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A Chronicle of Current Events (Russian: ??????????????????? ??? ) is one of the longest periodic samizdat periods of the post-Stalin USSR. Unofficial publication reported violations of civil rights and judicial procedures by the Soviet government and responses to such abuses by citizens throughout the Soviet Union. First appeared in the summer of 1968, soon became the main voice of the Soviet human rights movement, domestically and abroad.

For 15 years its existence Chronicle covered 424 political trials, in which 753 people were punished. None of the defendants were released. In addition, 164 people were declared insane and sent for an indefinite period of compulsory care at a mental hospital.

Despite the constant harassment by Soviet authorities more than sixty issues from the Chronicle were collected and published (circulated) between April 1968 and August 1983. One problem (No 59, November 1980) was confiscated by the KGB. The last issue that emerged (No. 64, June 1982) was not put into circulation until the end of August the following year. Materials were collected and checked until 31 December 1982 but edition no 65 was never circulated.

Video Chronicle of Current Events

Unmatched recording

Today Chronicle offers a unique history of political oppression in the Soviet Union, both in nature and at its level. No other publication of samizdat covers the whole country for a long time, noting every aspect of human rights violations perpetrated by the post-Stalin Soviet authorities at the national and local levels.

The periodic model itself in the more narrow underground publications before and in the early 1970s for example followed in Ukraine ( Ukrainsky visnyk , Ukraine Herald, 1970-1975) and Lithuania ( Chronicles of the Church Catholicism in Lithuania , 1972-1989). Precursors Chronicle are produced by confessional and ethnic minority groups, persecuted Baptists and Crimean Tatars. Chronicles of Recent Events were created by different members of Moscow's intellectual and literary circles. Its editors and contributors were particularly influenced by the Czechoslovakia invasion in August 1968 where the third issue of the periodical report and many subsequent reports and "Samizdat update" entries were devoted.

At the time of the Chronicle coverage extended to almost all constituent, confessional and Soviet Union, Socialist Republics, the only exception was Islam and the Central Asian republic.

"We believe that The Chronicle of Current Events is a product historically required of the ethical and social demands of Soviet society, a manifestation of a healthy spiritual force in Soviet society." (Andrei Sakharov, Andrei Tverdokhlebov, Vladimir Albrecht, May 28, 1974)

The first editor and typist of the Chronicle was Natalya Gorbanevskaya. He is a major contributor to publication and is responsible for introducing his regular "reform Samizdat" section. A participant in the 1968 Red Square demonstration, he was forced to undergo a psychiatric examination, past and then. In 1970 he was tried and convicted and sent to the Kazan Special Psychiatric Hospital, from which he was released in 1972.

Others stepped forward to occupy Gorbanevskaya's place (see Section The Editor , below) and themselves, in turn, experienced various forms of harassment and intimidation. This pattern will be repeated more than once for the next 13 years.

Maps Chronicle of Current Events

Origins - background for CCE No 1

In the mid-1960s people who were critically and mature in Moscow (later they were known as dissidents) were confronted by more and more information about the ongoing political repression in the Soviet Union. For example, in letters from prison camps, writers Yuli Daniel and Andrey Sinyavsky, were sentenced and imprisoned in 1966, telling of a much larger number of political prisoners than they and others previously believed to have existed.

For a circle of future editors, this image is reinforced by Anatoly Marchenko's My Testimony, a seminal text that began circulating in samizdat in December 1967. This provided a detailed account of his time in the labor camp and the Soviet prisons. (1960-1965), and describes the conditions there. Through contacts and other friends, sometimes during prison or camp visits, older and younger generations in Moscow are beginning to learn about the repressive measures used in Ukraine and the Russian provinces.

Growth in this unofficial, alternative and uncensored information circulation leads a group including poet and translator Natalya Gorbanevskaya, author Ilya Gabay and physicist Pavel Litvinov to consider organizing a regular information bulletin. Instead of following the previous samizdat genre, literary almanacs (eg Phoenix , Syntax ) or collections documenting a single experiment (eg White Book ), periodic will only process a steady flow of information by passing regular reports and updates on searches, arrests, trials, conditions in prisons and camps and extra-judicial acts against protests and dissent - at least during 1968. That year marks the 20th the memorial of the United Nations Human Rights Declaration and Nos 1-5 entitled Year of Human Rights in the Soviet Union : until 1969 Chronicles of Current Events are periodical sub-headings.

A prototype already in the bulletin by repressed groups that have started recently began to be published in samizdat, such as the Baptist publication, published since 1965. An example for the Chronicle's editorial group is the information bulletin of the Tatars Crimea, was founded in 1964. Unlike this single edition magazine, which is mainly circulated among their respective groups, the editors and contributors of this new publication aim to cover a broader spectrum of political oppression and attract a wider audience.

The turning point for the young dissident movement occurred in 1967 when Yuri Galanskov, Alexander Dobrovolsky and Vera Lashkova were arrested in Moscow for producing literary samizdat magazines. At the same time Alexander Ginzburg was arrested for collaborating with Galanskov in the White Book , a number of documents about the trial of writers Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuli Daniel. The Galanskov-Ginzburg trial, postponed until January 1968, and public protests before and after the defendant were found guilty, formed the main subject of the first edition of the Chronicle, circulated in Moscow in June 1968. Issue No 1 details the repressive measures taken by the authorities against individuals who signed many petitions and collective letters about the trial.

Critics' Picks: PinchukArtCentre Prize â€

Publishing and legality process

The Chronicle was compiled in Moscow by an anonymous editor, drawing on a network of informers throughout the Soviet Union. Known for his dry and concise style, he documents unlawful harassment and persecution, arrest and trial against those who oppose the regime because of their rejection of their rights; it carries further reports on their subsequent treatment in prisons, labor camps, and mental hospitals.

The standard samizdat technique is adopted periodically, in which the typed texts are re-typed by the recipient and transmitted by way of the chain-letters. The original "circulatory circulation" of 10 to 12 copies (also known as nulevaya zakladka, roughly "zero-generation manuscripts") spread throughout the country in hundreds of typed copies.

The authors encourage readers to take advantage of the same distribution channel to send feedback and local information: "Just send to the person you receive Chronicle , and he will tell the person he/she receives Chronicle , and so on. "This advice comes with a warning:" But do not try to trace back your entire communications chain yourself, or you'll be taken to a police informant. "

The date each issue reflects the latest information entered, not the time when it was first circulated or "published" in Moscow. As the size of successive problems grows, and disruption by Soviet authorities from wider circulation increases, the gap grows between these two dates from several months to many. Edition 63, for example, contains 230 pages of type texts and when it contained December 31, 1981, it did not appear in Moscow until March 1983.

Legality and Constitution

According to the prevailing 1936 Soviet Constitution, the Chronicle is not an illegal publication, nor is the editor retained:

"The Chronicle makes no sense of illegal publication, and the difficult conditions under which it was produced were created by a bizarre notion of law and freedom of information which, over the course of many years, has become established in certain Soviet organizations. this Chronicle can not, like any other journal, provide its postal address on the last page. "

Authorities think otherwise, as reflected in the list of people being harassed, detained and imprisoned for their role in production and periodic circulation (see Section The Editors ). Some were given camp penalties - Sergei Kovalev, Alexander Lavut, Tatyana Velikanova and Yury Shikhanovich; some were sent to a mental hospital - Natalya Gorbanevskaya. Others were persuaded to leave the country - Anatoly Yakobson, Tatyana Khodorovich.

The tale of the “Lost Colony” is a chronicle of delusion - Myth ...

Publishing history

Initial: problem 1-27 (1968-72)

In honor of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations declared 1968 the "International Year for Human Rights". In April Natalya Gorbanevskaya compiled the first edition of the Chronicle of Current Events . The cover (dated April 30, 1968) carries the title: "The International Year of Human Rights in the Soviet Union" and, like every subsequent edition of the Chronicle, quotes the text of Article 19 of 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

"Everyone is entitled to freedom of expression and opinion, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interruption and to seek, receive and convey information and ideas through any medium and without limitation."

This issue was reported at the Christian Social Union trials in Leningrad and has brought information from the camps. His main focus, however, is the Galanskov and Ginzburg courts in Moscow.

As the first composer of the Chronicle and its typist, Gorbanevskaya produced a copy of "zero generation" based on information from his Moscow friends, using a typewriter bought on a semi-legal gray market. He made six copies that were then secretly distributed to friends, who made further carbon copies on their own typewriters, passed them, in turn, to trusted friends and acquaintances.

Gorbanevskaya was arrested on 24 December 1969, while compiling the 11th edition. He managed to hide the source paper, which had a handwriting that could identify other authors, on his desk, and additional information hidden in his coat. KGB missed both of these hiding places. Issue 11 is released on schedule and includes reports on the arrest of Gorbanevskaya. He was released, but was again arrested in 1970 and tried. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, Gorbanevskaya was detained in Soviet psychiatric prison until February 1972. Finally he was allowed to return to Moscow and in 1975 he emigrated to France.

After the capture of Gorbanevskaya, his work was taken over by literary critic Anatoly Yakobson. He compiled the material for the 11-27 issue of the Chronicle until the end of 1972, after which he emigrated from the Soviet Union.

Interruption: Case 24 (1972-73) < span id = "Case24">

In 1972, the Chronicle was being run by biologist Sergei Kovalev, mathematician Tatyana Velikanova and linguist Tatyana Khodorovich. Kovalev acted as editor in chief, while Velikanova was responsible for collecting material and arranging an apartment for meetings, with Khodorovich serving as the main channel for information.

In June 1972, the KGB arrested Pyotr Yakir, followed by Victor Krasin in September. Many witnesses were summoned and cross-examined over the following months (Bukovsky, for example, brought from Vladimir Prison) as part of Case No. 24. Under pressure from KGB General Yaroslav Karpov, Yakir and Krasin agreed to appear on Soviet television, withdraw their past activities, and urged fellow activists to stop the Chronicle publication. They also conveyed the KGB threat that, for any issues published after the broadcast, there would be arrests.

The editor of the Chronicle suspended publication after the 27th edition (October 15, 1972). This did not prevent the arrest in January 1973 from Irina Belogorodskaya, who sometimes helped type scripts for journals. In reaction to a new situation, the Chronicle editor initiated Issue 28 (December 31, 1972) with a statement stating that they have decided to continue publication because they found the KGB ultimatum "inappropriate". with "justice, morality and human dignity". This declaration will not be published for the next 16 months.

After several discussions that were closely involved in the production of the journal decided to change the policy of anonymity specified periodically, insofar as call themselves a distributor: they did not then or later claim to be the authors and editors of the Chronicle .

To undermine KGB extortion tactics they agreed to release a declaration that recognized their personal responsibility for periodic circulation when they issued a pending issue from the Chronicle: No. 28 (31st of December 1972), No. 29 (July 31, 1973) , and No. 30 (December 31, 1973). Unlike other groups, for example, the Disagreed Action Group on Human Rights in the Soviet Union, previous editors of the Chronicle never publicly linked their names with the samizdat text. In taking this step, Kovalyov, Velikanova, and Khodorovich hope that it will be more difficult for authorities to involve others.

On May 7, 1974, they invited foreign correspondents to a press conference where Nos 28, 29 and 30 publications were distributed publicly. At the same event Kovalyov, Velikanova, and Khodorovich issued a press release. It was signed by all three of them and consisted of a few short sentences:

Since we did not consider, despite repeated statements from the KGB and ASSR courts for example, that the A Chronicle of Current Events is an illegal or defamatory publication, we consider it our duty to facilitate as wide a circulation as possible. We believe it is important that the true information about basic human rights violations in the Soviet Union should be available to all who are interested in it.

Publications resumed: problem 28-65 (1974-82)

After the arrest and prosecution of "Case No 24", the Chronicle of Current Events continues to emerge several times a year, albeit less frequently than before.

Three "distributors" who submitted their anonymity to a press conference May 7, 1974 and announced the return of the Chronicle publications were all punished for their courage. Sergei Kovalev was arrested in December of that year. In 1975 he was tried and sentenced to seven years of forced labor camps and three years of internal seclusion for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda". Tatyana Khodorovich was forced into emigration. In 1979 Tatyana Velikanova was eventually arrested and in 1980 she was prosecuted and sentenced to five years in camps and five years of internal seclusion.

In February 1981, the No 59 issue was confiscated in the final stages of preparation during KGB's search for Leonid Vul's apartment, one of the contributing editors of the Chronicle. [4] As the problem grew, the pressure from the authorities increased, of the Chronicle in Moscow may come months after the official date, eg Edition 63 (December 31, 1981) is 230 pages long and appeared in the Soviet capital in March 1983. The final problem of the Chronicle dated December 31, 1982, but was never circulated in the USSR or translated abroad.All attempts to resume the publication ceased after the arrest of Yury Shikhanovich on November 17, 1983. As a compilation editor he has played an important role in preparing six of his last issues from Chronicle .

International Association of Jesuit Universities on Twitter ...

Editor of Chronicle

The existence of Chronicle means there will be no editorial board performing the normal function of an official magazine. Thus closer to "system without command and commands, as well as editorial tasks".

A list of people who compiled the sequential issues of A Chronicle of Current Events have been united and published by Memorial. This list tries to include both editors responsible for the final version of each issue ( main editor for wanting a better term), as well as an editor that oversees certain sections, verifies the information it contains, or those who type zero-generation edition (listed as contributing editor ).

The list provided below does not include all those directly involved. Before Alexander Podrabinek became subject of the Chronicle report in the late 1970s, for example, when he was tried and sent into exile, he was a contributing editor for two years, responsible for collecting and filtering reports about them who was imprisoned in a mental hospital. The identity of some editors is still unknown. Also not included on the list are many people who donated information and reports to the Chronicle, or were sentenced for distributing samizdat including the Chronicle.

Editor's head

Berkontribusi editor

A haunting chronicle of life after death row in Mississippi - I ...

Konten, struktur, dan gaya

The Chronicle strives for maximum precision and completeness of information, and is characterized by an objective and controlled style. Problem 5 expressed this concern:

The Chronicle makes every effort to achieve a calm, controlled tone. Unfortunately, the materials associated with the Chronicle are dealing evokes an emotional reaction, and this automatically affects the tone of the text. The Chronicle performs, and will do, it's best to ensure that a strictly factual style is maintained to the fullest, but can not guarantee complete success. The Chronicle tries to refrain from making a judgment of value - either by not making them at all, or by referring to the judgments made in the samizdat document.

Each issue of the Chronicle is widely divided into two.

The first part contains a detailed presentation of what, in the opinion of the compiler, is the most important event since the previous problem. The second section consists of a number of regular posts: "Arrest, Search, Interrogation", "Extra-Justice Persecution", "In Prisons and Camps", "Update Samizdat", "News Briefly", "Corrections and Additions".

Over time, the number of titles expanded because of new issues of concern to the authors. The title "The persecution of believers" soon emerged, as did "Crimean Tatar Persecution" and "Repressive Action in Ukraine". In early 1972, the category "Persecuted Believers in Lithuania" was added, modified and expanded in the middle of the same year into new titles, and more generally "Events in Lithuania". All of these are common features, appearing whenever news or updates are reported.

In subsequent issues, the Chronicle also includes summaries of other samizdat bulletins, such as the Information Newsletter of the dissenting civilian work commission to Investigate the Use of Psychiatry for Political Interests, and documents from Moscow Helsinki Group.

Chronicles of Frost by NSKN Games â€

Impact on USSR

During the publication of the Chronicle of Current Events (1968-1982), his concept and approach were taken by dissidents in other parts of the Soviet Union. In the early 1970s, examples of the Chronicle followed in Ukraine ( Ukrainsky visnyk , Ukraine Herald, 1970-1975) and Lithuania ( Chronic Catholic Church in Lithuania < i>, 1972-1989).

"I consider the Chronicle 'thirteen years of the publication of a genuine miracle, and I regard it as an expression of the morale and moral strength of the human rights movement in the Soviet Union. Hatred authorities against The Chronicle < i>, manifested in countless acts of persecution, merely affirming the evaluation. " (Andrei Sakharov, 1981)

A publication of the same contemporary samizdat concerned with protests and dissent, the Bulletin V (????????) began to appear in the late 1970s, initially with a restricted list of recipients. It was published for four years (1980-1983) and placed a greater emphasis on the speed of publication, attempting to appear once every two weeks, if not once every week, acting primarily as a source of information for others.

Five years after the collapse of an Evolution Chronicle the underground human rights magazine tradition was revived in Gorbachev's second year "glasnost" and perestroika. On his return in 1987 from exile in the Far East Soviet Alexander Podrabinek began the weekly Express-Chronicle newspaper; at the same time Sergei Grigoryants founded the periodically "Glasnost" magazine and became its chief editor. None of these publications sought or received official permission for their activities.

immigrant publications linked to Chronicle

A Human Rights Chronicle in the USSR (New York, 1973-1982)

During the break was forced on Moscow editors during 1972 and 1973 by "Case 24", a branch of the Chronicle of Current Events began publication in New York. Valery Chalidze is a physicist, founder and chief editor in Moscow of social problems, and a prominent Soviet dissident who lost his citizenship in 1972 during a government-approved lecture tour in the US. In the spring of 1973 Chalidze, with the financial backing of Edward Kline, an American businessman with an interest in Soviet human rights, began issuing the A Chronicle of Human Rights on the USSR.

The editorial board comprises Valery Chalidze, Edward Kline and Pavel Litvinov, with Peter Reddaway as a London correspondent. Despite the contents of the USSR Chronicle of Human Rights analogous to the Chronicle of Current Events, and adopting styles and tones, they have never been a direct reprint. or translation. The New York periodically contains many thematic articles that have never appeared in Moscow Chronicle of Current Events . It was donated by Chalidze and by others.

USSR News Summary : Human Rights (Munich, 1978-88)

Different models are followed by USSR Short News: Human Rights ("????? ?? ???? - ????? ????????") issued two weeks in Munich, in Russian and English, although it evolved from the samizdat tradition represented by the Chronicle .

At the editor's address, published for readers of the new publication in November 1978, the purpose is clearly stated: to provide rapid, bi-weekly information about individuals at risk; to no longer carry interesting reports, but not important in the new samizdat publication which has become a regular feature of the Chronicle ; and to maintain a list of frequently updated political prisoners.

USSR News Summary was established, compiled and edited by Kronid Lyubarsky (1934-1996). An astrophysicist with a profession, he implements a meticulous system to record and search for information in each subsequent edition of the new periodic. A former editor who contributed to the Chronicle, Lyubarsky was also behind the introduction of the annual Political Prisoners Day at the USSR (October 30) when he found himself in camps.

In the early 1990s Lyubarsky returned to life and worked in Russia.

Uncensored Russia: Protest and Dissent in the Soviet Union : The ...

Translation of Chronicle

All but two of 65 problems from Chronicle are translated into English:

The special website, which brings all these translations together for the first time, launches in the fall of 2015.

Uncensored Russia (Peter Reddaway)

Nos. 1-11, covering 1968 and 1969, formed the Annexed Text of the Unofficial Moscow Journal, A Chronicle of Current Events, in a book entitled Uncensored Russia . The 1972 volume was produced by British academic Peter Reddaway who edited and translated texts, fragmented items into thematic sections in his book (eg Chapter 12, "Crimean Tatars") rather than keeping the order and structure of the original issues. The book comes with lots of explanations.

Reddaway was then translated and circulated problems 12 to 15 but they were never published.

Chronic Current Events (Amnesty International)

From 1971 onwards, Amnesty International regularly publishes a booklet containing English translations of the Chronicle . The series started in 1971 with No. 16 (October 31, 1970, Moscow) and ended in 1984 with No. 64 (30 June 1982, Moscow). The erratic and uncertain transfer of text to the West, and the time it takes for translation into English, means that there is always a lag between the emergence of the latest issue in the Soviet Union and English publications. The print volume may consist of one or more of the consecutive numbers. For the reasons described above (see Nos 28-30 Nos 28-30, "Dos 24"), dated to 1972 and 1973, appears in a volume much slower than its nominal date in Russian.

Production of these translations organized by Zbyn? K Zeman, an English historian from the Czech Republic, and for nearly ten years covered the problem of No. 17 (Moscow, 31 December 1970) to No. 58 (Moscow, October 31, 1980). Amnesty also published the last four editions of Chronicle No. 60-64, with translations No. 64 (June 30, 1982) appearing on perestroika night in 1984.

Uncensored Russia: Protest and Dissent in the Soviet Union : The ...

Russia Post Soviet

Examples and standards of opposition Chronic Current Events continue to affect activists in post-Soviet Russia.

The Chronicle was cited as inspiring by the founders of OVD-Info, emerging in response to "mass arrests of protesters in December 2011". OVD-Info , a human rights media project associated with NGO Memorial, concerned about "monitoring state violence". Today collects and distributes information about violations of human rights and freedom of expression in Russia using the same basic concepts and categories (political prisoners, unlawful harassment, police violence, freedom of assembly and protest) as developed by the original samizdat journal to classify and analyze reports received from all over the country.

A Russian website entitled New Events Current Events appears on the Internet in 2015. One of its founders, former Soviet dissident Victor Davydoff, in an interview with the radio station "Voice of America", refers to past experiences of dissidents in Soviet Union. Any change attempts in the system are immediately pressed in Russia. When dissidents appeal to international human rights organizations and foreign governments, however, there are results. The same approach, he suggests, should be used now. Mass media manipulation means that many people in Russia do not understand what is happening, either in their own country or abroad. The New Chronicle website published a list of 217 political prisoners in Russia in August 2015: opposition politicians, environmental activists, human rights activists, bloggers and adherents.

Uncategorized | The Chronicle of Current Events

See also

  • The human rights movement in the Soviet Union
  • Chronicles of the Catholic Church in Lithuania

Uncategorized | The Chronicle of Current Events



A Chronicle of Current Events



Kronik Peristiwa Terkini

In Russian

Cetak (diterbitkan kembali di luar negeri, 1969-82)

  • Posev triwulanan (Munich), masalah 1-27 dicetak ulang
  • Khronika tekushchikh sobytii . Amsterdam: Alexander Herzen Foundation, 1979. Tidak. 1 - 15 .
  • Khronika tekushchikh sobytii . New York: Khronika Press, 1981-82. No. 60-62 .


  • Khronika tekushchikh sobytii (Moskow, Peringatan, 2008. Tidak ada 1-58 , 60-65. Issue Nos 1 -27 diposting online pada tahun 1998, No 28-65 pada tahun 2002. (Tatyana Kudryavtseva dan Alexander Cherkasov)
  • Khronika tekushchikh sobytii ("??????? ????????????") Nos 1-58 , 60-65, versi terkait wiki yang disediakan oleh Memorial

In English


  • Uncensored Russia - The Human Rights Movement in the Soviet Union . Peter Reddaway (ed). London: Andre Deutsch, 1972. No. 1 - 11 .
  • Chronic Current Events . Zbynek Zeman (ed), Amnesty International, London. No. 16 - 58 . ISSNÃ, 0254-6175 OCLCÃ, 474527391
  • Chronic Current Events . Amnesty International, London. No. 60 - 64 .


  • Events Chronicle of Current Events provide access to all issues translated into English ( 1-64 ). In March 2016 nos 1-22 and some reports in the next edition have been scanned and digitized; problems left in pdf format.

Chronic Human Rights in the USSR

  • Chronic Human Rights in the USSR . Valery Chaldize, Edward Kline, and Peter Reddaway (ed). New York: Khronika Press, 1973-82.

Further reading

Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • 1972 - Peter Reddaway (ed), Rusia tanpa sensor - Gerakan Hak Asasi Manusia di Uni Soviet: Teks Beranotasi dari Jurnal Moskow Tidak Resmi 'A Chronice of Current Events' , London: Andre Deutsch (edisi Inggris).
  • 1972 - Peter Reddaway (ed), Uncensored Russia - Protes dan Dissent di Uni Soviet. The Moscow Journal Tidak Resmi, A Chronicle of Current Events . New York: American Heritage Press (edisi AS, ISBNÂ 0070513546).
  • 1974 - Andrei Sakharov, Andrei Tverdokhlebov dan Vladimir Albrecht, "Uni Soviet. The Chronicle of Current Events". Index on Censorship . 3 (3): 87. 28 Mei 1974. doi: 10.1080/03064227408532355.
  • 1982 - Greenfield, Richard ,. "Literatur Hak Asasi Manusia dari Uni Soviet". Hak Asasi Manusia Quarterly (4): 124-136. CS1 maint: Banyak nama: daftar pengarang (tautan)
  • 1983 - Hopkins, Mark W. Pers Bawah Tanah Rusia: The Chronicle of Current Events . New York: Praeger. ISBNÂ 0030620139.
  • 2015 - Crowfoot, John. "Suara oposisi Uni Soviet" (PDF) . Dunia Hari Ini . 71 (5): 40. Diarsipkan (PDF) dari aslinya pada 19 Maret 2016. Â

In Italian

  • 1978 - Sinatti Piero. The differences in opinion in the Soviet Union in the Brezhnev era: Anthology A Chronicle of Events (documents and interviews) ].. Florence: Vallecchi Ã,

Dalam Bahasa Prancis

  • 1969 - Figuer, Robert (November 1969). "Chronicle of Events" [A Chronicle of Events]. Spirit . 386 (11): 658-675. JSTORÃ, 24261428.
  • 1999 - Vaissià ©, Cà © cile (Juli-September 1999). "" The Chronicle of Events in Progress "A Review of Dissent in the USSR BrejnÃÆ' © venienne" [A Chronicle of Current Events. Ulasan ketidakpuasan di Brezhnev USSR]. Twentieth Century. Review of history (dalam bahasa Prancis) (63): 107-118. doi: 10.2307/3770704. JSTORÃ, 3770704.

Tautan eksternal

In English

  • Current Chronicle of Current Events provides access to all 63 issues translated into English.
  • Chronicle Current Event Translated issue at Amnesty International
  • "Russia: Chronicling A Samizdat Legend". RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty . 2008-05-03 . Retrieved 2015-11-28 .
  • Boltyanskaya, Natella (March 16, 2016). "Three - The Chronicle of Current Events (Part One) episode". Voice of America . Parallels, Events, People.
  • Boltyanskaya, Natella (March 16, 2016). "Episode Five - The Chronicle of Current Events (Part Two)". Voice of America . Parallels, Events, People.

In Russian

  • Chronicles Current Events Archive at Memorial
  • Chronicle Wiki-Wiki-version of Chronicle by Memorial
  • ???????? ???????? (2012) - Anatomy of a Trial , documentary by Andrei Loshak on "Case No. 24"
  • ??????? ??????? ??????? (??????????)/??????? ??????? ??????? (????? ??????) (2014) - ?????????, ???????, ???? , Voice of America
  • "????? ???? ???????" ??????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [The Role of A Chronicle of Current Events is played in the history of the Soviet human rights movement (in Russian). Radio Liberty. May 1, 2008.
  • - Song by Yuly Kim at 40 years johile Chronicle of Current Events

Source of the article : Wikipedia
