Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

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Pryzm Environmental Policy
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Environmental policy is the organization's commitment to laws, regulations and other policy mechanisms on environmental issues. These issues generally include air and water pollution, waste management, ecosystem management, biodiversity maintenance, protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species. With regard to environmental policy, the importance of implementing eco-energy-oriented policies at a global level to address the issues of global warming and climate change should be emphasized. Policies on energy or regulation of toxic substances including pesticides and various types of industrial waste are part of the environmental policy topic. This policy can be purposely taken to direct and supervise human activities and thereby prevent harmful effects on the biophysical and natural environment, and ensure that environmental changes have no harmful effects on humans.

Video Environmental policy


It is important to consider that the environmental policy consists of two main terms: environment and policy. The environment refers to the physical ecosystem, but can also consider the social dimensions (quality of life, health) and economic dimensions (resource management, biodiversity). Policies can be defined as "a series of actions or principles that are adopted or proposed by governments, parties, businesses or individuals". Thus, environmental policy focuses on issues arising from human impacts on the environment, retroactive to human society by having a (negative) impact on human values ​​such as good health or a 'clean and green' environment.

Environmental issues commonly addressed by environmental policies include (but not limited to) air and water pollution, waste management, ecosystem management, biodiversity protection, protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species, and conservation of these resources for future generations.. Relatively recently, environmental policy has also been present for communication of environmental issues.

Maps Environmental policy


The rationale for government involvement in the environment is market failure in the form of forces beyond one's control, including the problems of free riders and common tragedies. An example of externality is when a plant produces waste pollution that can be discharged into a river, which ultimately pollutes the water. The cost of such actions is paid for by the public at large, when they have to clean water before drinking it and are outside the cost of the factory. The problem of free riders is when private marginal costs take action to protect the environment greater than private marginal benefits, but the social marginal cost is less than the marginal social benefit. A common tragedy is the problem that, since no one has a common property, every individual has an incentive to make the most of the common resources. Without government involvement, commons are used excessively. Examples of common tragedies are overfishing and overgrazing.

US Environmental Policy Introduction - ppt video online download
src: slideplayer.com

Instruments, issues and issues

Environmental policy instruments are tools used by governments to implement their environmental policies. Governments can use a number of different types of instruments. For example, economic incentives and market-based instruments such as taxes and exemptions, tradable licenses, and fees can be very effective in encouraging compliance with environmental policies. Enterprise companies engaged in efficient and transparent environmental management of their environmental data and report on the benefits of better business performance.

Bilateral agreements between government and private companies and commitments made by companies independent of government requirements are examples of voluntary environmental actions. Another instrument is the implementation of a greener public purchasing program.

Some instruments are sometimes combined in a policy mix to address a particular environmental problem. Because environmental issues have many aspects, some policy instruments may be needed to adequately deal with each. In addition, different policy combinations can provide greater flexibility in policy compliance and reduce uncertainty about compliance costs.

Government policies should be carefully formulated to ensure that individual measures do not weaken each other, or create rigid and ineffective frameworks. Overlapping policies result in unnecessary administrative costs, increasing implementation costs. To help governments realize their policy objectives, the OECD Environment Directorate collects data on the efficiency and consequences of environmental policies implemented by national governments. The website, www.economicinstruments.com, [1] provides a database that details the experiences of countries with their environmental policies. The UN Economic Commission for Europe, through the Environmental Performance Review of UNECE, evaluates the progress made by its member states in upgrading their environmental policies.

The current dependence on a market-based framework is still controversial, and many environmental experts argue that a more radical and thorough approach is needed rather than a specific set of initiatives, to address climate change. For example, energy efficiency measures can actually increase energy consumption in the absence of caps on fossil fuel use, as people may drive more fuel-efficient cars. Thus, Aubrey Meyer calls for a 'market-based framework' of contraction and convergence. Cap and Share and Sky Trust are proposals based on the idea.

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is conducted to compare the impact of various policy alternatives. In addition, it is assumed that policy makers make rational decisions based on project excellence. Eccleston and March argue that although policymakers typically have access to reasonably accurate information, political and economic factors often lead to decisions that damage the environment in the long run.

The theory of decision-making throws doubts on this premise. Irrational decisions are achieved based on unconscious biases, illogical assumptions, and a desire to avoid ambiguity and uncertainty.

Eccleston identifies and explains four of the most critical environmental policy issues facing mankind: water scarcity, food scarcity, climate change, and population paradox.

US Environmental Policy Introduction - ppt video online download
src: slideplayer.com

Research and innovation policy

Synergistic with environmental policy is environmental research and innovation policy. An example is European environmental research and innovation policy, which aims to define and implement a transformative agenda to green the economy and society as a whole so as to achieve truly sustainable development. Europe is very active in this field, through a range of strategies, actions, and programs to encourage more and better research and innovation to build resource-resistant, climate-resilient societies and economies that thrive in line with their natural environment. Research and innovation in Europe is financially supported by the Horizon 2020 program, which is also open to participation worldwide.

Sources - EV274/PS274: Environmental Policy - Research Guides at ...
src: borderlessnewsandviews.com


The 1960s mark the beginning of modern environmental policy making. Although the mainstream of America remained unaware of environmental concerns, the stage was set for a change by the publication of New York Times bestselling book by Rachel Carson Silent Spring in 1962. Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, later to become US Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the destruction of 1969 a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Administrator Ruckelshaus was confirmed by the Senate on December 2, 1970, which is the traditional date used as the birth of the agency. Five months earlier, in July of 1970, President Nixon had signed the Reorganization Plan no. 3 called for the establishment of the EPA in July 1970. At that time, the Environmental Policy was a bipartisan issue and the efforts of the United States helped spark the countries around. the world to make environmental policy. During this period, legislation was passed to regulate airborne pollutants, water levels, and solid waste disposal. President Nixon signed the Clean Air Act in 1970 establishing the United States as one of the world's leaders in environmental conservation.

In the EU, the first Environmental Action Program was adopted by a national government representative in July 1973 during the first meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Environment. Since then, a growing network of increasingly congested legislation now extends to all areas of environmental protection including air pollution control, water protection and waste policies, but also nature conservation and chemical control, biotechnology and other industry risks. The EU's environmental policy has become a core area of ​​European politics.

The organization as a whole becomes more aware of its environmental risks and performance requirements. In line with ISO 14001 standards they develop appropriate environmental policies for their organizations. This statement describes the environmental performance of the organization and its environmental objectives. Written by top management of their organizations documenting a commitment to continuous improvement and complying with legal and other requirements, such as environmental policy objectives set by their government.

International Environmental Policy Introduction Every week trash ...
src: images.slideplayer.com

Integration of environmental policies

The concept of integration of environmental policies (EPI) refers to the process of integrating environmental goals into areas of non-environmental policies, such as energy, agriculture and transport, rather than letting them be pursued only through a purely environmental policy practice. This is often very challenging because of the need to align global goals and international rules with domestic needs and legislation. EPI is widely recognized as one of the key elements of sustainable development. More recently, the notion of 'climate policy integration', also symbolized as 'mainstreaming', has been applied to show the integration of climate considerations (both mitigation and adaptation) into normal (often economically focused) governance activities.

do-environmental-policies-matter-for-productivity-growth-10-1024 ...
src: www.sustainablehomes.co.uk

Environmental policy studies

Given the increasing needs of trained environmental practitioners, graduate schools around the world offer specialized professional degrees in environmental policy studies. Although there is no standard curriculum, students typically take classes in policy analysis, environmental science, environmental and political law, ecology, energy, and natural resource management. Graduates of these programs are employed by governments, international organizations, the private sector, think tanks, universities, and so on.

Due to the lack of standard nomenclature, institutions use a variety of titles to refer to the academic degree they provide. However, degrees typically fall within one of four broad categories: master of arts, master of science, public administration master, and PhD in environmental policy. Sometimes, more specific names are used to reflect the focus of an academic program. For example, the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey awarded art masters in international environmental policy (MAIEP) to emphasize the international curriculum orientation.

Masters in Environment Management Degree Programs
src: www.gradschools.com

See also

  • Chemical leasing
  • Climate policy
  • Environmental governance
  • Environmental politics
  • Environmental racism
  • Environmental Principles and Policy (books)
  • Harris School of Public Policy Studies
  • Tellus Institute
  • The Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey


External links

  • The GreenWill Global non-profit initiative that offers a free environment policy ("Green Policy") worldwide
  • Envirowise UK Portal Government-funded sites offer environmental policy suggestions
  • Respond to the publication of Climate Change Climate Change Organizations annually since 2002.
  • Resources for the Future Nonprofit and non-partisan organizations conducting independent research - primarily rooted in economics and other social sciences - on environmental, energy, and natural resources issues.
  • EEA/OECD Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management database
  • US National Environmental Policy Act
  • Schelling, Thomas C. (2002). "Greenhouse effect". In David R. Henderson (ed.). Economic Concise Encyclopedia (1st ed.). Library of Economy and Freedom. CS1 maint: Additional text: editor list (link) OCLCÃ, 317650570, 50016270, 163149563
  • [2] In December 1997, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA'97) was signed and endorsed by the President of Pakistan. It provides protection, conservation, rehabilitation and environmental enhancement, for pollution prevention and control, and promotion of sustainable development. PEPA'97 covers almost all issues from pollution pollution to pollution prevention, monitoring of foreclosures, compliance with offenses, and prosecution of sentences. However, the results of this law are subject to good implementation and are not mixed.
  • Burden, L. 2010, How to write an environmental policy (for an organization), & lt; http://www.environmentalpolicy.com.au/>

Source of the article : Wikipedia
