The immigration policy and, in particular, illegal immigration to the United States, is a signature issue of the US presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and his proposals for reform and commentary on this issue generate much publicity. The obvious promise of his campaign was to build a sizable wall on the US-Mexican border. The official estimate of the number of undocumented immigrants in the United States ranges between 11 and 12 million, while Trump falsely states the numbers between 30 and 34 million.
Trump has also expressed support for various "restrictions on immigration visas and worker visas", including a "pause" on green cards, which Trump said would "allow record levels of immigration to ease to more moderate historical averages". Trump's proposal on H-1B visas changed frequently throughout his presidential campaign, but by the end of July 2016, he appeared to oppose the H-1B visa program.
Video Immigration policy of Donald Trump
Position on immigration
After Mitt Romney lost the 2012 US presidential election, Trump criticized Romney's immigration policy, saying, "He has a mad self-deportation policy that sounds as bad as it is, and he loses all the Latin voices he lost to the Asian voice He lost everyone inspired to come to this country. "At the 2014 Political Conservative Action Conference, Trump urged Republicans not to pass immigration reforms, saying immigrants would vote for the Democrats and steal American jobs.
During the US presidential election of 2016, Trump questioned the official estimate of the number of illegal immigrants in the United States stating that the actual amount is between 30 and 34 million. PolitiFact ruled that its statement was "Pants on Fire", citing experts who noted that there is no evidence to support the estimates within that range. For example, the Pew Research Center reported in March 2015 that the total number of undocumented immigrants declined from 12.2 million in 2007 to 11.2 million in 2012. The number of illegal immigrants in the US labor force ranges from 8.1 million to 8.3 million between 2007 and 2012, about 5% of the US workforce.
Citizenship rights
By 2015, before being elected president, Trump proposes to return the citizenship of birthright to immigrant children without documents from the US (whom he calls "baby anchors"). Based on the Citizenship of the Fourteenth Amendment Clause, all persons born on US soil and subject to their jurisdiction are citizens. The main view of the Fourteenth Amendment among jurists is that anyone born in US land, regardless of the citizenship of parents, is automatically an American citizen, as long as the parent is not a foreign diplomat.
Changes to legal immigration
The Trump Administration embraced the RAISE Reformed Immigration Act of America for the Economy (RAISE) in August 2017. The RAISE Act seeks to reduce the level of legal immigration to the United States by 50% by halving the number of green cards issued. The bill will also impose a limit of 50,000 refugee receipts per year and will end the lottery of visa diversity. A study by Penn Wharton economists found that the law would in 2027 "reduce GDP by 0.7 percent relative to current law, and reduce employment by 1.3 million.In 2040, the GDP would be about 2 percent more low and jobs will fall 4.6 million, changes in population size, employment and GDP, there is little change in GDP per capita, increased slightly in the short term and then eventually fell. "
Kate's Law
Kathryn Steinle was murdered in July 2015 by an illegal immigrant, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, who had some confidence and had previously been deported five times. During the election campaign, Trump promised to ask Congress to pass the Kate Law, named after him, to ensure that foreign criminals convicted of illegal re-entry received a strong and compulsory minimum punishment. The Senate version of the bill was previously introduced by Ted Cruz in July 2016, but failed to pass the cloture movement.
Border security and border walls with Mexico
Trump has emphasized the security of US borders and illegal immigration to the United States as a campaign issue. During his speech the announcement he declared in part, "When Mexico sends its people, they do not send their best, they do not send you, they send people who have a lot of trouble, and they bring those problems.. "On July 6, 2015, Trump issued a written statement to clarify his position on illegal immigration, which drew criticism from the critics. It reads in part:
The Mexican government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This is proven only this week when, for example, a young woman in San Francisco was murdered cruelly by 5 times deported Mexico with a long criminal record, who was forced to return to the United States because they did not want it in Mexico. This is just one of thousands of similar incidents across the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico were pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The biggest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs are Mexican cartels that organize Mexican immigrants to attempt to cross the border and smuggle drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, extraordinary infectious diseases are flowing across the border. The United States has become a hoarding ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many great people come from Mexico and our country is better for that. But these people are here legally, and deeply hurt by those who come illegally. I am proud to say that I know a lot of hard-working Mexicans - many of them work for and with me... and, just like our country, my organization is better for that.
A study published in Social Science Quarterly in May 2016 tested Trump's claim that immigrants are responsible for higher crime rates and drug-related crimes in the United States. There is no evidence linking Mexican immigrants or illegal Mexican immigrants with crime related to violence or drugs. But he found a small but significant relationship between immigrant populations without documents (including undocumented non-Mexican immigrants) and drug-related arrests.
In addition to his proposal to build a border wall (see below), Trump has requested triple the number of Border Patrol agents.
Trump has repeatedly pledged to build a wall along the southern US border, saying Mexico will pay for its development through increased border crossings and NAFTA tariffs. In his speech announcing his candidacy, Trump promised to "build a great big wall on our southern border, and I'll make Mexico pay for that wall." Mark my words. " Trump also said "no one builds a wall better than me, believe me, and I will build it very cheaply." The concept of building barriers to keeping undocumented immigrants out of the US is not new; 670 miles from the fence (about a third of the border) was established under the Secure Safety Act of 2006, at a cost of $ 2.4 billion. Trump said later that the wall he proposed would be "a real wall, not a toy wall like we have today." In his book 2015, Trump cites the West Bank barrier of Israel as a successful example of the frontier wall. "Trump once proposed building a wall across the border nearly 2,000 miles and at other times showing a more selective placement." After meeting with Mexican President Enrique PeÃÂ Â ± a Nieto on August 31, 2016, Trump said that they "did not discuss" who would pay for the border wall that Trump had become the center of his presidential campaign. Nieto denied that on that day, saying that he at the beginning of the meeting "insists that Mexico will not pay for the wall". Later that day, Trump reiterated his position that Mexico would pay to build an "impenetrable" wall on the Southern border.
John Cassidy of The New Yorker writes that Trump is "the latest representative of the anti-immigrant American tradition, the nativist that started at least to Know-Nothings" in the 1840s and 1850s. Trump says "it is a legal immigrant who makes America great," that the Latins who have worked for him have been "unbelievers", and that he wants a wall between the US and Mexico to have a "big, beautiful door" for people to come legally and feel welcomed in the United States.
According to experts and analysis, the actual cost of building a wall along the rest of 1,300 miles from the border could be as high as $ 16 million per mile, with a total cost of up to $ 25 billion, with the cost of acquiring private land and maintenance fences pushing the total cost even further. Wall maintenance can cost up to $ 750 million per year, and if Border Patrol agents have to patrol the wall, additional funds must be issued. Rough and isolated terrain in many parts of the border, such as deserts and mountains, will make the construction and maintenance of walls expensive, and such terrain can be a bigger barrier than the wall in any case. Experts also note that in areas of federally protected wilderness and reservation of Native Americans, the Department of Homeland Security may have only limited construction authority, and walls may cause environmental damage.
Despite campaign promises to build a wall full, Trump later stated that he supported installing some fences.
In February 2017, Reuters reported that internal reports by the Department of Homeland Security estimated that the proposed border wall by Trump would cost $ 21.6 billion and take 3.5 years to build it. This estimate is much higher than Trump's estimates during the campaign ($ 12 billion) and an estimated $ 15 billion from House Republican Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
In August 2017, a January 2017 telephone call transcript between President Trump and Mexican President Enrique PeÃÂ Â ± a Nieto was leaked; in a phone call, Trump admits that he will fund the border wall, not by charging Mexico as promised during the campaign, but through other means. But Trump appealed to the President of Mexico to stop saying publicly that the Mexican Government would not pay for the border walls.
Critics of Trump's plan question whether the wall will be effective to stop illegal crossings, provided that the walls can only be used in a limited way unless they are patrolled by an agent and intercept those who climb or shoot a tunnel under a wall. Experts also note that about half the illegal immigrants in the US do not secretly enter, but "enter through official crossings, either by extending visas, using fake documents, or smuggling across borders."
On September 12, 2017, the United States Department of Homeland Security issued a notice that Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke would ignore certain "laws, rules and legal requirements" to begin construction of a new wall near Calexico, California. The waiver allows the Department of Homeland Security to bypass the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Historical Preservation Act, the Migration Makar Migration Act, the Conservation Act Migratory Birds, Archeological Resources Protection Act, Safe Water Protection Act, Noise Control Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, Antiquities Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Administrative Procedure Act, Protection Native American Tombs and Repatriation Act, and Indian Religious Freedom Act of America. The state of California, several environmental groups, and Rep. RaÃÆ'ºl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) Filed a lawsuit challenging a given waiver to permit the construction of a border wall. On February 27, 2018, Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel ruled that under federal law, the government has the authority to overrule multiple environmental laws and regulations to accelerate the construction of border walls and other infrastructure, so that the construction of the wall can be continued.
Mass illegal immortal deportation
In August 2015, during his campaign, Trump proposed mass deportation of illegal immigrants as part of his immigration policy. During his first town hall campaign meeting in Derry, New Hampshire, Trump said that if he wins the election, then on "[d] 1 from my presidency, they go out and get out quickly."
Trump has proposed a "Deportation Force" to implement this plan, modeled after the 1950s "Operation Wetback" program during the Eisenhower administration that ended after a congressional investigation. Historian Mae Ngai of Columbia University, who has studied the program, said military-style operations are inhumane and ineffective.
According to analysts, Trump's mass deportation plan will face legal and logistical difficulties, as US immigration courts have faced many backlogs. Such a program will also burden fiscal costs; The fiscally conservative American Action Forum policy group estimates that deporting any undocumented immigrant will cause a $ 381.5 billion fall to $ 623.2 billion in private sector output, which is roughly 2% less than US GDP. Doug Holtz-Eakin, the group's president, said that the mass deportation of 11 million people would "endanger the economy in a way that would normally not be harmed".
In June 2016, Trump stated on Twitter that "I never liked the term mass deportation" - but we must enforce the law of the country! " Then in June, Trump stated that he would not characterize his immigration policy including "mass deportations". However, on 31 August 2016, contrary to previous reports of "softening" in its establishment, Trump made a 10-step plan to reaffirm its hard-line position. He reiterated that "anyone who has entered the United States is illegally subject to deportation" with priority given to those who have committed significant crimes and those who have overstayed visas. He noted that all persons seeking legalization should return and re-enter the country legally.
Proposed Muslim immigration ban
Trump often revises proposals to ban Muslim immigration to the United States in the course of his presidential campaign. In late July 2016, NBC News marked its position as: "Dispose of all Muslims, and possibly others from countries with a history of terrorism, but do not say 'Muslim'." (Rudy Giuliani told Fox News that Trump assigned him to make a "Muslim ban" and asked Giuliani to form a committee to show him "the right way to do it lawfully." The committee, which included former US Attorney General and New York District Chief Judge Michael Michael Mukasey and Reps Mike McCaul and Peter T. King decided to break the religious base and instead focused on the area in which Giuliani said there was "substantial evidence that people sent terrorists" to the United States.)
In December 2015, Trump proposed a temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the United States (the US recognizes about 100,000 Muslim immigrants each year) "until we can find out what happened". In response to the San Bernardino 2015 shooting, Trump released a statement on "Preventing Muslim Immigration" and called for "total and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until representatives of our country can know what is going on". In a December 2015 interview, host Willie Geist repeatedly questioned Trump if a representative of an airline, customs agency, or border guard would ask a person's religion. Trump replies that they will and if the person says they are Muslim they will be denied entry into the country.
Trump cites the use of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II of Alien and Sedition Acts to issue a presidential proclamation to collect, detain and deport foreign immigrants Germany, Japan and Italy, and notes that Roosevelt is highly respected and has a highway named him. Trump stated that he disagreed with Roosevelt's treatment of Japanese Americans, and clarified that the proposal would not apply to Muslims who are US citizens or Muslims serving in the US military.
In May 2016, Trump retreated slightly from his call for Muslim bans, calling him "just an idea, not a proposal". On June 13, 2016, he redefined the ban so that it would become geographical, not religious, applies to "regions of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe, or our allies". Two hours later, he claimed that the ban was only for countries "linked to Islamic terror". In June 2016, he also stated that he would allow Muslims from allies like Britain to enter the United States. In May 2016, Trump said "There will always be exceptions" against the ban, when asked how the ban will apply to the newly elected London mayor, Sadiq Khan. A spokeswoman for Sadiq Khan said in response that Trump's view was "stupid, divisive and dangerous" and played into the hands of extremists.
In June 2016, Trump expanded the proposed Muslim immigration ban to the United States to cover immigration from areas with a history of terrorism. In particular, Trump stated, "When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from the world's territory when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe, or our allies, until we understand how to end this threat." According to lawyers and lawyers cited in the New York Times report, the president has the power to implement the plan but will require ambitious and time-consuming bureaucratic efforts, and make use of executive authority. Immigration analysts also noted that the implementation of the Trump plan could "encourage a wave of retaliation against Americans traveling and living abroad". In July 2016, Trump described his proposal as "any country that has been compromised by terrorism". Trump then refers to reformulation as an "extreme examination".
Asked in July 2016 about his proposal to restrict immigration from areas with high levels of terrorism, Trump insisted that it was not a "setback" from his original proposal to ban all Muslim immigrants. He said, "In fact, you can say it's expansion, I'm looking in this region." When asked whether his new proposal meant that there would be a greater scrutiny on immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism, such as France, Germany and Spain, Trump replied, "It was their own fault, because they have allowed people for years to come to their territory. "
On August 15, 2016, Trump stated that "extreme views" would be a reason to be thrown out of the United States, saying he would deport Seddique Mateen, the father of Omar Mateen (shooter in the Orlando 2016 nightclub shoot), who had expressed support for the Taliban. On Aug. 31, during a speech in Phoenix, Trump said he would set up a commission to study which region or country he would suspend immigration from, noting that Syria and Libya would be the highest on the list. Jeff Sessions Trump campaign adviser on immigration at the time said Trump's campaign plan was "the best law enforcement plan to improve the country's immigration system that has been declared in this country forever possible". During the hearing-confirmation test, he acknowledged to support the investigation based on "an area where we have a very high risk of terrorists coming in"; The Court acknowledged that the DOJ needs to evaluate such a plan if it is outside the "Constitutional order."
Syrian Refugees
Trump has on several occasions declared opposition to allow Syrian refugees to the US - say they could be the "ultimate Trojan horse" - and has proposed a return deportation to Syrian refugees settled in the US In September 2015, Trump has expressed support for taking in some Syrian refugees and praised Germany's decision to take Syrian refugees.
On a number of occasions in 2015, Trump asserted that "If you are from Syria and you are a Christian, you can not come to this country, and they are the ones who are being destroyed... If you are an Islam... unbelievable, you "PolitiFact judged Trump's claim to be" wrong "and found it" wrong on his face ", citing the fact that 3 percent of refugees from Syria have become Christians (although they represent 10 percent of the Syrian population ) and found that the US government did not discriminate against Christians as a matter of official policy.
In an interview in May 2016 with Bill O'Reilly, Trump stated "Look, we are fighting with these people and they are not wearing uniforms..... This is a war against cruel people, rude people, that we do not know who they are, where they came from, we allow tens of thousands of them to enter our country now. "Politifact ruled this statement" burned pants ", stating that the US is on track to receive 100,000 refugees by 2017, but no evidence that tens of thousands of them are terrorists.
Other proposals
Trump has proposed that it is more difficult for asylum seekers and refugees to enter the United States, and make the e-verification system mandatory for employers.
Maps Immigration policy of Donald Trump
Executive action
Travel prohibition and suspension of refugees
On 27 January 2017, Trump signed an executive order (Number 13769), entitled "Protecting the Nation from a Terrorist Attack by Foreign Residents", which stopped the entry of citizens of seven countries for 90 days: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, with a total of over 134 million people. The order also stopped the refugees from unrestricted Civil War Syria, and the entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days. Refugees who were on their way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and held at the airport.
Imposed by this order is 8 U.S.C. Seconds. 1182 "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any alien or class of aliens to the United States will harm the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for the period deemed necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any alien class as immigrant or nonimmigrant, or forcing the entry of any alien restrictions that he deems appropriate. "8 US Code § 1182 (Section 212 (f) of the Immigration and Citizenship Act of 1952).
Critics argue that Congress later restricted this power in 1965, stating clearly that no one can be "discriminated against in the issuance of immigrant visas because of race, sex, nationality, place of birth or residence." (8 U.S. Code § 1152) The only exception is that provided by Congress (such as the preferences of Cuban asylum seekers).
Many legal challenges to orders were brought in immediately after its publication: from January 28 to January 31, nearly 50 cases were filed in federal court. Some courts, in turn, provide temporary assistance, including national restraining (TRO) orders that prohibit the enforcement of a major part of the executive order. Trump Administration withdraws TRO.
On March 6, 2017, Trump signed a revised executive order that, among other differences with the original order, excludes Iraq, visa holders, and permanent residents from temporary suspension and does not distinguish Syrian refugees from refugees from other countries.
On June 26, the Supreme Court partially authorized the executive order to impose and cancel certain orders filed on orders by two previous federal appeals courts. The last oral hearing on the legality of the order will be held in October 2017 at the Supreme Court.
At the end of October 2017, Trump ended the refugee entry while adding new rules for "more difficult checks of applicants" and essentially stopping the influx of refugees from 11 high-risk countries. This has caused a 40% reduction in arrivals.
Enhanced immigration
On January 25, 2017, Trump signed the 13768 Executive Order which, among other things, significantly increased the number of immigrants deemed a priority of deportation. Earlier, under Obama, a freed commissioned immigrant would only be considered a priority to be physically deported if they, apart from being released, were punished for serious crimes such as a crime or some minor offenses. Under the Trump Administration, such immigrants can be considered a priority to be abolished even if convicted only for minor crimes, or even if only accused of such criminal activity. Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, who came illegally to the United States when he was 14 years old, may have been the first person to be deported under the terms of this order on February 9, 2017. Garcia de Rayos was previously convicted of impersonation of criminal fraud associated with him using a Security card Fake social to work in the Arizona water park. This belief has not been considered serious enough, under Obama, to completely remove it from the country, although he was asked to check in regularly with ICE officials, which he has done regularly since 2008. The first time he entered the office after officials ICE after the new executive order came into force, however, led to his physical detention and displacement from the country. Greg Stanton, Phoenix Mayor commented that "Instead of tracking down criminals and drug traffickers, ICE spends his energy deporting a woman with two American children who have lived here for more than two decades and pose a threat to anyone." ICE officials say that his case underwent several reviews in the immigration court system and that "the judge holding him has no legal basis to remain in the US".
The Washington Post reported on 10 February 2017 that federal agents have begun conducting enforcement sweeping immigration attacks in at least six countries.
Federal Reserve officials have warned that restrictions on Trump immigration would likely have an adverse effect on the economy. Immigration is a core component of economic growth, they said.
Ilya Somin, Professor of Law at George Mason University, argues that Trump withholding federal funding would be unconstitutional: "Trump and future presidents can use [the executive order] to seriously undermine constitutional federalism by forcing municipalities and states to disagree obeying presidential orders, even without authorization from Congress.Evoidance of Congress makes the order a threat to the separation of powers, as well. "On April 25, 2017, US District Judge William Orrick issued a national preliminary injunction that stopped the executive order. Furthermore, Judge Orrick issued a permanent national order on 20 November 2017, stating that section 9 (a) of the Executive Order 13768 is "unconstitutional on his face" and violates the "separation of the doctrine of power and withdraw [plaintiff] their Tenth and Fifth Amendment rights. "
Phase of DACA
The "Order of Delays for Children's Arrivals" President Obama's (DACA) Executive Order from 2012 allows about 800,000 young adults ("Dreamers") illegally brought to the US as children to work legally without fear of deportation. President Trump announced in September 2017 that he canceled this Executive Order with the effect of six months and he called for legislation to come into force before protection was removed in March 2018, stating "I have a love for these people, and hopefully now Congress will be able to help them and do it right. "Trump's actions are widely protested across the country. Business leaders argue that is unfair and can endanger the economy.
See also
- Immigration to the United States
- Reduced immigration in the United States
- Suspended Action for Child Arrival
- Immigration reform in the United States
- Mexico-United States obstacles
- US Refugee Reception Program (USRAP)
Source of the article : Wikipedia