The history of Washington includes thousands of years of Native American history before Europeans and Americans arrive and begin to establish territorial claims. This area was part of the Oregon Territory from 1848 to 1853, after which it was separated from Oregon and designated as the Washington Territory. In 1889, Washington became the 42nd state of the United States.
Video History of Washington (state)
Prehistory and culture
Archaeological evidence suggests that the Pacific Northwest is one of the first populated areas in North America. Both animal and human bones of 13,000 years have been found throughout Washington and evidence of human settlements on the Olympic Peninsula dates back to about 9,000 BC, 3,000 to 5,000 years after the massive Columbia River floods that carved the Columbia Valley.
Anthropologists estimate there are 125 different Northwest tribes and 50 languages ​​and dialects that existed prior to the arrival of Euro-Americans in the region. Across the Puget Sound region, coastal tribes are harnessing the abundant natural resources of the region, primarily relying on salmon, halibut, shellfish and whales. Cedar is an important building material and is used by tribes to build longhouses and large canoes. Clothes are also made of cedar bark. The Columbia River tribes became the richest tribe in Washington through their control over Celilo Falls, which is historically the richest salmon fishing location in the Northwest. These rivers fall on the Columbia River, east of now The Dalles, Oregon, are part of the path through which millions of salmon lay eggs. The presence of personal wealth among the more aggressive coastal tribes encourages gender disintegration when women take an important role when traders and men participate in warfare and captivity with other tribes. The eastern tribes, called the Plateau tribe, survived through seasonal hunting, fishing, and assembly. Tribal work among the upland Indians is also divided gendered by men and women who are responsible for the same share of food supplies.
The main tribes in coastal areas include Chinook, Lummi, Quinault, Makah, Quileute, and Snohomish. Highland tribes include Klickitat, Cayuse, Nez Percà © Å ©, Okanogan, Palouse, Spokane, Wenatchee, and Yakama. Today, Washington contains more than 20 Indian reservations, the biggest one is for Yakama.
In Ozette, in the northwest corner of the state, an ancient village was covered by an avalanche of mud, probably triggered by an earthquake some 500 years ago. More than 50,000 well-preserved artifacts have been found and cataloged, many of which are now on display at the Makah Research and Cultural Center in Neah Bay. Other websites have also revealed how long people have been there. Small sized quartz blades found on the Hoko River site near Clallam Bay are believed to be 2,500 years old.
Maps History of Washington (state)
Initial exploration of Europe and America
The first European record of landing on the coast of Washington was in 1774 by Spaniard Juan PÃÆ' Â © rez. One year later, Spanish Captain Don Bruna de Heceta on board Santiago, part of a two-ship fleet with Sonora, landed near the mouth of the Quinault River and claimed coastal land to Russian treasures in the north.
In 1778, the English explorer Captain James Cook saw Cape Flattery, at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. But the strait itself was not found until Charles William Barkley, captain of the Imperial Eagle , saw it in 1787. Barkley named it for Juan de Fuca. The 1790s Nootka-Spanish Spanish Service ended the exclusivity of Spain and opened the Northwest Coast to explorers and merchants from other countries, most notably England, Russia and the United States. Further exploration of the straits was carried out by Spanish explorer Manuel Quimper in 1790 and Francisco de Eliza in 1791 and later by British Captain George Vancouver in 1792. The Vancouver captain claimed a vote for England and named the waters south of Tacoma Narrows Puget's Sound, at the honor of Peter Puget, then a lieutenant who accompanied him on the Vancouver Expedition. The name is then used for the northern waters of Tacoma Narrows as well. Vancouver and its expedition mapped the coast of Washington from 1792 to 1794.
Captain Robert Gray (who was named Grays Harbor County) discovered the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792, named it after his ship "Columbia" and then built a trade in beaver waters. The Lewis and Clark expedition, under the direction of President Thomas Jefferson, entered the eastern state on October 10, 1805. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were struck by the distinction of Indians in the Northwest Pacific from whom they had encountered earlier in the Expedition, among the coastal and highland tribes. Lewis hypothesized that the equality of women and parents with men is linked to a more equitable economic role,
Canadian explorer David Thompson extensively explored the Columbia River beginning in 1807. In 1811, he became the first European to navigate across the length of the river to the Pacific. Along the way he posted a notice where he joined the Ular River claiming land for England and declared the intention of the Northwest Company to build a fortress there. Furthermore, the trading post Fort Nez Perces, was established near Walla Walla, Washington today. Thompson's notice was discovered by the Astorians looking to establish an outpost of feathers. This contributes to David Stuart's choice, on behalf of the American Pacific Fur Company, from a more northerly site for their operations at Fort Okanogan.
Before the settlement in the 1830s, when white women began to move into the area, MÃÆ'Â © tis women sought as wives for traders. The population of the people MÃÆ'Ã… © tis (mixed race) grew as a result of centuries of sexual encounters between early European feather merchants and Indian women.
American-British Occupation Disputes
The American interest in the region grew as part of the concept of true destiny. Spain surrendered their right to the north of the 42nd Parliament to the United States in 1819 Adams-OnÃÆ's Treaty, (but not ownership, disallowed by the provisions of the Nootka Convention).
Britain has long had a commercial interest through Hudson's Bay Company and a network of trade bristles along the Columbia River in what is called the Columbia District. It's headquartered from Fort Vancouver in Vancouver, Washington today.
By the Treaty of 1818, after the War of 1812, Great Britain and the United States formed the 49th parallel as the western frontier to the Continental Continent of the Rocky Mountains; but agreed to control and inhabit the Oregon State. In 1824, Russia signed an agreement with the United States recognizing that no claims south of 54-40 north latitude and Russia signed a similar agreement with Britain in 1825.
Shelter was renewed, but year after year in 1827. Finally, increasing tensions between US settlers arriving on the Oregon track and feather traders led to an Oregon border dispute. On June 15, 1846, Britain submitted its claim to the land south of the 49th parallel, and the US submitted its claims north of the same line, on the present Canada-US border, in the Oregon Treaty.
In 1848, the Oregon Territory, consisting of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho today as well as parts of Montana and Wyoming, was established. The Washington area, including Washington and the Idaho and Montana chips, was formed from the Oregon Territory in 1853. In 1872, an arbitration proceeding resolved the boundary disputes of the Pig War and formed the US-Canada border through the San Juan Islands and the Gulf Islands.
Initial American Settlement
Eastern Washington
The settlements in the eastern part of the country are predominantly agricultural and focused around the establishment of missionaries in the Walla Walla Valley. Missionaries seek to 'civilize' the Indians, often in ways that ignore or misrepresent indigenous practices. When the missionaries Dr. Marcus Whitman and Narcissa Whitman refused to abandon their mission when racial tensions escalated in 1847, 13 American missionaries murdered by the Cayires and Umatilla Indians. The explanation of Whitman's murder in 1847 at Walla Walla included an epidemic of diseases, a hatred of endeavor in conversion of religion and way of life, and contempt for indigenous Indians demonstrated by missionaries, especially by Narcissa Whitman, the first white woman in America. Oregon region.
This event triggered the Cayuse War against the Indians, followed by the Yakima War, together continuing until 1858. The Oregon Provisional Legislature in 1847 immediately appointed volunteer companies to go to war, if necessary, against Cayuse, and, unsatisfied by some militia leaders, peace. The US Army then came to support the militia forces. These militia troops, eager to act, provoked friendly and hostile Indians. In 1850, five Cayuchas were convicted of killing Whitmans in 1847, and were hanged. Sporadic bloodbath continued until 1855, when the Cayuse was destroyed, defeated, lost their tribal lands, and placed in the Umatilla Indian Reserves in northeastern Oregon.
Conflict over land ownership between Indians and 'American' settlers led the Americans in 1855, by 'agreement' at the Walla Walla Council, to force not only Cayuse, but also Walla Walla and the Umatilla tribe, into Umatilla Indian Reserves in northeastern Oregon; fourteen other tribal groups to the Yakama Indian Reservation in southern Washington State; and Nez Perce for reservations in the border areas of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. In the same year, gold was found in a newly established Yakama reservation and white miners penetrated these lands. The first tribes - Yakama, eventually joined the Walla Walla and Cayuse - united to fight America in what is called the Yakima War. The US Army sent troops and a number of attacks and battles took place. In 1858, America, at the Battle of the Four Lakes, defeated the Indians convincingly. In a new 'deal', tribes, again, are limited to reservations.
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As American settlers moved west along the Oregon Trail, several trips crossed the northern part of the Oregon Territory and settled in the Puget Sound area. The first settlement in the Puget Sound area in the west that now is the State of Washington is Fort Nisqually, a farming and trading post of feathers owned by Puget's Sound Farm Company, a subsidiary of Hudson's Bay Company. Washington founder Michael Simmons, along with black pioneer George Washington Bush and his white wife, Isabella James Bush, from Missouri and Tennessee, respectively, led four white families into the area and settled in the now known New Market as Tumwater, in 1846 They settled in Washington to avoid the Oregon racist settlement laws. After them, many settlers, migrating ashore along the Oregon trail, marched north to settle in the Puget Sound area. In contrast to other American occupations in the West, there is relatively little violence between settlers and Native Americans, although some exceptions, such as the extensive campaign of Governor Isaac Ingalls Stevens in 1853 to force Indians into sanding lands and their rights, can be noted: The Voice of War Puget, the Cayuse War, the Yakima War, and the Spokane War became the biggest conflict between the new American government and the native government. Raids by Haida, Tlingit, and other northern tribes from Britain and Russia terrorized Native Americans and settlers alike in Puget Sound in the 1850s (see Port Gamble). Miners bound for the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush in British Columbia in 1858 used the Okanagan Trail running under the arms and there were many violent examples along the route.
The timber industry attracts settlers to the region. Coastal cities, such as Seattle (founded in 1851 and originally called "Duwamps"), were established. Unlike the wagon train that took the whole family to the Oregon Territory, this early trading settlement was inhabited primarily by single youth. Drinks, gambling, and prostitution are everywhere, supported in Seattle by one of the city's founders, David Swinson "Doc" Maynard, who believes that well-managed prostitution can be a functional part of the economy. The Fraser Gold Rush in what became a British Columbia colony saw the busy settlement and merchant activity in the northern Puget Sound that gave birth to Port Townsend and Whatcom (which became Bellingham) as a commercial hub, initially attempting to rival Victoria as a point of being disembarkated from a gold field until the governor of the colony ordered all access to the Fraser River to go through Victoria. Though limited to trade related to gold fields, many left the "Fraser River Humbug", because the busyness was temporarily misunderstood, settling in areas on Whatcom and the Island. Some of them were settlers on San Juan Island during the Pig War of 1859.
After the entry of the State of Oregon to the union in 1859, the eastern Oregon Territory, including southern Idaho, the western part of Wyoming from the continental division (later the Nebraska Territory), and a small part of the current Ravalli region, Montana was annexed into the Washington Territory. In 1863, the territory of the Washington Territory east of the Snake River and the 117th western meridian was reorganized as part of the newly created Idaho Region, leaving the territory with only the lands within the borders of the current state of Washington.
State Status
After the passage of the 1889 Activation Act, Washington became the 42nd state in the United States on November 11, 1889. The proposed state constitution, ratified by a ratio of four to one, initially included the right to vote and the ban of women, but both of these problems were defeated and removed from accepted constitution. Women had previously been voted in 1883 by the Washington Territorial Legislature, but the right was withdrawn in 1887 by the Washington Territorial Supreme Court in response to women's support for the ban. Despite this early defeat, women in the Pacific Northwest were given the right to vote earlier than any other country with Washington passing the amendment of suffrage in 1910. The ban was followed in 1916, two years before the rest of the nation.
Leading industries in the state include agriculture, timber, and mining. In eastern Washington, Spokane is the center of mining activity and the Yakima Valley is known for its apple orchards and wheat fields. The torrential downpour west of the Cascade Mountains produces dense forests and harbors along the prosperous Puget Sound of manufacturing and shipping of wood products, especially Douglas pines. In 1905, the State of Washington became the largest timber producer in the country. Seattle is a major port for trading with Alaska and has for the time had a major shipbuilding industry. Other industries developed in Washington include fishing, salmon canning and mining. For a long time, Tacoma is known for its large melting plant in which gold ore, silver, copper and tin are treated. The area around Puget Sound east developed heavy industry during the period including World War I and World War II and Boeing Company became an established icon in the area.
The Progressive Era
The progressive power of the early 20th century in Washington stems partly from the women's club movement that offers opportunities for leadership and political power to tens of thousands of women in the Northwest Pacific region.
Bertha Knight Landes was elected mayor of Seattle in 1926, the first female mayor of a major city in the United States.
In 1924, Seattle Sand Point Airfield was the end point of the first air travel in the world.
The Great Depression
Vancouver became the final point for two ultra-long flights from Moscow, the Soviet Union in the Arctic. The first of these flights was carried out by Valery Chkalov in 1937 on the Tupolev ANT-25RD aircraft. Chkalov was originally scheduled to land on the airstrip near Portland, Oregon but was directed at the last minute to Pearson Airfield Vancouver.
During the depression era, a series of hydroelectric dams were built along the Columbia river as part of a project to increase electricity production. It peaked in 1941 with the completion of the Grand Coulee Dam, the largest in the United States.
World War II
During World War II, the Puget Sound area became the focus for the war industry with the Boeing Company producing many heavy bombers and ports in Seattle, Bremerton, Vancouver, and Tacoma available for shipbuilding for war effort. As the demand for labor and the number of youth arranged increases simultaneously, women enter the world of work in large numbers, recruited by local media. A quarter of the workers in the shipyard are women, resulting in the installation of one of the first government-funded child care centers in the workplace.
In eastern Washington, the Hanford Works nuclear power plant opened in 1943 and played a major role in the construction of the nation's atomic bomb. One of the atomic bombs (dubbed 'Fat Man' and dropped in Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945) was triggered by Hanford plutonium and transported in Boeing B-29, which was also designed in Washington State.
Contemporary Washington
St Helens Mount Eruption
On May 18, 1980, after a period of tremors and major eruptions, the northeast surface of Mt. Helens bursts out, destroying most of the mountain peaks. The eruption leveled the forests for miles, killing 57 people, flooding the Columbia River and its tributaries with ash and mud and enveloping much of Washington in ashes, making the day seem like night.
Washington is famous for several leading companies, the most famous being Microsoft,, Boeing, Nordstrom, Bon Marche, and Starbucks. Monopoly had a long history in the state when its namesake firm Bill Boeing grew from a small plane company in 1916 to a national plane and a conglomerate of Boeing and United Airlines and was later broken down by anti-trust regulators in 1934.
Politics in Washington is generally Democratic since the 1950s and 60s as well as the election of President John F. Kennedy. The nation's primary electoral system, in which voters can vote for candidates on ballot papers and is not required to affiliate with a particular political party, was ruled unconstitutional in 2003. The party's main system was instituted for the 2004 president and governor elections. In 2004, voters chose Governor Christine Gregoire to office, making Washington the first state to have a female governor and two female senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.
Protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle, sometimes referred to as the "Battle of Seattle", occurred in 1999 when the WTO convened to discuss trade negotiations. Massive protests from at least 40,000 people including organizations such as NGOs involved in environmental issues, trade unions, student groups, religious groups, and anarchists.
On January 30, 2006, Governor Christine Gregoire signed a law that makes Washington the 17th state in the country to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination in housing, loans, and employment, and the country's 7th to offer this protection to transgender. people. Activist activist Tim Eyman submitted a referendum on the same day, attempting to put the issue before the country's voters. To be eligible for the November election, the move requires a minimum of 112.440 voter signatures by 5:00 pm. 6 June 2006. Despite the urging of conservative churches across the state to collect signatures on what is dubbed the "Sunday Referendum," Eyman was only able to collect 105,103 signatures, over 7,000 short signatures from the minimum. As a result, the law came into force on 7 June 2006. The Washington legislature introduced a more successful convergence of domestic partnerships in 2008.
See also
- District of Columbia
- The historic area of ​​the United States
- The history of the west coast of North America
- Oregon State
- Oregon Region
- Territorial evolution from Washington
- The Washington (state) timeline
- Washington (state)
- Washington Region
- Seattle History and Seattle Timeline
External links
-, the online encyclopedia of Washington state history
- Washington University Library: Digital Collection:
- Albert Henry Barnes Photographs 302 pictures from the turn of the 20th century document the landscape, people, and cities and towns of West Washington.
- Pacific Northwest Olympic Peninsula Community Museum A web-based museum featuring rich historical and cultural aspects of the Washington State Olympic Peninsula community. Featuring cultural exhibits, curriculum packages and searchable archives with over 12,000 items that include historical photos, audio recordings, videos, maps, diaries, reports and other documents.
- Prosch Washington Views Album 101 pictures (ca. 1858-1903) were collected and annotated by Thomas Prosch, one of Seattle's early pioneers. The images documented scenes in Eastern Washington especially Chelan and surrounding areas, and Seattle's early history included the Seattle Fire of 1889.
- Washington State Photos of the Region (ca. 1880-1940) of the State of Washington, including fortifications and military installations, homes and residence, national parks and mountain climbing, and industries and employment, such as logging, mining and fisheries.
- Washington State Pioneer Life Database A collection of writings, diaries, letters, and mementos that tell the early settlement of Washington, the establishment of the homestead and the city and the difficulties faced by many early pioneers.
- Washington State Secretary's History Site
- Classic in Washington History This collection of full-text books brings together rare and unprinted titles for easy access by students, teachers, genealogists and historians. Visit the early years of Washington through the lives of men and women living and working in the Territory and the State of Washington.
- Collection of Washington State History Map The State Archives and State Library have extensive map collections related to the State of Washington and surrounding areas. Maps for this digital collection will be taken from state and territory government records, historic books, federal documents, and Northwest collections.
- Washington Historical Newspapers
- Washington Territorial Timeline To recognize Washington's 150th birthday, the State Archives have created historical timelines in the Northwest Pacific and Washington Territories. With the help of drawings and documents from the State Archives, the timeline tells the major political and social events that evolved in the Washington Territory to Washington State.
- Celahe Collection John M.'s Pamphlet This collection includes booklets, pamphlets and maps detailing the developments of the Northwest Pacific region, towns and cities, especially the State of Washington.
- Warren Wood Collection This collection includes a negative glass, photo and agenda book Warren Wood, a pioneer for Pacific Northwest surveyors.
- Spokane History, Historic Spokane, and Eastern Washington.
Source of the article : Wikipedia