Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Immigration Act of 1924: Effects, Significance, and Summary

The 1924 Immigration Act , or Reeded-Reed Act , including the National Origins Act , and the Asian Exclusion Act (Pub.L. 68-139, 43Ã, Stat.Ã, 153, enacted May 26, 1924), is a United States federal law that imposes quotas on the number of immigrants from certain countries while providing funding and enforcement mechanisms to implement long-standing (but not currently applicable) ban on other non-white immigrants. The law was primarily aimed at further reducing the immigration of Southern Europeans (mainly Italians), countries with Roman Catholic, Eastern European, Arab and Jewish Catholic majority. The law confirms a long-standing ban on the immigration of other non-Caucasians, with the exception of black African immigrants (who have long been excluded from the ban). Thus, almost all East and Asian Indians are forbidden to immigrate to the United States under the Act (further court verdict will determine that Indians are not white and can not immigrate).

Contrary to popular belief, Latin Americans are not prohibited or restricted to immigrating under the law. In most states and under federal law, people of white ancestry and Native Americans are considered white; this principle is interpreted under the Act to enable Latin America immigrate as "white man." In addition, unlike Eastern and Southern Europe, no citizenship quota is placed on Latin American immigrants. Thus, the law allows unlimited Latin American immigration, as well as permitting immigration of northwestern Europe indefinitely. Ironically, the 1965 immigration law that replaces the 1924 Act, despite removing national racial and quota preferences, would effectively place greater restrictions on Latin American immigration.

According to the US State Department of Historians the aim of the action was "to maintain the ideal of American homogeneity". However, although the Act aims to preserve the homogeneity of American races, it does not limit immigration from other countries in America, including Latin America. Congress opposition is minimal. According to historian Columbia University, Mae Ngai, the 1924 Act ended a period in which the United States basically had an open border.

A key element of the Act is the provision for its enforcement. A long-term ban on non-white immigration to the US is rarely enforced in practice. The law provides funds and legal instructions to deportation courts for non-white immigrants, and East and South European immigrants that exceed their national quotas. Deportations of immigrants from North Africa, Arabia, and East India are sometimes challenged in court with the claim that these people are "white." Initially these immigrants were deported, but in the post-World War II era, with xenophobia in decline, all of these groups were classified as whites under American law.

Video Immigration Act of 1924


The Immigration Act makes permanent immigration base restrictions to the United States established in 1921 and modifies the established National Origin Formula. In conjunction with the Immigration Act of 1917, it regulates the US immigration policy until the passage of the 1952 Immigration and Citizenship Act, fully revised.

For the next four years, until June 30, 1927, the 1924 Act stipulated an annual quota of nationality of 2% of the number of foreigners born to that citizen in the United States in 1890. The revised formula reduced total immigration. from 357,803 in 1923-24 to 164,667 in 1924-25. Legal impacts vary widely by country. Immigration from the UK and Ireland fell by 19%, while immigration from Italy fell by over 90%.

The law sets preferences under a quota system for certain families of US citizens, including unmarried children under 21, their parents, and couples aged 21 and older. It is also favored immigrants aged 21 and over who are skilled in agriculture, as well as their dependents and dependents under the age of 16. Non-quota status is given to: unmarried wives and children under 18 US citizens; the natives of the Western Hemisphere, with their families; non-immigrant; and certain others. The subsequent amendment eliminates certain elements of discrimination inherent in this law against women.

The 1924 Act also establishes a "consular control system" of immigration, which divides responsibilities for immigration between the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. It is mandated that no foreigner is allowed to enter the United States without a valid immigration visa issued by a US consulate officer abroad.

That provided that no foreigner is not eligible to become an acceptable citizen in the United States as an immigrant. It is aimed primarily at Japanese and Chinese foreigners. It imposed fines on transportation companies that landed foreigners in violation of US immigration laws. It defines the term "immigrant" and points to all other alien entries to the United States as "non-immigrant", ie, temporary visitors. This sets the acceptance class for the non-immigrant.

Maps Immigration Act of 1924


Limitations on immigration of Southern and Eastern Europe were first proposed in 1909 by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

After the Post World War I recession, many Americans believe that bringing more immigrants from other countries will only make the unemployment rate even higher. The Red Scare of 1919-1921 has triggered xenophobic fears against migrating foreign radicals to undermine American values ​​and provoke rebellions such as the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution. The number of immigrants entering the United States declined by about one year from July 1919 to June 1920, but also doubled a year later.

Congressman Albert Johnson and Senator David Reed are the two main architects of the move. Immediately after the intensive lobbying, the Act was approved with the support of a strong congress. There are nine dissenting voices in the Senate and some opponents in the House, the most energetic of which is the New Representative in Brooklyn and Emanuel Celler Jewish-Americans. Over the next four decades, Celler uprooted his personal crusade law.

Proponents of the Act seek to establish a different American identity by supporting native-born Americans over Jews, Southern Europeans, and Eastern Europeans to "keep racial dominance from the basic burden on our people and thereby stabilize the ethnic composition of the population". Reed told the Senate that the previous law "completely ignores those of us who are interested in keeping American supplies to the highest standard - that is, the people born here". The Europeans/South East and Jews, he believed, arrived sick and starved and were therefore less able to contribute to the American economy, and unable to adapt to American culture.

People who support the 1924 Immigration Act often use eugenics as justification for the restriction of certain race or ethnic people to prevent the spread of feeblemindedness in American society. Most supporters of the legislation are somewhat concerned with upholding the status quo of ethnicity and avoiding competition with foreign workers. Samuel Gompers, a Jewish immigrant and founder of the AFL, supported the Act because he opposed cheap laborers represented by immigration, despite the fact that the Act would sharply reduce Jewish immigration.

This law sharply limits immigration from countries that previously hosted the vast majority of Jews in America, nearly 75 percent of whom immigrated from Russia alone. Since East European immigration only became substantial in the last decade of the nineteenth century, the use of laws of the United States population in 1890 as a basis for calculating quotas effectively made mass migrations from Eastern Europe, where most of the Jewish diaspora lived at the time, impossible.

The lobbyists from California, where the majority of Japanese and other East Asian immigrants have settled, are mainly concerned with excluding Asian immigrants. The law of 1882 terminated Chinese immigration, but since Japanese workers (and, to a lesser extent, Korea and the Philippines) began to arrive and lay roots in Western countries, an exclusive movement was formed in reaction to the "Yellow Risk. Valentine S. McClatchy, founder of The McClatchy Company and leader of the anti-Japanese movement, argues, "They came here specifically and confessed for the purpose of colonizing and building here permanently the proud Yamato race," citing their inability to assimilate. for American culture and the economic threat they posed to white entrepreneurs and farmers. Despite some doubts from President Calvin Coolidge and strong opposition from the Japanese government, with whom the previous US government maintained a warm economic and political ties, the act was signed into law on 24 May 1924.

Court decision

From United States ex. rail. Turner v. Williams :

if the alien is not allowed into this country, or, after breaking the law, expelled, he or she is actually disconnected from worshiping or speaking or publishing or petitioning in the country; but that is only because of his exceptions. He does not become one of the people guaranteed by our Constitution with an attempt to enter, prohibited by law. To appeal to the Constitution is to recognize that this is the land regulated by the supreme law, and because under it the power to exclude has been determined to exist, those who are excluded can not claim the right to generally obtain on land they do not belong to a citizen or otherwise.

Immigration officials examining Japanese passengers aboard the ...


The law controls immigration "undesirable" by setting quotas, and prohibits immigrants from certain national origins. The prohibited nationalities are in the "Asia-Pacific Triangle", which includes the Middle East, the Soviet Union "Asiatic" (Georgia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia), Japan, China, Philippines (then under US control), Siam (Thailand) ), Indochina France (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia), Singapore (then British colonies), Korea, the Netherlands Indies, Burma (Myanmar), British India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and Malaya (part of mainland Malaysia). After the Naturalization Act of 1790 and the Naturalization Act of 1870, the 1924 Act states that only white or African descendants are eligible for naturalization, and the Act prohibits further immigration from any person who is not eligible to be naturalized. The law does not restrict immigration from Latin American countries.

In 1901-1914, 2.9 million Italians immigrated, averaging 210,000 per year. Under the 1924 quota, 4,000 per year was allowed since the 1890 quota accounted for only 200,000 Italians in the US. In contrast, the annual quota for Germany after the passage of the Act is over 57,000 since the German-born population of 1890 numbered 2,850,000. About 86% of the 155,000 allowed in the Act comes from Northern European countries, with Germany, Britain and Ireland having the highest quota. New quotas for immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, and bars in the "Asia-Pacific Triangle", are so tight that in 1924 more Italians, Czechs, Yugoslavians, Greeks, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Portuguese, Romanians, Spanish, Poles and Persons - Jews of Russia, China, and Japan left the United States rather than coming as immigrants.

The quota was reduced in the Immigration and Citizenship Act of 1952 and replaced in the 1965 Immigration and Citizenship Act.

Immigration Act Of 1924 Stock Photos & Immigration Act Of 1924 ...

See also

  • Anti-Italianism
  • Eugenics in the United States
  • The legal history of immigration and naturalization in the United States
  • Leslie Charteris, specifically exempt from the provisions of the Act
  • List of US Immigration Act
  • Racial equation proposal
  • White Australia Policy
  • Antisemitism in the United States
  • Yellow Dangers
  • Chinese Swede

Newsela - Immigration Act of 1924: Congress Sets Tough Quotas on ...


The economic effects of restricting immigration â€


A History of the United States, Volume 2 v1.0 | FlatWorld

Further reading

  • Lemay, Michael Robert; Barkan, Elliott Robert, eds. (1999). US. Law and Issues of Immigration and Naturization: Documentary History . Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-30156-8.
  • Ngai, Mae M. (2004). Impossible Subject: Illegal Alien and Making Modern America . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 978-0-691-16082-5.
  • Zolberg, Aristide (2006). A Nation by Design: Immigration Policy in Fashioning of America . Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02218-8. Ã,

Immigration Act Of 1924 Stock Photos & Immigration Act Of 1924 ...

External links

  • Who's stats are allowed to sign in after the 1924 Immigration Act
  • "'Close the Door': Senator Speaks for Immigration Restrictions" - a transcript of a speech given before Congress by Senator Ellison D. Smith, April 9, 1924
  • Eugenic Law Limits Immigration
  • The 1924 Text of the Immigration Act and allow the proclamation by the President
  • The quota is defined in the Immigration Law of 1924

Source of the article : Wikipedia
