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Don't Let Yourself or the Media, Talk You out of Voting!

Voting is a method for groups, such as meetings or voters to make decisions or express opinions, usually after discussion, debate, or election campaigns. Democracy selects high office holders by choosing. The residents of the places represented by elected officials are called "constituents", and the constituents who vote for the candidate of their choice are called "voters". There are different systems to gather votes.

Video Voting

In politics

In democracies, the government is elected by voting in elections: a way for voters to vote, ie vote, among several candidates for power. In a representative democracy, voting is a method in which voters appoint their representatives in their government. In a direct democracy, voting is a method in which voters directly make decisions, change bills into law, etc.

Voting is the formal expression of individual choice for or against some movements (eg, proposed resolution); to or against some voting questions; or for a particular candidate, candidate election, or political party. Many countries use secret ballot, a practice to prevent voters from being intimidated and protecting their political privacy.

Voting often occurs at polling stations; it is voluntary in some countries, mandatory in other countries, such as Australia.

Electoral system

Different polling systems use different types of sound. The voting plurality does not require the winner to reach a majority of the votes, or more than fifty percent of the total votes cast. In a voting system that uses one vote per race, when more than two candidates are competing, the winner can usually have less than fifty percent of the vote.

The side effects of one vote per race are separation of votes, which tend to favor candidates who do not support centralism, and tend to produce a two-party system. The alternative to a single sound system is voting approval.

To understand why one vote per race tends to favor a less-centric candidate, consider a simple laboratory experiment in which students in the class choose their favorite marble. If five marbles are named and placed "for selection", and if three of them are green, one is red, and one is blue, then green marble will rarely win the election. The reason is that three green marbles will share the votes of those who prefer green. In fact, in this analogy, the only way that green marble wins is if more than sixty percent of voters prefer green color. If the same percentage of people prefer green as those who prefer red and blue, it means that if 33 percent of voters prefer green, 33 percent prefer blue, and 33 percent prefer red, then every green marble will only get eleven percent of the vote , while red and blue marbles will each get 33 percent, putting green marbles at a serious disadvantage. If the experiment is repeated with other colors, the colors in the majority will still rarely win. In other words, from a purely mathematical perspective, a single voting system tends to favor a different winner of the majority. If the experiment is repeated using an approval vote, in which voters are encouraged to vote as many of the candidates as they agree, then the winner is much more likely to be one of five marbles, as more green people will be able to vote for every green marble.

The development of a 'single vote' system is to have a two-round selection, or repeat first-past-the-post. The winner must receive a majority, which is more than half. If subsequent votes should be used, often a candidate, who has the fewest votes or anyone who wishes to transfer his or her support to another candidate, is excluded from voting.

An alternative to a two-round voting system is a single round single instant voting system (Also referred to as Alternative choice or Preferential granting ) as used in selections in Australia, Ireland and America Union. Voters rated each candidate based on the order of choice (1,2,3 and so on). Sound is distributed to each candidate according to the allocated preferences. If no single candidate has a vote of 50% or more of the candidates with the least votes excluded and their votes redistributed according to the electoral order chosen by the electorate. This process is repeated until a candidate has a 50% or more vote. The system is designed to produce the same results as a thorough ballot but uses only one round of voting.

In voting systems that use lots of votes , voters can vote for any part of the alternatives. So, voters might choose Alice, Bob, and Charlie, reject Daniel and Emily. Voting approval uses some of these sounds.

In voting systems using voting ratings , voters should rank alternatives based on preference. For example, they might choose Bob in the first place, then Emily, then Alice, then Daniel, and finally Charlie. Ranking voting systems, such as the well-known ones used in Australia, use voice ratings.

In a voting system that uses vote acquisition (or voting ), the voter gives each alternate number between one and ten (the upper and lower limits may vary). See the cardinal voting system.

Some "multiple winning" systems may have one vote or one vote per voter per available position. In such cases, voters may elect Bob and Charlie on a vote with two votes. This type of system can use ranking voting or not, and is often used for large positions such as in some city councils.


Most of the time, when a citizen of a country is invited to vote, it is for election. However, people can also vote in referendums and initiatives. Since the end of the eighteenth century, more than five hundred national referendums (including initiatives) have been held in the world; among them, more than three hundred people were detained in Switzerland. Australia ranks second with dozens of referendums.

Fair voting

The result can lead to confusion, the worst to violence and even civil war, in the case of political rivals. Many alternatives may fall in the latitudes of indifference - they are not accepted or rejected. Avoiding the choices most rejected by most people may be at least as important as choosing what they like best.

There is a definition of social choice theory of seemingly plausible criteria that is a measure of the fairness of certain aspects of voting, including non-dictatorship, unlimited domains, non-loading, Pareto efficiency, and irrelevant alternative independence but the impossibility Arrow's theorem states that no voting system can meet all of these standards.

Negative vote

Negative voting allows a vote that expresses the disapproval of a candidate. For explanatory purposes, consider a hypothetical voting system that uses negative voting. In this system, one vote is allowed, with options for candidates, or against candidates. Each positive vote adds one to the overall total of the candidate, while the negative vote reduces one, arrives at the net favorability. The candidate with the highest level of cleanliness is the winner. Note that not only total negatives are possible, but also, a candidate can even be selected with 0 votes if enough negative votes are cast against their opponents.

Under this implementation, the negative vote is no different from a positive voting system, when only two candidates are present in the ballot. However, in the case of three or more candidates, any negative vote for a candidate is considered positive against all other candidates.

Consider the following example:

Three candidates ran for the same seat. Two hypothetical selection results are given, positive and negative voice contrasts. The accuracy of polling and voter participation is assumed to be 100 percent.

Election results with positive voting:

A-voters, with a clear advantage of 40%, logically vote for Candidate A. B-voters, not confident of their candidate's chances, split their votes exactly in half, giving each Candidate A and C 15% respectively. C-selectors, also logically choose their candidates. A is a winner with 55%, C at 45% and B 0%.

Result of voting with negative vote:

A-voters again, with a clear advantage of 40%, logically choose Candidate A. B-voters again, split exactly into two. Each B-voter decides to vote negatively on their most favorite candidate, arguing that this negative vote allows them to declare consent to two other candidates. The C-selector also decides to vote against Candidate A for the same reason. Candidate B is a winner with 0 votes. Simply a negative vote is cast against the opponent of Candidate B, resulting in a total negative. A candidate, although it has been surveyed at 40%, ends with -5%, offsets because of the 45% negative aggregate vote cast by B and C voters. Candidate C ends with -15%.

Proxy voting

Proxy voting is a type of ballot in which a registered citizen who can vote express his vote to a different voter or voter legally.


In South Africa, there is a strong presence of anti-voting campaigns by the poor. They make structural arguments that no political party really represents them. For example, this results in "No Land! No House! No Sound!" Campaigns that become very prominent every time the country organizes the election. The campaign stands out among the three largest social movements in South Africa: the Western Cape Expulsion Campaign, Abahlali Base, Mjondolo, and the No-Run People's Movement.

Other social movements in other parts of the world also have similar campaigns or non-voting preferences. These include the Zapatista National Liberation Army and various anarchist-oriented movements.

It is possible to make a blank vote, take a voting action, which may be mandatory, without choosing a candidate or choice, often as a protest action. In some jurisdictions, there are no official options above and counted as valid votes. Normally, blank and zero voices are counted (shared or separated) but not considered valid.

Voting and information

Modern political science has questioned whether ordinary citizens have enough political information to make a meaningful vote. A series of research out of the University of Michigan in the 1950s and 1960s argued that voters lacked a basic understanding of current issues, the dimensions of liberal-conservative ideology, and relative ideological dilemmas.

Studies from other institutions show that the candidate's physical appearance is the underlying criterion based on their decision.

Religious view

Christadelphians, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Old Order of the Amish, the Rastafarians, the Yahweh Assembly, and several other religious groups, have a policy of not participating in politics through voting. The rabbis of all Jewish denominations encourage voting; some even consider it a religious obligation.

Maps Voting

Meetings and meetings

Whenever some people who do not all agree need to make some decisions, choosing is a very common way to reach a decision peacefully. The right to vote is usually limited to certain people. Community members or clubs, or company shareholders, but not outsiders, may elect its officers, or adopt or modify its rules, in a manner similar to the election of persons to official positions. The panel of judges, whether formal judicial authorities or, say, a competition judge, may make a decision by voting. A group of friends or family members can decide which movies will be viewed through voting. The method of voting may range from formal submission of a written voice, through hand performances, voting voices or audience response systems, to informally record results that seem to be favored by more people.

Voting base

According to Robert's Rules of Order, the most widely used guideline for parliamentary procedures, the basis for determining voting outcomes consists of two elements: (1) the percentage of votes required for proposals to be adopted or for candidates to be elected (eg more than half, thirds, three quarters, etc.); and (2) groups of proportioned members (eg members present and voting, members present, all members of the organization, all voters, etc.). An example is the majority vote of the members present and voting.

The voting results can also be determined using plurality, or the most votes among the options.

In addition, decisions can be made without a formal vote by using unanimous consent.

The voting method is the way people vote in elections or referendums. There are different methods used throughout the world.

Voting Rights Project â€

Voting methods in deliberative assemblies

Partial assemblies - bodies using parliamentary procedures to reach decisions - use some method of voting with motion (an official proposal by members or members of the deliberate council that the assembly takes a particular action). Regular voting methods in such bodies are voice, increased sound, and hand performances. Additional forms of voting include voice recording and voting. The Assembly may decide the method of voting by adopting the above movements. Different legislatures can have their own method of voting.

How Slate staffers are voting.

Voting Method

Paper-based methods

The most common polling method uses ballot papers in which voters mark their preferences. This may involve marking their support for a candidate or party listed on a ballot, or an article, in which they write the name of the candidate of their choice if it is not registered.

An alternative paper-based system known as a ballot is used in Israel, where the voting booth contains a tray containing ballot papers for each of the election-fighting parties; ballot papers shall be marked with a letter given to that party. Voters are given an envelope in which they include ballot papers from the party they want to select, before placing the envelope in the ballot box.

Voting engine

Voting machines use voting machines, which may be manual (eg lever machines) or electronics. In Brazil, voters type in the number of candidates they want to vote for and then confirm their voices when the candidate photo is displayed on the screen.

Choose online

In some countries people are allowed to vote online. Estonia was one of the first countries to use online voting: first used in local elections in 2005.

Post poll

Many countries allow postal voting, in which voters are sent ballots and returns them by post.

Open voicemail

Unlike the secret ballot, open balloting is done in public places and is usually done by raising a hand. An example is the Landsgemeinde system in Switzerland, which is still used in the cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden, Glarus, Grisons, and Schwyz.

Theoretical blockchain selector

Blockchain-based voting is similar to blockchain cryptocurrency in the verification process that prevents fraud by having public records all the way back to the genesis block (first vote). Each voter will have a unique voter ID.

Other methods

In the Gambian vote conducted using marbles, a method introduced in 1965 to deal with illiteracy. The polling place contains metal drums painted in colors and party symbols with photographs of candidates attached to them. Voters are given marbles to be placed in their prospective drum; when falling to the drum, the bell rang to register the sound. To avoid confusion, bicycles are prohibited near the polls on election day. If marble is left on a drum rather than placed inside it, the sound is considered invalid.

A similar system used in social clubs saw voters given a white ball to show support and a black ball to show opposition. This leads to coining of the term blackballing.

Why Your Vote Matters - YouTube

See also

November 7 Voting Information for Wilton Residents


Why Voting is an Important Pillar of Democracy

External links

  • US voting history from the Smithsonian Institution.
  • New Nation Votes: American Election Returns 1787-1825
  • Can I choose? - a nonpartisan US source to register to select and find your polling place from the National Association of Secretaries of State.
  • Canadian Civilization Museum - Sound History in Canada
  • Ã, Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Choose". EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica (issue 11). Cambridge University Press.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
