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George H. W. Bush | Miller Center
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This article discusses the administration policy of George W. Bush .

Video Domestic policy of the George W. Bush administration

Keamanan domestik

Following the September 11 attacks, the Bush Administration proposed and approved the Congress, a series of law states it is necessary to demand "War on Terror". These included a variety of surveillance programs, some of which were under heavy fire from civil liberties interest groups that criticized the new regulations for violating certain civil liberties. The government has also been criticized for refusing to support various security measures related to port security in 2003 and 2004 and vetoing all US $ 39 million for the Container 2002 Security Initiative.

Maps Domestic policy of the George W. Bush administration

Diversity and civil rights

Religious-based initiatives

In early 2001, President Bush worked with Republicans in Congress to pass laws that changed the way the federal government organizes, taxes and finances charities and nonprofit initiatives run by religious organizations. Although before the law was possible for these organizations to receive federal assistance, the new law abolished the reporting requirements, which required organizations to separate their charitable functions from their religious functions. Bush also created the White Office Based Initiative and the White House Society Initiative. A few days into his first term, Bush announced his commitment to channel more federal aid to faith-based service organizations. Bush created the Office of Trust and Community Initiatives to assist faith-based service organizations. Critics claim that this is a violation of the separation of church and state.

LGBT issues

As Governor of Texas, Bush has opposed attempts to lift a criminal ban on "homosexual behavior", the same law that the United States Supreme Court canceled in 2003, Lawrence v. Texas . During the 2000 campaign he did not support any gay rights law, although he met with the Republican Log Cabin group approved, the first for a Republican presidential candidate.

In his first four years of office, his view of gay rights is often difficult to ascertain, but many experts feel that the Bush White House wants to avoid bad publicity without alienating evangelical conservative Christian voters. Thus, he did not remove President Clinton's Executive Order which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in federal civilian government, but his critics feel it is ignored. He is not trying to uproot. Do not ask, do not say, or try to change it. He threatened to veto the Matthew Shepard Act, which would include a sexual orientation in hate crime.

While President Bush has always been noted as opposed to the recognition of same-sex marriage law, the Republic's 2004 campaign strategy was to focus on "value issues" such as the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban same-sex couples from getting any law. recognition. President Bush backed the proposed amendment, but at the end of the campaign told ABC News and Larry King that he had no problems with state legislators imposing certain types of civil union legislation, although critics alleged that the constitutional amendments he approved did not allow union recognition such as that.

Bush still expressed support for the Federal Marriage Amendment in the February 2, 2005 United State Address and during the midterm elections of 2006, but given that it does not even receive majority support in the Senate, it has ignored this issue in its most recent public. statements and speeches.

Bush is the first Republican president to appoint an open gay man to serve in his government, Scott Evertz, as director of the National AIDS Policy Office. In addition, during Bush's first term, his candidate as ambassador to Romania, Michael E. Guest, became the first openly gay man to be confirmed by the Senate as US ambassador. The first openly gay ambassador, James Hormel, received a promise of recess from Bill Clinton after the Senate failed to confirm the nomination.

Race diversity

According to CNN polls, Bush's African-American support increased during his presidency from 9% of the black vote in 2000 to 11% in 2004. The increase in Ohio (from 9% to 16%, respectively  ± around 5%) has helped give Bush victory over Kerry.

Although Bush acknowledges that the award of the Supreme Court upholds the selection of college applicants for diversity purposes, his Administration has directed him. Bush said he was opposed to racial quotas and preferences approved by the government and enacted, but that the private and public sectors should be encouraged to reach the accomplished minorities to improve job diversity.

In August 2005, a report by the United States Commission on Civil Rights stated that "the government failed to seriously consider the neutral-racial alternatives as required by the Constitution." Chairman Gerald A. Reynolds explains, "Federal agencies do not independently evaluate, conduct research, collect data, or review programs on a regular basis to determine whether a racially-neutral strategy will provide an adequate alternative to racially conscious programs." Civil rights groups have expressed concern that the report is an attack on affirmative action inconsistent with Grutter v. Bollinger.

In his first term, Bush appointed Colin Powell as Foreign Minister. Powell was the first African-American man to serve in that position, and was replaced by Condoleezza Rice: Rice became the first African-American woman to hold the post. In 2005, he appointed Alberto Gonzales as US Attorney General, the first Hispanic to hold that position.

Bush meets with the National Urban League, the oldest civil rights organization in the country during his tenure as well.

Non-Genetic Discrimination

President George W. Bush signed the Act on Non-discrimination in Genetic Information (GINA). The bill protects Americans from discrimination based on their genetic information when it comes to health and work insurance. This issue has been disputed for 13 years before it becomes law. It's designed to protect people while not blocking genetic research.

Bush Administration Stock Photos & Bush Administration Stock ...
src: c8.alamy.com


On December 19, 2002, Bush signed into law HR 4664, a far-reaching law to place the National Science Foundation (NSF) on track to double its budget for five years and to create new mathematics and science education initiatives on both initiatives. college and bachelor level. In the first three years of the five years, the R & amp; D has increased by fourteen percent. Bush has long been dogged by criticism that his government ignores or rejects scientific advice. Bush showed support for oceanography and space exploration; and support science to reduce pollution. Bush generally opposes biology, especially human reproductive science and reproductive health; and science with global warming. Bush supports "Teach Controversy". Bush's position is not always shared by his party.

Stem cell research

President Bush supports the study of adult stem cell and umbilical stem cell research. However, Bush opposes any new embryonic stem cell research, and has limited federal funding from existing research. The federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was first approved under President Clinton on January 19, 1999, but no money was spent until the guidelines were published. These guidelines were released under Clinton on August 23, 2000. They permitted the use of unused frozen embryos. On August 9, 2001, before any funds were granted under this guide, Bush announced modifications to the guidelines to allow the use of only existing stem cell lines. While Bush claims that more than 60 embryonic stem cell lines already exist from privately funded research, the scientists in 2003 said there were only 11 usable pathways, and in 2005 that all the pathways approved for Federal funding were contaminated and unusable. Adult stem cell financing is not restricted and is endorsed by President Bush as a more viable means of research.

Space exploration

On 14 January 2004, Bush announced the Vision for Space Exploration, calling for the completion of the International Space Station in 2010 and retiring from the space shuttle while developing a new spacecraft called the Crew Exploration Vehicle under the title Project Constellation. CEV will be used to return American astronauts to the Moon by 2018, with the aim of building a permanent moon base, and ultimately sending manned missions to Mars in the future. For this purpose, the plan proposes that NASA's budget increase by five percent annually until it is limited to US $ 18 billion in 2008, with only an increase in inflation thereafter. The planned retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet in 2010 after the ISS is completed is also expected to free up US $ 5 billion to US $ 6 billion per year. The US $ 16.2 billion budget for 2005 proposed by NASA met with resistance from the House and Senate spending committees, and the initiative was little mentioned during the presidential campaign. Nevertheless, the budget was approved only with small changes shortly after the November elections.

Proponents believe that this plan will be an important part of what Bush set in place at the office. However, the policy has been criticized on two fronts. First, critics argue that the United States must deal with domestic problem solving before concentrating on space exploration. Secondly, from the funding over the next five years proposed by Bush, only US $ 1 billion will be in new allocations while the remaining US $ 11 billion will be reallocated from other NASA programs, and therefore not sufficient to fully realize this vision. Most expenditures on the new program, and most budget cuts for existing programs, are scheduled after the last year of the Bush presidency. It is not clear how the vision of space will be reconciled with budgetary issues in the long term.

In January 2005, the White House released a fact sheet of a new Space Transport Policy that outlines spatial government policies in terms of breadth and binding the development of space transportation capabilities to national security requirements.


In December 2003, Bush signed a law that implements the main provisions of his Healthy Forest Initiative. The subject of another controversy is Bush's Clear Heavenly Initiative, which seeks to reduce air pollution through the expansion of emissions trading.

Bush signed the Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002 authorizing the federal government to begin cleaning up contaminated pollution and sediments on the Great Lakes and Brownfields Legislation in 2002, accelerating clearance of abandoned industrial sites, or brown fields, to better protect the public. health, creating jobs, and revitalizing communities.

Bush stated the reason for not supporting the Kyoto Protocol was that it unfairly targeted the United States while deliberately with certain developing countries, particularly China and India. Bush said, "The second largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world is China, but China is completely excluded from the Kyoto Protocol requirements."

Bush also questioned the science behind the phenomenon of global warming, insisting that more research was done to determine its validity.

Global warming

Upon arriving at the office in 2001, President Bush withdrew US support from the pending Kyoto Protocol, a United Nations Convention that seeks to impose mandatory targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Bush stated that human activity has not proven to be the cause and cited concerns about the impact of the treaty on the US economy and shows that China and India have not signed. This Protocol entered into force on 16 February 2005. As of September 2011, 191 countries have signed and ratified the protocol. The only signatories left to not ratify the protocol are the United States.

In 2002, the EPA of the Bush Administration issued a Climate Action Report concluding that climate change observed for decades "is likely to be caused by human activity, but we can not rule out that some important parts of this change are also a reflection of natural variability". While the EPA report was initially praised by some environmental activists critical of the Bush administration as a "180 degree transition to science" that reversed "everything the president said about global warming since he took office," within days President Bush rejected the report as "issued by the bureaucracy , "and reaffirmed its opposition to the Kyoto Protocol.

The Bush administration's stance on global warming, and in particular questioning the consensus of scientists, will remain controversial in the scientific and environmental community during its presidency. In 2004, NASA's Goddard Institute Director James E. Hansen came out openly and loudly accused the Administration of misinforming the public by suppressing scientific evidence about the dangers of greenhouse gases, saying the Bush Administration wanted only to hear scientific results that " determined, inflexible "and the edited report to make a less threatening dangerous sound in what he claims is" a direct opposition to the most basic doctrine of science. " Other experts, such as former US Department of Energy official Joseph Romm, have denounced the Bush administration as a "denier and delayer" of important government action to reduce carbon emissions and prevent global warming.

In 2005, the Council on Environmental Quality chairman and former oil industry lobbyist Philip Cooney, was accused of falsifying and describing climatic research descriptions from other government agencies. The White House has denied these reports. Two days later, Cooney announced his resignation and acknowledged his role in altering the report. "My only loyalty is to the President and to advance his government's policies," he told the United States Representative Commission on Government Oversight and Reform.

In addition, the government is grateful to Exxon executives for "active involvement" of the company in helping to determine climate change policy, including the US stance in Kyoto.

President Bush believes that global warming is real and has said that he has consistently noted that global warming is a serious problem but insists there is "a debate about whether it is man-made or naturally occurring" and stated that despite the debate his government is working on a plan for making America less dependent on foreign oil "for reasons of economic and national security."

The United States has signed the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, an agreement that allows signatories to set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions individually, but without enforcement mechanisms. Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with 187 mayors from US cities and cities, has pledged to adopt Kyoto-style legal limits on greenhouse gas emissions.

Drilling at Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

For reasons of economic and national security, Bush supports the Alaska Senator Ted Stevens plan to tap oil reserves in an area of ​​2,000 acres (8 km 2 ) from Alaska's 19 million acre (77,000Ã,²Ã,²) Arctic National WIldlife reserve. Pro-exploratory supporters argue that US firms have the most stringent environmental requirements, and that by drilling in the middle of winter, it will create a very small environmental footprint.

Opponents claimed that drilling would damage the fragile ecosystem of the coastal plains and wildlife. Proponents say that modern techniques can extract oil without damaging the environment

The Clear Skies Act of 2003

Originally announced by President Bush in 2002, the Clear Sky Initiative aims to amend the Clean Air Act to further reduce air pollution and expand emissions trading programs to include new pollutants such as mercury. The goal of this initiative is to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and mercury generating power for 15 years, while saving millions of dollars for consumers.

Among other things, the Clear Skies Act states that it will:

  • Reduce mercury emissions by 69 percent, - the first national cap on mercury emissions. Emissions will be cut from current emissions by 48 tonnes to close 26 tonnes by 2010, and 15 tonnes by 2018.
  • Cut nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions by 67 percent, from emissions of 5 million tons to a close of 2.1 million tons in 2008, to 1.7 million tons by 2018
  • Cut emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) by 73 percent, from emissions of 11 million tons to 4.5 million tons in 2010, and 3 million tons by 2018.
  • Emissions cap will be set to take into account the various air quality requirements in East and West.
  • Section 483 of the bill frees old buildings from many provisions of the bill, but must continue to meet carbon monoxide standards.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, and its more than 500,000 members, reviewed the administrative proposal and concluded it would endanger public health, undermine current pollution-fighting programs and exacerbate global warming. S. 385, the administrative bill to amend the Clean Air Act will: 1. Allow pollution of power plants to continue to cause great and avoidable public health damage. 2. Repeal or interfere with the protection of primary health and air quality in current law. 3. The worsening of global warming by ignoring CO2 emissions from the electricity sector.

The Conservative Resurgence 1980â€
src: slideplayer.com


No Child Left Behind

In January 2002, Bush signed the Children's Backless Act, with Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as the main sponsor, aiming to close the performance gap, measuring student performance, giving parents choices with children in low-performing schools, and targeting more many federal funding for low-income schools. Critics, including Senator John Kerry and the National Education Association, say schools are not being given resources to help meet new standards, although their argument is based on the premise that authorization levels spend promises rather than spending a hat. The House Committee on Education and Labor says that the overall funding of the Department of Education has increased by US $ 14 billion since the introduction of NCLB in fiscal 2001, up from US $ 42.6 billion to US $ 56.6 billion in fiscal year 2005. Some state governments the section refuses to apply the provisions of the law as long as it is not adequately funded.

In January 2005, USA Today reported that the US Department of Education had paid US $ 240,000 to African-American conservative political commentator Armstrong Williams "to promote the law on his syndicated national television show and to urge other blacks, journalists to do the same. "Williams did not disclose the payment.

The Education and Employment Committee of the House declared, "As a result of the Act No Child Disadvantaged, signed by Bush on January 8, 2002, the Federal government today spends more money on primary and secondary education (K-12) than any other time in the history of the United States: Increased funding should be deposited at the state level with increased costs associated with the application of NCLB, as well as the impact of the economic downturn on education budgets.

George W. Bush - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org


According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the economy underwent a recession that lasted from March 2001 to November 2001. During the Bush Administration, real GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 2.5%.

Inflation under Bush remains near historic lows of about 2-3% per year. The recession and decline in some prices caused concerns about deflation from mid-2001 to late 2003. Recently, high oil prices have caused concerns about rising inflation.

Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rising medical and pension costs from aging populations, large trade deficits and budgets. Under the Bush administration, productivity has grown by an average of 3.76% per year, the highest average in ten years.

While GDP recovers from the recession that some Bush claims inherited from previous governments, poverty has since deteriorated according to the Census Bureau. The percentage of people below the poverty level increased in each of the first four years of Bush, while it declined for each of the previous seven years to an 11-year low. Although poverty rates increased, the increase was still lower than 2000 to 2002 compared to 1992 to 1997, peaking at 39.3% in 1993. In 2002 the poverty rate was 34.6%, which is almost equal to the level in 1998, which is 34.5%. Poverty reached 12.7% in 2004.


President Bush won a share for two major tax cuts during his tenure: Economic Growth and Tax Reconciliation Act of 2001 and Employment and Reconciliation Act of Tax Benefits of 2003 Growth. Collectively, they became known, analyzed, and debated as " Bush tax cuts ".

The cuts, which are scheduled to end a decade after the trip, increase standard income tax cuts for married couples, wipe out inheritance taxes, and reduce marginal tax rates. Bush asks Congress to make permanent tax cuts, but others want the cuts to be completely or partially revoked even before the scheduled time ends, seeing a decrease in income while increasing spending is fiscally irresponsible.

Bush's supporters claim that tax cuts increase the pace of economic recovery and job creation. They also claim that the total benefits for wealthier individuals are a reflection of the higher taxes paid. The provisions of the individual income tax rate in the 2001 law, for example, create a larger marginal tax rate decreased for people earning less than US $ 12,000 over other recipients.

His opponents opposed job prediction claims, notably noting that improvements in job creation predicted by Bush's plans failed to materialize. They even allege that the purpose of tax deduction is intended to support the rich and special interests, since most of the benefits of tax deductions, in absolute terms, go to recipients in higher tax brackets. Bush's opponents also claim that tax cuts are the main reason Bush turned the nation's surplus into a historically large deficit.

In an open letter to Bush in 2004, more than 100 business and economic professors at US business schools called this "fiscal reversal" for "Bush's tax-cutting policy - especially for those who are at the top of the income distribution."

In 2004, this cut has reduced federal income taxes, as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, to the lowest level since 1959. With the NASDAQ crash and a quarter of negative growth in 2000, it looks like we are heading into recession, but just two years after tax cuts Bush in 2003, federal income (in dollars) has hit record highs. The effect of a simultaneous increase in records in tax expenditures and reductions is creating a budget deficit of records in absolute terms, although more recently in 1993, the deficit was slightly larger than the current 3.6% of GDP. In the final year of the Clinton administration, the federal budget shows an annual surplus of more than 230 billion dollars. Under the Bush administration, the government returned to deficit spending. The annual deficit reached an absolute record of US $ 374 billion in 2003 and then a further record of $ 413 billion in 2004.


President Bush expanded public spending by up to 70 percent, more than double the increase under President Clinton. Bush is the first president in 176 years to resume his entire term without vetoing every law.

Tax cuts, recessions, and spending increases all contribute to recording budget deficits during the Bush administration. The annual deficit reached a current record dollar level of US $ 374 billion in 2003 and US $ 413 billion in 2004. National debt, the cumulative total of the annual deficit, rose from US $ 5.7 trillion (58% of GDP) to US $ 8.3 trillion (67% of GDP) under Bush, compared to a total debt of US $ 2.7 trillion when Ronald Reagan left office, which is 52% of GDP.

According to the federal income "base" estimate and expenditure by the Congressional Budget Office (in its Baseline Baseline January 2005), the budget deficit will decline over the next few years. In this projection, the deficit will fall to US $ 368 billion in 2005, US $ 261 billion in 2007, and US $ 207 billion in 2009, with a small surplus in 2012. The CBO noted, however, that this projection "eliminates large amounts of expenditure will happen this year - and perhaps for some time to come - for US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for other activities related to the Global War on Terrorism. "This projection also assumes that Bush's tax cuts" will end on schedule as of December 31, 2010. " If, as Bush urged, tax cuts should be extended, "the budget outlook for 2015 will change from a surplus of $ 141 billion to a $ 282 billion deficit." Other economists have denied this, arguing that CBOs do not use dynamic assessments, to take into account what the effect of tax cuts on the economy is.

Federal spending in constant dollars increased under Bush by 26% in the first four and a half years. Non-defense spending increased 18% at the time. Of the $ 2.4 trillion budgeted for 2005, about US $ 450 billion is planned to be spent on defense. This level is generally proportional to defense spending during the Cold War. Congress approved $ 87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan in November, and has approved an earlier package of 79 billion dollars last spring. Most of the funds are for US military operations in both countries.

President Clinton's last budget featured a 16% increase in domestic non-security discretionary spending. Growth under President Bush was cut to 6.2% in his first budget, 5.5% in the second, 4.3% in third, and 2.2% in all four.


Bush supports free trade policies and legislation but has used protectionist policies on certain occasions. The tariffs on imported steel imposed by the White House in March 2002 were lifted after the World Trade Organization declared them illegal. Bush explained that security measures had "achieved their goals", and "as a result of changing economic circumstances", it was time to pick them up.

President Bush signed the Free Trade Agreement of the Dominican Republic-Central America into law on August 2, 2005. The treaty was designed to create a free trade zone similar to those embodied in the North American Free Trade Agreement.


Some people say economic regulations are thriving during the Bush administration. President Bush is described by this observer as the greatest regulator since President Richard Nixon. The Bush Administration increased the number of new pages in the Federal Registry, a proxy for economic regulation, from 64,438 new pages in 2001 to 78,090 on a new page in 2007, a record number of regulations. An economically significant regulation, defined as a regulation that cost more than $ 100 million per year, increased by 70%.

Regulatory expenditures increased by 62% from $ 26.4 billion to $ 42.7 billion.

A view contrary to Bush's regulatory record is that it does not allow regulators to enforce regulations and that page counts in the Federal Register are a myopia method for measuring government regulatory attitudes. The 2008 financial crisis occurred towards the end of Bush's second term and represented a major failure for financial deregulation.


Looking at the average annual unemployment rate for each of the eight years of the Bush presidency, averages are all eight figures, and thus the entire presidency, is 5.26%, with a low of 4.6% for 2006 and 2007, and a high of 6 , 0% for 2003.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed was nearly 6.0 million in January 2001 and 6.9 million in September 2006. The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001, 4.6% in September 2006, and 7.2% in December 2008. Work peaked at the end of 1999 and declined until 2008.

The Current Population Survey (Household Survey) measures the percentage of working and unemployed people. The result can be multiplied by the estimated population to get an estimated total employment. This survey has an advantage over salary surveys in this regard including self-employed. Household surveys are less accurate in generating the total number because it requires population estimates and in this case a much smaller sample of people (60,000 households than 400,000 firms). For better or for worse, Household Survey calculates a lot of work done by one person only once, and that includes government workers, agricultural workers, unpaid family workers, and workers who are not present without pay. Household surveys show that the percentage of the employed population declined from 64.4% in December 2000 and January 2001 to 62.1% in August and September 2003. In August 2005, it had recovered only to 62.9%. In absolute numbers, this equates to a decline of 1.6 million jobs, but eventually gained 4.7 million jobs during the Bush administration. Private sector employment, as measured by private non-farm payroll, shrank over the 8-year presidency of George W. Bush. There was a modest advantage in private sector payrolls during his first term, but this was more than offset by the spilling of workers by the private sector in his second term. There are 463,000 fewer private sector salary jobs when he leaves the office than when he comes to the office.

Economic Report

In 2004, a full chapter on the Iraqi economy was released from the President's Economic Report, in part because it did not fit the "feel good" tone of the paper, according to White House officials.

Trump's Middle East Strategy Is Totally Boring â€
src: foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com

Health care

In July 2002, Bush cut US funds for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Bush stated that UNFPA supports abortion and forced sterilization in the People's Republic of China.

Bush signed the 2003 Medicare Act, which adds prescription drug coverage to Medicare (United States), a subsidized pharmaceutical company, and prohibits the Federal government from negotiating discounts with drug companies.

Bush signed the Partial-Birth Act of Ban Abortion in 2003, having declared its purpose to "promote the culture of life".

George W. Bush - U.S. President, U.S. Governor - Biography
src: www.biography.com

Social Security

Bush is a proponent of the privatization of some Social Security in which an individual will be free to invest some of his Social Security tax in a personal pension account.

Bush has called for major changes in Social Security, identifying bankruptcy projected by the system as a priority early in his second term. From January to April 2005, he toured the country, stopping in more than 50 cities across the country and warning of an impending "crisis". Initially, President Bush stressed the proposals for personalized accounts would allow individual workers to invest some of their Social Security (FICA) Taxes into safe investments. The main advantage of personal accounts in Social Security is to enable workers to have the money they have placed on pensions that can not be taken away by political will.

Most Democrats and some Republicans criticized such ideas, in part because of the large federal loans (US $ 1 trillion or more) needed for the plan, which may have exacerbated the imbalance between income and expenditure that Bush suspects is a looming problem; and partly because of the problems faced by the privatized retirement plan of Great Britain. See Social Security debate (United States). In addition, many Democrats are opposed to the change they feel has transformed Social Security into a politically vulnerable welfare program. Part of the Bush bill that freed private companies from social security payments has led to complaints that Bush's plans were made to benefit private companies, and that would turn Social Security into just another insurance program.

Efforts to impeach George W. Bush - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Death penalty

George W. Bush is a strong supporter of capital punishment. During his tenure as Governor of Texas, 152 people were executed in the state, retaining his notes as the leading state in the execution. As President of the United States, he continues to support the death penalty, including leading the first federal execution in decades, that convicted terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Although Bush's support for the death penalty is known, the controversy broke out in 1999 when journalist Tucker Carlson revealed that the Governor had mocked Karla Faye Tucker's fate in an interview.

George W. Bush | Miller Center
src: millercenter.org

Other issues


On his first day in office, President Bush implements Mexico City Policy; This policy requires that nongovernmental organizations receive federal funds to agree not to have an abortion or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in another country. In 2002, President Bush signed the Born-Life Protection Act, extending legal protection to live-born babies after an induced abortion attempt failed. Also in 2002, President Bush withdrew funds from the United Nations Population Fund based on the findings that UNPF activities facilitate China's sole-child/abortion policy. In 2003, President Bush signed a Partial Disbursement Act Act into law; the law was then enforced by the United States Supreme Court at Gonzales v. Carhart . President Bush signed the Uncollected Violence Act (Draw Law and Conner), which stipulates that a person committing a particular federal violence crime and thereby causes death, or bodily injury, the fetus will be guilty of a separate offense, whether or not the person know the mother is pregnant or intended to harm the fetus.


Bush firmly opposed euthanasia. He backed Ashcroft's decision to file a lawsuit against Oregon Death that voters approved with the Dignity Act, ultimately decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the Oregon law. As governor of Texas, however, Bush has signed a law that gives hospitals the authority to take severely ill patients from life support to their spouse or parent's wishes, if the doctor considers it medically appropriate. This became a problem in 2005, when the President signed a controversial law forwarded and selected by only three Senate members to initiate federal intervention in Terri Schiavo's case.

Amber Alert

Bush signed Amber Alert's law into law on 30 April 2003, which was developed to immediately remind the public about kidnapping children using various media sources. On July 27, 2006, Bush signed the Child Safety and Protection Act Adam Walsh which established a national database requiring all sexual offenders to register their current residence and related details on a monthly basis, not on the previous year. Newly convicted sex offenders will also face a mandatory period of detention for longer.

Defend national

On June 15, 2006, Bush created the seventy-five National Monument, and largest in US history and the largest Marine Protected Areas in the world with the establishment of the National Monument of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

Prison Rape

The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) is the first US federal law passed against sexual assault on detainees. The bill was signed into law on September 4, 2003. As a result, the National Prisons Rape Abolition Commission was created to study the problem and recommend a solution. Federal funding for prisons also began to require detention facilities to keep records of sexual assault. Failure to follow the PREA requirements results in a loss of up to 5% of funding. New grants to prevent sexual assault are also created by law. Significant support for such action comes from Human Rights Watch, Women Caring for America, Only International Detention, and many evangelical organizations.


In 2005-06, Bush stressed the need for a comprehensive energy reform and proposed increased funding for research and development of renewable energy sources such as hydrogen power, nuclear power, ethanol, and clean coal technology. Bush proposed an American Competitiveness Initiative aimed at supporting the enhancement of the competitiveness of the US economy, with the development of larger advanced technologies, as well as greater education and support for American students. In a 2007 State address, President Bush proposed a 20:10 policy, in which, as a nation, the United States would work to reduce 20% of national energy use in the next 10 years by converting to ethanol.


Bush's imposition of tariffs on imported steel and softwood Canada has been controversial due to advocacy of free-market policy in other regions; it attracts criticism from both its conservative counterparts and from the affected countries. Steel tariffs are then repealed under pressure from the World Trade Organization. Settlements negotiated with softwood disputes were reached in April 2006, and the historic seven-year agreement was completed on 1 July 2006.

George HW Bush - by Rachel Bishop [Infographic]
src: s3.amazonaws.com


Trump's 'rogue regimes' UN speech recalls Bush's axis of evil ...
src: www.thenational.ae

Further reading

  • Bush, George W. (2010). Decision Points . New York: Crown Publishers. pp.Ã, 481 pages. ISBN 978-0-307-59061-9.
  • Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. (2005). Crime Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Friends Loot the Country and Attack Our Democracy . New York: HarperCollins. pp.Ã, 256 pages. ISBN: 0-06-074687-4.

Our Woman in Havana | Cover Stories | Santa Fe Reporter
src: www.sfreporter.com

External links

  • George W. Bush Announces his National Drug Policy on YouTube

Source of the article : Wikipedia
