. Longer ice free periods in lakes and rivers, planting extensions, and increased water vapor in the atmosphere have also been observed. Over the past 30 years, temperatures have risen faster in winter than in other seasons, with average winter temperatures in the Midwest and Great Plains north increasing by more than 7 ° F (3.9 ° C). Some changes have been faster than previously recommended ratings.
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Climatic conditions in the past provide evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are associated with rising global temperatures. Human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), and secondary land clearing, have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide gas, methane and other heat-trapping gases ("greenhouses") in the atmosphere.... There is international scientific consensus that most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is due to human activity.
Maps Scientific opinion on climate change
There is extensive discussion in the scientific literature on what policies might be effective in responding to climate change. Some scientific bodies have recommended a special policy to the government (see the next section of the article). Natural and social science can play a role in responding effectively to climate change. However, policy decisions may require value judgment. For example, the US National Research Council has commented:
The question of whether there is a "safe" level of greenhouse gas concentrations can not be answered directly because it would require an assessment of the value of what constitutes acceptable risks to human well-being and ecosystems in different parts of the world, as well as more quantitative assessment of risks and related costs with various impacts of global warming. In general, however, risks increase with increases in both the level and magnitude of climate change.
This article mostly focuses on the views of natural scientists. However, social scientists, medical experts, engineers, and philosophers also comment on the science and policy of climate change. Climate change policy is addressed in several articles: climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, climate engineering, global warming politics, climate ethics, and the global warming economy. Statement
by a scientific organization of national or international standing
This is a list of scientific bodies established at the national or international level, which has issued official statements, classifies them according to whether they agree with the IPCC view, are not committed, or disagree with it. The California Governor's Office website lists nearly 200 scientific organizations worldwide holding the position that climate change is caused by human actions.
Academy of science (general sciences)
Since 2001, 34 national academies of science, three regional academies, and both the International Council of InterAcademy and the International Council of Engineering and Technology Academies have made a formal declaration confirming human-caused global warming and urging countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 34 statements of the national academy of science including 33 who had signed the joint academy of science academy and an individual declaration by the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2007.
Statement of national science academy together
- 2001 Following the publication of the IPCC Third Assessment Report, seventeen national science academies issued a joint statement, entitled "The Science of Climate Change", explicitly recognizing the IPCC's position as representing the scientific consensus on climate change science. The statement, printed in an editorial in the journal Science Science on May 18, 2001, was signed by the science academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia , New Zealand, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
- 2005 The national science academies of the G8 countries, plus Brazil, China and India, the three largest emitters of greenhouse gases in developing countries, signed a statement on the global response to climate change. The statement emphasizes that the scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify countries that take swift action, and explicitly support the IPCC consensus. The eleven signatories are the science academies of Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, England, and the United States.
- 2007 In preparation for the 33rd G8 Summit, the national science academy of G8 5 countries issued a declaration referring to the position of the joint scientific academy statement in 2005, and acknowledged confirmation of their previous conclusions by recent research. Following the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, the declaration states, "It is very clear that the climate is changing, and it is likely that this is primarily due to increased human intervention with the atmosphere.These changes will alter the environmental conditions on Earth unless countermeasures are taken. The signatories are the national academy of Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- 2007 In preparation for the 33rd G8 Summit, the African Academy of Sciences Network submits a "joint statement on sustainability, energy efficiency and climate change":
A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists in the global scientific community that human activity is a major source of climate change and that burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change. The IPCC should be congratulated on the contributions already made to the public understanding of the existing relationship between energy, climate and sustainability.
- 2008 In preparation for the 34th G8 Summit, the G8 5 nation science academy issued a declaration reaffirming the joint position of the 2005 academy of science science, reaffirming "that climate change is taking place and that anthropogenic warming affects many physical and biological systems. "Among other measures, the declaration urges all countries to" (t) take appropriate economic and policy measures to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon society and to encourage and influence change in individual behavior and national. " The thirteenth signatories are the same national science academy that issued a joint statement in 2007.
- 2009 Prior to the UNFCCC negotiations to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009, the national science academy of the G8 5 states issued a joint statement stating, "Climate change and sustainable energy supply are important challenges for the future of mankind. that world leaders agree on the emission reductions needed to combat the negative consequences of anthropogenic climate change, the statement referred to the IPCC 2007 Fourth Assessment, and asserted that "climate change is happening faster than previously thought; CO global CO 2 since 2000 is higher than the highest predicted, Arctic sea ice has melted faster than expected, and sea level rise is faster. "The thirteen signatories are the same national science academy that issued joint statements between 2007 and 2008.
Polish Academy of Sciences
In December 2007, the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk), which has not signed a national academy of science declaration issued a declaration supporting the IPCC conclusion, and stated:
is the task of Polish science and national governments to, in a wise, organized and active manner, engage in the realization of these ideas.
The problem of global warming, climate change, and its negative impact on human life and the functioning of the whole society is one of the most dramatic challenges of the modern age.
The PAS General Assembly calls on the national scientific community and national government to actively support Polish participation in this important effort.
Additional academy of science and national community statements
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science as the world's largest common scientific community, adopted an official statement on climate change in 2006:
The scientific evidence is very clear: global climate change caused by human activity is happening now, and it is a growing threat to society.... The pace of change and evidence of danger has increased sharply over the last five years. It's time to control greenhouse gas emissions now.
- The Australian Federation of Scientific and Technological Societies in 2008 published the FASTS Statement on Climate Change which states:
Global climate change is real and measurable... To reduce net global economic, environmental and social losses in the face of this impact, policy objectives must remain focused on returning greenhouse gas concentrations to pre-industrial levels through emissions reductions. Spatial and temporal heating fingerprints can be traced to increase atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, which are a direct result of burning fossil fuels, large-scale deforestation and other human activities.
- The National Research Council of the United States through the Climate Change Science Committee in 2001, published Climate Change Science: Analysis of Some Important Questions . This report explicitly supports the IPCC's view of recent climate change attribution as representing the scientific community's view:
The changes observed over the last few decades are likely to be caused by human activity, but we can not rule out that some important parts of this change are also a reflection of natural variability. Heating caused by humans and associated sea level rise is expected to continue through the 21st century... The IPCC conclusion that most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is likely to be due to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations that accurately reflects current community thinking scientific on this issue.
- The Royal Society of New Zealand, after signing the first joint scientific academy statement in 2001, released a separate statement in 2008 to clarify "controversy over climate change and its causes, and possibly confusion among the public":
The world is heating up due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. Measurements show that atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are above levels seen for thousands of years. Further global climate change is expected, with the expected impact becoming more expensive as time passes. Reducing the impacts of climate change in the future will require a substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
- The Royal Society of the United Kingdom did not change its concrete attitude reflected in its participation in the national science academy's statement on anthropogenic global warming. According to the Telegraph, "The most prestigious group of scientists in the country is forced to act after friends complain that humanity's doubts about global warming are not communicated to the public". In May 2010, he announced that "it is currently drafting a new document on climate change, to provide an updated status report on science in an easily accessible form, as well as addressing the degree of certainty of key components." The public said that it was three years since the last document was published and that, after extensive debate and review process, a new document was printed in September 2010. It summarizes the current scientific evidence and highlights the areas in which science is located. well-established, where there is still debate, and where great uncertainty persists. Society has stated that "this is not the same as saying that climate science itself is a mistake - no Fellows expressed such views to RS". Introduction includes this statement:
There is strong evidence that Earth warming over the past half century is largely due to human activities, such as fossil fuel burning and land use change, including agriculture and deforestation.
Academy of international science
- The African Academy of Sciences in 2007 was a signatory to "a statement on sustainability, energy efficiency, and climate change". This joint statement of the African science academy, organized through the African Academy of Science Network. The stated objective was "to convey information and spur action on the occasion of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, in June 2007".
A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists in the global scientific community that human activity is a major source of climate change and that burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change.
- The European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2007 issued an official declaration on climate change titled Let's Be Honest :
Most human activities may be responsible for climate warming. Much of the climate warming over the last 50 years is probably caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Documented long-term climatic changes include changes in Arctic ice and temperature, widespread changes in deposition rates, sea salinity, wind patterns and extreme weather including drought, heavy rainfall, heat waves and tropical cyclone intensity. The above developments have the potential to have dramatic consequences for the future of mankind.
- The European Science Foundation in a 2007 position paper states:
There is now convincing evidence that since the industrial revolution, human activity, which has resulted in increased concentrations of greenhouse gases has become a key agent of climate change... The ongoing and increasing efforts to mitigate climate change through greenhouse gas reductions are therefore very important..
- InterAcademy Board As representative of the world's scientific and technical academy, the InterAcademy Council released its 2007 report titled Explaining the Road: Towards a Sustainable Energy Future .
The pattern of energy resource flows and energy use has been detrimental to the long-term well-being of human well-being. The integrity of an important natural system is already at risk from climate change caused by atmospheric atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts should be improved to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon intensity of the world economy.
- The International Council of the Engineering and Technology Academy (CAETS) in 2007, issued the Environment Statement and Sustainable Growth :
As reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of the global warming observed since the mid-20th century is likely to be caused by human-made greenhouse gas emissions and this warming will continue if existing anthropogenic emissions continue or, worse, growing uncontrollably. Therefore, CAETS supports many new calls to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level as quickly as possible.
Physics and chemistry
- American Chemical Society
- The American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- Australian Institute of Physics
- The European Physical Society
Earth Sciences
American Geophysical Union
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) adopted a statement on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases in 1998. A new statement, adopted by the public in 2003, was revised in 2007, and revised and expanded in 2013, confirmed that rising greenhouse gas levels have caused and will continue to cause global surface temperatures to become warmer:
Human activity changes the Earth's climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. The burning of fossil fuels dominates this increase. Increased human-caused greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of about 0.8 à ° C (1.5 à ° F) over the past 140 years. Since natural processes can not quickly remove some of the gases (especially carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will affect the climate system for thousands of years.
While important scientific uncertainties remain about which particular impact will be experienced where, no known uncertainty can make the impact of climate change unimportant. Furthermore, surprising results, such as the unexpected Arctic Arctic sea ice loss, can lead to more dramatic changes than anticipated.
American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America
In May 2011, the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) issued a joint position statement on climate change related to agriculture:
A comprehensive body of scientific evidence shows without a doubt that global climate change is now happening and that its manifestations threaten the stability of society as well as natural and managed ecosystems. Increased ambient temperatures and changes in associated processes are directly linked to increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.
Unless GHG emissions are significantly eroded, their concentration will continue to increase, leading to changes in temperature, rainfall, and other climate variables that will no doubt affect agriculture worldwide.
Climate change has the potential to increase weather variability and gradually increase global temperatures. These two effects have the potential to negatively impact the adaptability and resilience of world food production capacity; Current research shows climate change has reduced the productivity of vulnerable cropping systems.
European Geologist Federation
In 2008, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) released the position paper of Carbon Capture and geological Storage :
EFG recognizes the work of the IPCC and other organizations, and subscribes to key findings that climate change is occurring, largely due to anthropogenic emissions of CO 2 , and poses a significant threat to human civilization.
It is clear that great efforts are needed to reduce CO 2 emissions quickly and robustly. EFG strongly encourages the production of renewable and sustainable energy, including geothermal energy, as well as the need to improve energy efficiency.
CCS [Carbon Capture and geological Storage] should also be considered as a liaison technology, facilitating the movement towards a carbon-free economy.
European Union Geosciences
In 2005, the Division of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) issued a position statement to support the joint scientific academy statement on the global response to climate change. The statement referred to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as "a key representative of the global scientific community", and asserted that the IPCC
representing climate science supported by major science academies around the world and by most science researchers and researchers as documented by the scientific literature reviewed by peers.
Additionally, in 2008, EGU issued a position statement on ocean acidification stating, "Ocean acidification has occurred today and will continue to intensify, monitoring the increase in atmospheric CO 2. Given the potential threat to the oceans, the ecosystem and its impact on human society and economics, especially when it acts in conjunction with anthropogenic global warming, there is an urgent need for immediate action. "The statement then advocates a strategy" to limit the release of CO in the future 2 to the atmosphere and/or increase the removal of CO 2 from the atmosphere. "
American Geological Society
In 2006, the American Geological Society adopted a position statement on global climate change. This changed this position on April 20, 2010 with more explicit comments on the need for CO 2 reduction.
Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from natural and anthropogenic causes. The American Geological Society (GSA) agrees with an assessment by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that the global climate has warmed and that human activities (especially GHG emissions glass) accounted for most of the warming since the mid-1900s. If current trends continue, the rise in global temperatures projected at the end of the 21st century will have a major impact on humans and other species. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require a combination of adaptation to possible changes and global reductions in CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.
London Geology Society
In November 2010, the London Geological Society issued a statement on climate change: evidence from a geological record :
The last century has seen a rapidly growing global population and the use of far more intensive resources, leading to increased gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from burning fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal), and from agriculture, cement production and deforestation. Evidence from geological records is consistent with physics showing that adding large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere warms the world and can lead to: higher sea levels and flooding in the lowlands; the rainfall pattern changed greatly; increased acidity of the oceans; and decreased oxygen levels in seawater.
There is now widespread concern that the Earth's climate will warm up further, not only because of the excessive effects of carbon added in the system, but also because of further additions as the human population continues to grow. Life on Earth has survived the great climate change of the past, but the extinction and large redistribution of species has been attributed to many of them. When the human population is small and nomadic, a few meters of sea level rise will have a very small effect on Homo sapiens. With today's global population growing, many concentrated in coastal cities, such as rising sea levels will have drastic effects on our complex societies, especially if the climate changes suddenly as in the past.. Similarly, it seems that as warming continues some areas may experience a bit of deposition that causes drought. With rising sea water and increasing drought, pressure for human migration can produce large-scale.
International Geodesy and Geophysics Association
In July 2007, the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union (IUGG) adopted a resolution entitled "Urgency Addressing Climate Change". In it, the IUGG agrees with "comprehensive and widely accepted scientific assessments and is supported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and established regional and national bodies, on the basis of scientific evidence, that human activity is central to the causes of climate change "They further state that" the continuous dependence on burning fossil fuels as the world's primary source of energy will lead to higher atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, which, in turn, will lead to a significant increase in surface temperature, sea ââlevel, ocean acidification, and their related consequences to the environment and society. "
National Geosciences Teachers Association
In July 2009, the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) adopted a position statement on climate change in which they stated that "Earth's climate is changing [and]" which presents a warming trend largely the result of human activity ":
NAGT is very supportive and will work to promote education in the science of climate change, the causes and effects of current global warming, and the immediate need for policies and actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Meteorology and oceanography
American Meteorological Society
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) statement adopted by their council in 2012 concluded:
There is firm evidence that the lower atmosphere of the earth, the sea, and the lower ground is heating up; sea ââlevel increases; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice shrink. The dominant cause of warming since the 1950s is human activity. This scientific discovery is based on a large and persuasive research body. The observed heating will be irreversible for years to come, and even greater temperature increases will occur when greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere. Avoiding this future warming will require a large and rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Ongoing warming will increase risk and pressure for human, economic, ecosystem, and wildlife communities through the 21st century onwards, so it is important that communities respond to climate change. To inform decisions about adaptation and mitigation, it is imperative that we improve our understanding of the global climate system and our ability to project the future climate through continued and improved monitoring and research. This is especially true for smaller (seasonal and regional) scales and extreme weather and climate, and for important hydroclimate variables such as rainfall and water availability.
The choice of technology, economy and policy in the near future will determine the extent of future climate change impacts. Science-based decisions are rarely made in the context of absolute certainty. Discussion of national and international policies should include consideration of how best to adapt and mitigate climate change. Mitigation will reduce the amount of climate change in the future and the risks of potentially big and dangerous impacts. At the same time, some sustainable climate change is inevitable, and policy responses must include adaptation to climate change. Prudence dictates extreme care in accounting for our relationship with the only planet known to be able to sustain human life.
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
The Australian Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography has issued a Climate Change Statement , in which they conclude:
Global climate change and global warming are real and observable... It is likely that human activities that have increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are largely responsible for the observed heating since 1950. Warming up associated with increased greenhouse gas emissions of human activity is called an enhanced greenhouse effect. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by more than 30% since the start of the industrial era and is now higher than at least in the past 650,000 years. This increase is a direct result of burning fossil fuels, large-scale deforestation, and other human activities. "
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
In November 2005, the Canadian Climate and Atmospheric Foundation (CFCAS) issued a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister stating that
We agree with the assessment of climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2001... We support the conclusion of the IPCC assessment that 'There is new and strong evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is due to human activities'.... There is increasing evidence of climate change in Canada and around the world. There will be an increase in the impact of climate change on Canada's natural ecosystem and on our socio-economic activities. Advances in climate science since the 2001 IPCC Review have provided more evidence to support the need for action and development of strategies for adaptation to projected changes.
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
In November 2009, a letter to the Canadian Parliament by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society stated:
Rigorous international research, including work undertaken and supported by the Government of Canada, reveals that greenhouse gases resulting from human activities contribute to warming the atmosphere and the oceans and are a serious risk to the health and safety of our communities, also have an impact on all life.
World Meteorological Organization
In the Declaration of the Session of the Twelfth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change presented on November 15, 2006, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) affirms the need to "prevent harmful anthropogenic". interference with the climate system. "WMO states that" scientific judgment has reaffirmed that human activity does alter atmospheric composition, in particular through the burning of fossil fuels for energy production and transport. "WMO agrees that" current CO concentrations in the atmosphere 2 never exceeded over the last 420,000 years, "and that the IPCC assessment provides the most authoritative and latest scientific advice."
American Quaternary Association
American Quarternary Association (AMQUA) telah menyatakan
Some credible Scientists now doubt that humans have influenced the documented rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution, "citing" the growing evidence that atmospheric warming, especially over the past 50 years, is directly affected by human activity.
International Union for Quaternary Research
The climate change statement issued by the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) reiterates the conclusions of the IPCC, and urges all countries to take immediate action in accordance with UNFCCC principles.
Human activities now lead to atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases - including carbon dioxide, methane, tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide - rising well above pre-industrial levels.... Increasing greenhouse gases causes temperatures to rise... Scientific understanding of climate change now clear enough to justify countries that take action quickly.... Minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide that reaches the atmosphere presents a big challenge but should be a global priority.
Biology and life sciences
Life science organizations have underscored the dangers of climate change in wildlife.
- The American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
- The American Institute of Biological Sciences. In October 2009, leaders from 18 US organizations and scientific organizations sent an open letter to the United States Senate to reaffirm the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and is mainly due to human activity. The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) adopted this letter as a statement of their official position. The letter went on to warn of predicted impacts in the United States such as sea level rise and increased extreme weather events, water scarcity, heat waves, forest fires, and biological system disruptions. This then advocates for dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
- American Society for Microbiology
- Australian Coral Reef Society
- Institute of Biology (English)
- The American Forest Society issued two climate change-related positions in which they cited the IPCC and the UNFCCC.
- Wildlife Society (international)
Human health
A number of health organizations have warned about the many negative health effects of global warming
- The American Academy of Pediatrics
- American College of Preventive Medicine
- The American Medical Association
- American Public Health Association
- Australian Medical Association in 2004 and 2008
- The World Federation Public Health Association
- World Health Organization
There is now widespread agreement that the Earth is heating up, because of the emission of greenhouse gases caused by human activities. It is also clear that the current trends in energy use, development, and population growth will lead to ongoing climate change - and worse.
Climate change will definitely affect the basic requirements for maintaining health: air and water, adequate food and adequate shelter. Every year, about 800,000 people die from causes caused by urban air pollution, 1.8 million due to diarrhea due to lack of access to clean water supply, sanitation and poor hygiene, 3.5 million from malnutrition and about 60,000 in disasters natural. Warmer and more varied climates threaten to lead to higher levels of some air pollutants, increase disease transmission through unclean water and through contaminated food, to compromise agricultural production in some of the least developed countries, and increase the danger of weather extreme.
A number of other national scientific societies also support the opinion of the IPCC:
- American Astronomical Society
- The American Statistical Association
- The Board of Professional Engineers of Canada
- Australian Institute of Engineers
- International Association for Great Lakes Research
- New Zealand Professional Engineer Institute
- Federation of World Technical Organizations (WFEO)
Not committed
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
In June 2007, the American Position of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Position Statement on climate change states:
AAPG membership is divided into the degree of anthropogenic influence CO 2 has on recent and potential global temperature enhancements... Certain climate model simulations predict that the warming trend will continue, as reported through NAS, AGU, AAAS and AMS. The AAPG respects this scientific opinion but would like to add that current climate warming projections may fall within well-documented natural variations in the past climate and observed temperature data. This data does not necessarily support the approximate maximum case scenarios in some models.
Prior to the adoption of this statement, the AAPG was the only major scientific organization that rejected significant findings of human influence on the recent climate, according to a statement by the American Quarterly Association Board. Describing plans for revisions, AAPG President Lee Billingsly wrote in March 2007:
Members have threatened not to renew their membership... if AAPG does not change its position on global climate change... And I have been told about members who have resigned in previous years because of our current global climate change position... Statement the current policy is not supported by a large number of our prospective members and members.
AAPG President John Lorenz announced the "Sunsetting" of the AAPG Global Climate Change Committee in January 2010. The AAPG Executive Committee assigns:
Climate change is very important to our science [...] AAPG has no credibility in that field [...] and as a group we have no special knowledge of global atmospheric geophysics.
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
The official position statement from AIPG on the Environment states that "including fossil fuel combustion and generation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).GH emissions are considered by some to be among the largest, global environmental concerns which is related to energy production because of the potential effects on global energy systems and possibly global climate.The use of fossil fuels is a major source of increasing atmospheric concentrations of GHGs since industrialization ".
In March 2010, the Executive Director of AIPG issued a statement on the polarization of opinion on climate change in membership and announced that the AIPG Executive has made a decision to stop the publication of articles and opinion sections on climate change in the AIPG news journal, The Professional Geologists .
Canadian Earth Sciences Federation
The science of global climate change is still evolving and our understanding of this vital Earth system is not growing like any other Earth system like tectonic plates. What is known for certain is that regardless of the cause, our global climate will continue to change for the foreseeable future... The CO 2 level in our atmosphere is now greater than anytime in the past 500,000 years; there will be consequences for our global climate and our natural system as a result.
Since 2007, when the American Association of Petroleum Geologists released a revised statement, no national or international scientific body rejects the findings of human-induced effects on climate change.
Survey of scientists and scientific literature
Various surveys have been conducted to evaluate the scientific opinions on global warming. They have concluded that the majority of scientists support the idea of ââanthropogenic climate change.
In 2004, geologist and science historian Naomi Oreskes summarized the research of scientific literature on climate change. He analyzed 928 abstract papers from reference scientific journals between 1993 and 2003 and concluded that there is a scientific consensus on the reality of anthropogenic climate change.
Oreskes divide the abstract into six categories: explicit support from consensus positions, impact evaluation, mitigation proposals, methods, paleoclimate analysis, and consensus position rejection. Seventy-five percent of the abstracts are placed in the first three categories (either explicitly or implicitly receiving consensus views); 25% are handled by the method or paleoclimate, so do not take a position on current anthropogenic climate change. None of the abstracts disagrees with the consensus positions, which the authors say "extraordinary". According to the report, "the authors evaluating the impact, developing the method, or studying paleoclimatic changes may believe that current climate change is natural, but no paper states that."
In 2007, Harris Interactive surveyed 489 randomly selected members from the American Meteorological Society or the American Geophysical Union for Statistical Assessment Service (STATS) at George Mason University. 97% of the surveyed scientists agree that global temperatures have increased over the last 100 years; 84% said they personally believe that human-caused warming occurs, and 74% agree that "current scientific evidence" justifies the occurrence. Catastrophic effects in 50-100 years are likely to be observed according to 41%, while 44% think the effect will be moderate and about 13% see relatively little harm. 5% say they think human activity does not contribute to greenhouse warming.
Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch conducted a survey in August 2008 from 2058 climate scientists from 34 different countries. Web links with unique identifiers are given to each respondent to remove multiple responses. A total of 373 responses received gave an overall response rate of 18.2%. No paper on climate change consensus based on this survey has been published (February 2010), but one on another subject has been published based on the survey.
The survey consists of 76 questions divided into sections. There are sections on respondents' demographics, their assessment of the state of climate science, how well science, climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation, their opinions on the IPCC, and how well climate science is communicated to the public.. Most of the answers are 1 to 7 from 'not at all' to 'very much'.
To the question "How certain are you that climate change, whether natural or anthropogenic, is happening now?", 67.1% say they strongly agree, 26.7% agree to most, 6.2% told them agree to a small (2-4), no one said they did not agree at all. For the question "How confident are you that most of the current or future climate changes are, or will be, the consequences of anthropogenic causes?" his response was 34.6% strongly agreed, 48.9% agreed most, 15.1% for a small fraction, and 1.35% disagreed altogether.
A poll conducted by Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman at the University of Illinois at Chicago received a reply from 3,146 of 1025 Earth scientists surveyed. Results are analyzed globally and with specialization. 76 of 79 climate experts who "enroll climate science as their field of expertise and who have also published more than 50% of their latest paper on climate change issues" believe that global temperatures increase compared to pre-1800 levels. Seventy-five of 77 believe that human activity is a significant factor in changing the average global temperature. Among all respondents, 90% agreed that temperatures had increased compared to pre-1800 levels, and 82% agreed that humans significantly affect global temperatures. Economic geologists and meteorologists are among the most hesitant, with only 47 percent and 64 percent, respectively, believing in significant human involvement. The authors summarize the findings:
It seems that the debate about the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity are largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific basis of long-term climate processes.
A 2010 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS) reviews publications and citation data for 1,372 climate researchers and draws the following two conclusions:
(I) 97-98% of climate researchers who most actively publish in the field support the principles of ACC (Anthropogenic Climate Change) outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and (ii) relative climate expertise and scientific excellence. substantially under convincing researchers.
A 2013 paper in Environmental Research Letters reviews 11,944 abstracts of scientific papers that match "global warming" or "global climate change". They found 4,014 that addressed the causes of recent global warming, and this "97.1% supports a consensus position that humans cause global warming".
James L. Powell, a former member of the National Science Board and current executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium, analyzed published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 and found that of 13,950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, only 24 reject anthropogenic global warming. A follow-up analysis examining 2,258 climate articles reviewed by colleagues with 9,136 authors published between November 2012 and December 2013 revealed that only one of 9,136 authors rejects anthropogenic global warming. His paper in 2015 on this topic, including 24,210 articles published by 69,406 authors during 2013 and 2014 found only five articles by four authors who rejected anthropogenic global warming. More than 99.99% of climate scientists do not reject AGW in their peer-reviewed research.
In his most recent paper, Powell reported that using rejection as a consensus criterion, five literature surveys studied from 1991 to 2015, including some, joined 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.
Studies of replication have shown that 2% of climate science papers that reject the scientific consensus on climate change in 2016 are methodologically flawed.
Scientific consensus
The question that often arises in popular discussions about climate change is whether there is a scientific consensus on climate change. Some scientific organizations have explicitly used the term "consensus" in their statements:
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006: "The conclusions in this statement reflect the scientific consensus represented by, for example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Joint National Academies statement."
- The US National Academy of Sciences: "In the assessment of most climate scientists, the Earth's warming in recent decades is mainly due to human activities that have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere... On climate change, [the National Academy report] has assessing consensus findings on science... "
- Joint Science Academy, 2005: "We recognize the international scientific consensus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."
- Joint Science Academies' Statement, 2001: "The work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) represents the consensus of the international scientific community on climate change science We recognize the IPCC as the world's most trusted source of information on the changing climate and its causes, and we support its method to reach this consensus. "
- The American Meteorological Society, 2003: "The nature of science is such that there is rarely total agreement among scientists ⢠Individual statements and papers - the validity of some that have not been adequately assessed - can be exploited in a policy debate and can leave an impression that the scientific community is split sharply on the issues that exist, in fact, a strong scientific consensus.... Report p
Source of the article : Wikipedia
The question of whether there is a "safe" level of greenhouse gas concentrations can not be answered directly because it would require an assessment of the value of what constitutes acceptable risks to human well-being and ecosystems in different parts of the world, as well as more quantitative assessment of risks and related costs with various impacts of global warming. In general, however, risks increase with increases in both the level and magnitude of climate change.
A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists in the global scientific community that human activity is a major source of climate change and that burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change. The IPCC should be congratulated on the contributions already made to the public understanding of the existing relationship between energy, climate and sustainability.
is the task of Polish science and national governments to, in a wise, organized and active manner, engage in the realization of these ideas.
The problem of global warming, climate change, and its negative impact on human life and the functioning of the whole society is one of the most dramatic challenges of the modern age.
The PAS General Assembly calls on the national scientific community and national government to actively support Polish participation in this important effort.
The scientific evidence is very clear: global climate change caused by human activity is happening now, and it is a growing threat to society.... The pace of change and evidence of danger has increased sharply over the last five years. It's time to control greenhouse gas emissions now.
Global climate change is real and measurable... To reduce net global economic, environmental and social losses in the face of this impact, policy objectives must remain focused on returning greenhouse gas concentrations to pre-industrial levels through emissions reductions. Spatial and temporal heating fingerprints can be traced to increase atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, which are a direct result of burning fossil fuels, large-scale deforestation and other human activities.
The changes observed over the last few decades are likely to be caused by human activity, but we can not rule out that some important parts of this change are also a reflection of natural variability. Heating caused by humans and associated sea level rise is expected to continue through the 21st century... The IPCC conclusion that most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is likely to be due to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations that accurately reflects current community thinking scientific on this issue.
The world is heating up due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. Measurements show that atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are above levels seen for thousands of years. Further global climate change is expected, with the expected impact becoming more expensive as time passes. Reducing the impacts of climate change in the future will require a substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
There is strong evidence that Earth warming over the past half century is largely due to human activities, such as fossil fuel burning and land use change, including agriculture and deforestation.
A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists in the global scientific community that human activity is a major source of climate change and that burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change.
Most human activities may be responsible for climate warming. Much of the climate warming over the last 50 years is probably caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Documented long-term climatic changes include changes in Arctic ice and temperature, widespread changes in deposition rates, sea salinity, wind patterns and extreme weather including drought, heavy rainfall, heat waves and tropical cyclone intensity. The above developments have the potential to have dramatic consequences for the future of mankind.
There is now convincing evidence that since the industrial revolution, human activity, which has resulted in increased concentrations of greenhouse gases has become a key agent of climate change... The ongoing and increasing efforts to mitigate climate change through greenhouse gas reductions are therefore very important..
The pattern of energy resource flows and energy use has been detrimental to the long-term well-being of human well-being. The integrity of an important natural system is already at risk from climate change caused by atmospheric atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts should be improved to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon intensity of the world economy.
As reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of the global warming observed since the mid-20th century is likely to be caused by human-made greenhouse gas emissions and this warming will continue if existing anthropogenic emissions continue or, worse, growing uncontrollably. Therefore, CAETS supports many new calls to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level as quickly as possible.
Human activity changes the Earth's climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. The burning of fossil fuels dominates this increase. Increased human-caused greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of about 0.8 à ° C (1.5 à ° F) over the past 140 years. Since natural processes can not quickly remove some of the gases (especially carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will affect the climate system for thousands of years.
While important scientific uncertainties remain about which particular impact will be experienced where, no known uncertainty can make the impact of climate change unimportant. Furthermore, surprising results, such as the unexpected Arctic Arctic sea ice loss, can lead to more dramatic changes than anticipated.
A comprehensive body of scientific evidence shows without a doubt that global climate change is now happening and that its manifestations threaten the stability of society as well as natural and managed ecosystems. Increased ambient temperatures and changes in associated processes are directly linked to increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.
Unless GHG emissions are significantly eroded, their concentration will continue to increase, leading to changes in temperature, rainfall, and other climate variables that will no doubt affect agriculture worldwide.
Climate change has the potential to increase weather variability and gradually increase global temperatures. These two effects have the potential to negatively impact the adaptability and resilience of world food production capacity; Current research shows climate change has reduced the productivity of vulnerable cropping systems.
EFG recognizes the work of the IPCC and other organizations, and subscribes to key findings that climate change is occurring, largely due to anthropogenic emissions of CO 2 , and poses a significant threat to human civilization.
It is clear that great efforts are needed to reduce CO 2 emissions quickly and robustly. EFG strongly encourages the production of renewable and sustainable energy, including geothermal energy, as well as the need to improve energy efficiency.
CCS [Carbon Capture and geological Storage] should also be considered as a liaison technology, facilitating the movement towards a carbon-free economy.
representing climate science supported by major science academies around the world and by most science researchers and researchers as documented by the scientific literature reviewed by peers.
Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from natural and anthropogenic causes. The American Geological Society (GSA) agrees with an assessment by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that the global climate has warmed and that human activities (especially GHG emissions glass) accounted for most of the warming since the mid-1900s. If current trends continue, the rise in global temperatures projected at the end of the 21st century will have a major impact on humans and other species. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require a combination of adaptation to possible changes and global reductions in CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.
The last century has seen a rapidly growing global population and the use of far more intensive resources, leading to increased gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from burning fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal), and from agriculture, cement production and deforestation. Evidence from geological records is consistent with physics showing that adding large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere warms the world and can lead to: higher sea levels and flooding in the lowlands; the rainfall pattern changed greatly; increased acidity of the oceans; and decreased oxygen levels in seawater.
There is now widespread concern that the Earth's climate will warm up further, not only because of the excessive effects of carbon added in the system, but also because of further additions as the human population continues to grow. Life on Earth has survived the great climate change of the past, but the extinction and large redistribution of species has been attributed to many of them. When the human population is small and nomadic, a few meters of sea level rise will have a very small effect on Homo sapiens. With today's global population growing, many concentrated in coastal cities, such as rising sea levels will have drastic effects on our complex societies, especially if the climate changes suddenly as in the past.. Similarly, it seems that as warming continues some areas may experience a bit of deposition that causes drought. With rising sea water and increasing drought, pressure for human migration can produce large-scale.
NAGT is very supportive and will work to promote education in the science of climate change, the causes and effects of current global warming, and the immediate need for policies and actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
There is firm evidence that the lower atmosphere of the earth, the sea, and the lower ground is heating up; sea ââlevel increases; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice shrink. The dominant cause of warming since the 1950s is human activity. This scientific discovery is based on a large and persuasive research body. The observed heating will be irreversible for years to come, and even greater temperature increases will occur when greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere. Avoiding this future warming will require a large and rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Ongoing warming will increase risk and pressure for human, economic, ecosystem, and wildlife communities through the 21st century onwards, so it is important that communities respond to climate change. To inform decisions about adaptation and mitigation, it is imperative that we improve our understanding of the global climate system and our ability to project the future climate through continued and improved monitoring and research. This is especially true for smaller (seasonal and regional) scales and extreme weather and climate, and for important hydroclimate variables such as rainfall and water availability.
The choice of technology, economy and policy in the near future will determine the extent of future climate change impacts. Science-based decisions are rarely made in the context of absolute certainty. Discussion of national and international policies should include consideration of how best to adapt and mitigate climate change. Mitigation will reduce the amount of climate change in the future and the risks of potentially big and dangerous impacts. At the same time, some sustainable climate change is inevitable, and policy responses must include adaptation to climate change. Prudence dictates extreme care in accounting for our relationship with the only planet known to be able to sustain human life.
Global climate change and global warming are real and observable... It is likely that human activities that have increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are largely responsible for the observed heating since 1950. Warming up associated with increased greenhouse gas emissions of human activity is called an enhanced greenhouse effect. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by more than 30% since the start of the industrial era and is now higher than at least in the past 650,000 years. This increase is a direct result of burning fossil fuels, large-scale deforestation, and other human activities. "
We agree with the assessment of climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2001... We support the conclusion of the IPCC assessment that 'There is new and strong evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is due to human activities'.... There is increasing evidence of climate change in Canada and around the world. There will be an increase in the impact of climate change on Canada's natural ecosystem and on our socio-economic activities. Advances in climate science since the 2001 IPCC Review have provided more evidence to support the need for action and development of strategies for adaptation to projected changes.
Rigorous international research, including work undertaken and supported by the Government of Canada, reveals that greenhouse gases resulting from human activities contribute to warming the atmosphere and the oceans and are a serious risk to the health and safety of our communities, also have an impact on all life.
Some credible Scientists now doubt that humans have influenced the documented rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution, "citing" the growing evidence that atmospheric warming, especially over the past 50 years, is directly affected by human activity.
Human activities now lead to atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases - including carbon dioxide, methane, tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide - rising well above pre-industrial levels.... Increasing greenhouse gases causes temperatures to rise... Scientific understanding of climate change now clear enough to justify countries that take action quickly.... Minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide that reaches the atmosphere presents a big challenge but should be a global priority.
There is now widespread agreement that the Earth is heating up, because of the emission of greenhouse gases caused by human activities. It is also clear that the current trends in energy use, development, and population growth will lead to ongoing climate change - and worse.
Climate change will definitely affect the basic requirements for maintaining health: air and water, adequate food and adequate shelter. Every year, about 800,000 people die from causes caused by urban air pollution, 1.8 million due to diarrhea due to lack of access to clean water supply, sanitation and poor hygiene, 3.5 million from malnutrition and about 60,000 in disasters natural. Warmer and more varied climates threaten to lead to higher levels of some air pollutants, increase disease transmission through unclean water and through contaminated food, to compromise agricultural production in some of the least developed countries, and increase the danger of weather extreme.
AAPG membership is divided into the degree of anthropogenic influence CO 2 has on recent and potential global temperature enhancements... Certain climate model simulations predict that the warming trend will continue, as reported through NAS, AGU, AAAS and AMS. The AAPG respects this scientific opinion but would like to add that current climate warming projections may fall within well-documented natural variations in the past climate and observed temperature data. This data does not necessarily support the approximate maximum case scenarios in some models.
Members have threatened not to renew their membership... if AAPG does not change its position on global climate change... And I have been told about members who have resigned in previous years because of our current global climate change position... Statement the current policy is not supported by a large number of our prospective members and members.
Climate change is very important to our science [...] AAPG has no credibility in that field [...] and as a group we have no special knowledge of global atmospheric geophysics.
The science of global climate change is still evolving and our understanding of this vital Earth system is not growing like any other Earth system like tectonic plates. What is known for certain is that regardless of the cause, our global climate will continue to change for the foreseeable future... The CO 2 level in our atmosphere is now greater than anytime in the past 500,000 years; there will be consequences for our global climate and our natural system as a result.
It seems that the debate about the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity are largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific basis of long-term climate processes.
(I) 97-98% of climate researchers who most actively publish in the field support the principles of ACC (Anthropogenic Climate Change) outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and (ii) relative climate expertise and scientific excellence. substantially under convincing researchers.
Source of the article : Wikipedia