Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

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Social Issues. What are social issues?  Social issues are ...

Social issues are issues that affect a large number of individuals in a society. Often the consequences of factors extend beyond the control of the individual, and are the source of conflicting opinions on the basis of what is perceived as personal life or morally social order alone. Social problems are distinguished from economic problems; However, some issues (such as immigration) have social and economic aspects. There are also problems that are not included in either category, such as warfare.

There are differences of opinion about what social issues are worth solving, or which ones should take precedence. Different individuals and different societies have different perceptions.

In Human Rights and Public Awareness , Thomas Paine discusses the individual task of "allowing the same rights to others when we allow ourselves". Failure to do so causes the birth of social problems.

There are various methods that people use to combat social problems. Some people choose leaders in democracy to advance their ideals. Beyond the political process, people donate or share time, money, energy, or other resources. This often takes the form of volunteers. Nonprofit organizations are often formed for the sole purpose of solving social problems. Community organizing involves collecting people together for the same purpose.

The different but related meanings of the term "social problem" (used especially in the United States) refers to the topic of national political interest, in which the public is deeply divided and which is the subject of intense partisan advocacy, debate, and partisan voting. Examples include same-sex marriage and abortion. In this case the "social problem" does not always refer to the pain to be solved, but rather to the topic to be discussed.

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Versus personal issues

Private issues are individual issues dealing with themselves and within the small range of their peers and relationships. On the other hand, social issues involve values ​​valued by the wider community. For example, the high unemployment rate that affects millions of people is a social problem.

The line between personal problems and public issues may be subjective and depends on how the group is defined. However, when a sizable sector of society is affected by a problem, it becomes a social problem. Returning to unemployment problems, while one person losing their job is a personal matter and not a social issue, firing 13 million people tends to generate a variety of social problems.

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Valence issues versus position issues

The problem of valence is a social problem that is uniformly interpreted in the same way. These types of problems generally result in widespread consensus and provoke little resistance from the public. An example of the problem of valence is child abuse, which is condemned in some societies to a considerable extent that some social scientists may speak of them as if they were universal, for illustration.

Conversely, the position problem is a social problem in which popular opinion among the people is divided. Different people can have different and deeply held views, which are not easily changed. An example of a position problem is an abortion, which has not resulted in widespread consensus from the public, in some countries.

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Here are some common types of social issues, along with their individual examples.

Social stratification

Economic issues

The unemployment rate varies by region, sex, education level, and ethnic group.

In most countries (including developed countries), many are poor and depend on welfare. In 2007 in Germany, one in six children depended on welfare. It went up from just one in seventy-five in 1965.

Social socialisans

The so-called "problem environment" exists in many countries. This environment tends to have high drop-out rates from high school, and children growing up in these environments have a lower probability for college compared to children growing up in other environments. Alcohol and drug abuse is common in this environment. Often this environment is founded from the best intentions.

Public health

Widespread health conditions (often characterized as epidemics or pandemics) are of concern to society as a whole. They can damage the quality of life and the ability of people to contribute to society and work, and the most problematic cause of death.

Infectious diseases are often a public health problem because they can spread quickly and easily, affecting many members. The World Health Organization has a strong interest in fighting infectious disease outbreaks by minimizing geographical spread and numbers and treating the affected. Other conditions that have no cure or even effective treatment, such as dementia, can be considered a long-term public health problem.

Age and life journey

Throughout the journey of life, there are social problems associated with various ages. One of the social problems is age discrimination. An example of age discrimination is when a particular person is not allowed to do something or be treated differently by age.

Social inequalities

The social imbalance is "unequal state or quality". Inequality is at the root of a number of social problems that occur when things like gender, disability, race, and age can affect how a person is treated. An example of inequality in the past as a social problem is slavery in the United States. Africans who are brought to America are often enslaved and mistreated, and have no equal rights to the white American population (for example, they are not allowed to vote).

A number of civil rights movements have sought, and have often succeeded, promoted equality and expanded the rights of previously marginalized groups. These included the women's rights movement (started around the 1920s), the civil rights movement in the United States for African-American equality (started around the 1950s) and the LGBT rights movement (started around the 1960s).

Education and public schools

Education is the most important factor in one's success in society. As a result, social problems can be generated by an uneven distribution of funding between public schools, as seen in the United States. The weak organizational policies in place and the lack of communication between public schools and the federal government have begun to have a profound effect on future generations. Public schools that do not receive high standardized exam scores are insufficiently funded to actually achieve the maximum level of education that students must accept.

Jobs and jobs

Social issues at work include job stress, theft, sexual harassment, wage inequality, gender inequality, racial inequality, health care gaps, and more.

Environmental racism

Environmental racism exists when a particular place or city is subject to problematic environmental practices because of the racial component and the classroom. In general, places or cities represent low-income and minority groups. Often, there is more pollution, factories, disposal, etc. That results in environmental hazards and health risks not seen in more affluent cities.


The abortion debate is an ongoing controversy surrounding the moral, legal, and religious status of induced abortion. The sides involved in the debate are the self-described "pro-choice" and "pro-life" movements. "Pro-choice" emphasizes the right of women to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy. "Pro-life" emphasizes the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born. Both terms are considered to be contained in mainstream media, where terms such as "abortion rights" or "anti-abortion" are generally preferred. Each movement has, with various outcomes, sought to influence public opinion and to gain legal support for its position, with a small number of anti abortionists using force, such as murder and arson.

For many, abortion is essentially a moral issue, about the commencement of the human personality, the rights of the fetus, and the rights of women over their own bodies. Debate has become a political and legal issue in some countries with anti-abortion campaigns seeking to impose, maintain and extend anti-abortion laws, while abortion rights campaigners seek removal or relaxation of the law while expanding access to abortion. The law of abortion varies greatly between jurisdictions, ranging from the direct prohibition of procedures for funding public abortion. The availability of safe abortions also varies around the world.

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By country

United States

A number of social problems have become famous in the history of the United States. Many experience wax or decrease over time when conditions and values ​​change. The term "social problem" has a broad meaning in the United States, because it refers not only to issues to be solved but to the topic of vast debate, involving deeply held values ​​and beliefs.

The Library of Congress has established a social cause index in the United States. Examples include: academic cheating, church-state separation, hacking, evolutionary education, gangs, hate speech, suicide, urban sprawl, and unions.

Social issues become very prominent when a new president is elected. Elections are often influenced by several social issues, and many social issues will be discussed during the debates, such as Abortion rights, LGBT rights and weapons control issues.

Crime and justice system

In the United States, the federal prison system has been unable to keep up with the number of inmates over the past few years, leading to a large population density. In 2012, the density was 41 percent above the "rated capacity" and was the highest level since 2004.

Federal prisons not only have excessive density, but also have become a center of controversy in the US about the conditions under which prisoners are treated.

Hates crime

Hating crime is a social problem in the United States because they directly marginalize and target certain groups of people or communities based on their identities. Hate crime can be done as a result of motivated behavior of hate, prejudice, and intolerance due to sexual orientation, gender expression, biological, ethnic, racial, religious, disability, or other identity. Hate crime is a growing problem especially in the school environment because of the young population that exists. The majority of victims and perpetrators are adolescents and young adults, populations within educational institutions. Hate crime can result in physical or sexual assault or harassment, verbal abuse, robbery, or even death.

Advertise junk food to children

The food industry has been criticized for promoting childhood obesity and illness by specifically targeting child demographics in the marketing of unhealthy food products. Food products that are marketed are often considered unhealthy because of the high content of calories, high fat, and high sugar.

Some common methods of junk food advertisements include:

  • Television commercial campaigns featuring celebrities
  • Print media campaigns
  • Billboard campaigns
  • Event sponsors (sports and other events)
  • Product placement in movies and television programs
  • Different forms of branding, including clothing
  • Signposts and posters, telling people how far the fast food restaurant is

In 2005, the Institute of Medicine of National Academies (IOM) released a report requested by Congress that evaluated the effects and the nature of food and beverage marketing practices in American children and adolescents. "The report concludes that the marketing of food and beverages affects the diet and health of children and adolescents: current marketing practices create an environment that puts young people at risk, companies and marketers have used their resources and creativity to market a healthy diet; industry leadership and sustainable, multisectoral, and integrated efforts are required, and that public policy institutions do not currently have the authority to address emerging marketing practices that affect the diet of young people. "

According to Christian sites and PHA, the obesity epidemic in children and adolescents in the US reflects changes in society: This article shows an unhealthy eating option is due to an increase in sedentary activity (for example, children watching too much television and playing computer games) and media influence in causing children to eat unhealthy food choices.

In the eyes of some opponents, if the government takes action to prevent the marketing of unhealthy food products, they will seriously reduce the prevalence of obesity and serious health consequences, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As part of IOM's food marketing report, 10 recommendations were made to the public and private sectors. One recommendation is that governments partner with the private sector to "create a long-term, multifaceted, and financially sustainable social marketing program to support parents, caregivers and families to promote healthy diets." First Lady Michelle Obama and Partnership for a Healthier America have proposed a new rule that will limit the marketing of junk food in public schools.


Obesity is a common social problem in today's society, with an ever-increasing number. According to the Weight Control Information Network, since the early 1960s, the prevalence of obesity among adults more than doubled, increasing from 13.4 to 35.7 percent in US adults aged 20 and older. In addition, today two out of three adults are considered overweight or obese, and one in six children aged 6-19 is considered obese.


Hunger is a fairly obvious social problem. Many people around the world, especially in countries like Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Zambia, have malnutrition and malnutrition.

Media propaganda

The mass media may use propaganda as a means to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view, or to keep the viewer's attention. Who owns a media outlet often determines things like the kind of social problems that the booth raises, how long the store has broadcasted the issues, and how dramatically the booth presents them. American media is often biased against one or the other end of the political spectrum; that is, many media are accused of being too conservative or too liberal.

Alcohol and other drugs

Drugs are sometimes the cause of social problems. Drugs such as cocaine and opiates are addictive to some users. A small percentage of these drug users can commit a crime to get more drugs. In some individuals, drugs such as methamphetamine have been known to contribute to violent behavior, which is considered a social problem.

Drunk driving is on the rise and is the second leading cause of accidental deaths; it causes about 17,000 deaths every year. All but 9 states in the United States have adopted an Administrative Lifting Removal where if you are caught drinking and driving and found guilty you will lose your license for a full year. This is a step taken to try to avoid the occurrence of this social problem.

Legal cannabis is a debatable topic. Cannabis can be used in the medical domain, and there is no accurate fact that indicates that marijuana is dead. However, people believe marijuana is a gateway to other drugs, injures the lungs, and inhibits function. There are several states certifying medical marijuana, such as New Mexico, Arizona, New York. Some countries also legalize it for medical and recreational purposes, such as Colorado, California, and Oregon.

  • Health care in the United States
  • Human rights in the United States
  • Racial inequality in the United States
  • Violence against LGBT people in the United States
  • Domestic violence in the United States



India is ranked 76 out of 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, but the score has grown consistently from 2.7 in 2002 to 3.1 in 2011.

In India, corruption takes the form of bribes, tax evasion, exchange controls, embezzlement, etc. A 2005 study by Transparency International (TI) India found that more than 50% had direct experience paying bribes or hawking leverage for getting jobs done in public offices. The main economic consequences of corruption are loss of treasury, unhealthy investment climate and increased government subsidized service cost.

Indian IT studies estimate the small monetary value of corruption in 11 basic services provided by the government, such as education, health, judiciary, police, etc., to about Rs.21.068 crores. India still ranks top in developing countries in terms of ease of doing business, and compared to China and other developed Asian countries, the average time taken to ensure loosening for startup or to request for bankruptcy is much greater. Recently a disclosure of tax evasion (the case of Panama Papers' Leak) involving some famous celebrities and businessmen has added a spark to the smoke of corruption allegations against the country's elite.


The World Bank, in 2011 under the 2005 PPP International Comparison Program, estimates that 23.6% of India's population, or about 276 million people, live below $ 1.25 per day on purchasing power parity. According to United Nation's Millennium Development Goal (MDG) program 270 millions or 21.9% of people from 1.2 billion Indians live below the poverty line of $ 1.25 in 2011-2012 compared with 41.6% in 2004-05.


Areas with long-term terrorist activity today are Jammu and Kashmir, Central India (Naxalism) and Seven Sister States (independence and autonomy movements). In the past, the Punjab uprising led to militant activity in the Indian state of Punjab as well as Delhi's national capital (Delhi serial blast, anti-Sikh riots). In 2006, at least 232 of the 608 districts of the country suffered, with varying intensity, by various militants and terrorist movements.



The unemployment rate varies by region, sex, educational level and ethnic group.

More and more Germans are poor and dependent on prosperity. In 2007 one out of six children depended on wellbeing. It rose from only one in 75 in 1965. The poverty rate seems to vary in different states, as in Bavaria only 3.9% suffer from poverty, while in Berlin 15.2% of the population is poor. Families headed by single parents and working-class families with many children are likely to be poor.

There was a discussion going on about the famine in Germany. Rev. Bernd Siggelkow, founder of the Berlin-based "Die Arche" public kitchen, claims that a number of German children are starving every day. He blamed the lack of jobs, low welfare payments, and drug-addicted or mentally ill parents. Siggelkow has been criticized by some who say there is no hunger in Germany. SPD politician and board member of the German central bank Thilo Sarrazin said it was possible to live a good life without starvation if not buying fast food, but able to cook from scratch. He was criticized by Leftist politician Heidi Knake-Werner, who said it was not true that "rich people tell poor people how to shop".

Birth rate

Germany has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. In 2012, the national fertility rate is 1.41 children per woman, up slightly from the 2002 figure (1.31), but still well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman. (By contrast, the United States has a fertility rate of 2.06 in 2012). At the same time, Germany lives longer, with a life expectancy of 80.19 years (77.93 years for men and 82.58 years for women) - forecast 2012. This demographic shift has suppressed the social welfare structure of the country and will generate economic problems and further social in the future. Mikrozensus conducted in 2008 revealed that the number of German girls aged 40 to 75 years is closely related to the achievement of education.

The deprived environment

The so-called problem environment ("Problemviertel") exists in Germany. The environment has a high drop-out rate from high school and children growing up in this environment have only 1/7 the probability of going to college compared to people growing up in other environments. Alcohol and drug abuse is common. Many people living in the neighborhood are so-called a-people . They are poor (" a rm"), do not work (" a rbeitslos") and immigrants (" A uslÃÆ'¤nder"). Often the environment is established because of good intentions. Many districts later became problematic settlements established in the 1960s and 1970s when the State wanted to provide better housing for the poor. Large tenement building built. The first tenants are mostly families with two parents, not those who have at least one working parent and many who are happy with their surroundings. But when the unemployment rate begins to increase the more people lose their jobs. Also, families who are able to start moving to better districts and only those who are unable to move live in districts such as Hamburg-MÃÆ'¼mmelmannsberg. :)

Political extremism, racism and antisemitism

Since World War II, Germany has experienced intermittent turmoil from various groups. In the 1970s leftist radical terrorist organizations such as the Red Army Faction were involved in a series of killings and kidnappings against political and business figures. Germany also continues to struggle with right-wing violence or neo-Nazis that are currently on the rise, in line with the growing young German generation. There is some debate as to whether or not crime of hatred increases, or whether more arrests have been made as law enforcement efforts increase. The number of officially recognized hate crimes has increased from 759 (2003) to 776 (2005). According to a recent study, the majority of Jews living in Germany are worried about an increase in antisemitism. However, the situation of Jews in Germany is better than in France where 90% of those surveyed say that antisemitism has increased in recent years. Some have suggested that an increase in hate crime is linked to the proliferation of right-wing parties, such as the NPD (National Democratic Party) in local elections.


France also has to deal with social problems.

Honesty and poverty

There is a certain fragility of income and social position in France. There are several ways to measure this. One possibility is to see unemployment. In the European Union, in May 2017, France was ranked 6th country with an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, according to Statista. In addition, according to the Observatoire des inà ©  © galitÃÆ' © s, France has between 5 and 8.9 million poor people, depending on the definition of poverty (if the poverty line reaches 50 percent of the average standard of living or if it is 60 percent).

Gender inequality

Women suffer economic and social problems in France. Indeed, they are paid, on average, 16.7 percent lower than men, according to l'insee. Women in France must also deal with sexual harassment, inequalities in education, and other issues. Those are the reasons why the 2016 Global Gender Gap report is ranked 17th France with a score of 0.755 (achieving 1 means gender equality).

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Other issues

Other problems include education, lack of literacy and arithmetic, school truancy, violence and intimidation in schools, religious intolerance, immigration, political and religious extremism, discrimination in all respects, women's roles, aging populations, gender issues, unplanned parents, and teenage pregnancy.

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See also

  • Moral entrepreneurs
  • Moral panic
  • Social construction
  • Social Problem (journal)
  • Society for Social Problem Study
  • Malware
  • Excess human population

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
