Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

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All Cars In Norway Will Be 100% Electric By 2025
src: cdn.wccftech.com

Fleet plug-in electric vehicle in Norway is the largest per capita in the world, with Oslo recognized as the world's EV capital. In July 2016, the market concentration was 21.5 registered plug-in cars per 1,000 people, 14.2 times higher than the US, rather than the world's largest market. Norway's electric car fleet is one of the cleanest in the world because 98% of the electricity generated in this country comes from hydropower. In March 2014, Norway became the first country where more than one in every 100 passenger cars on the road was an electrical plug-in; market penetration of this segment passes 3% in December 2015, and ends 2016 with 5% of all passenger cars on the Norwegian road being plug-in.

The stock of lightweight plug-in light duty vehicles registered in Norway amounts to more than 200,000 units by the end of 2017. In December 2016, the country has the largest light-weight European plug-in stock, and the fourth largest. in the world after China, US and Japan. In December 2017, Norway's lightweight plug-in electric fleet comprised nearly 142,000 electric passenger cars and vans, and over 67,000 plug-in hybrids. Total stock includes more than 24,000 imported electric cars used from neighboring countries. Norway's plug-in electric vehicle market share of new car sales has been the highest in the world for several years, reaching 39.2% in 2017, up from 29.1% in 2016, and 13.8% in 2014.

The highest monthly market share for the plug-in passenger power segment was achieved in January 2017 with 37.5% of new car sales. Also in January 2017, the segment of electrification passenger cars, consisting of plug-in hybrids, all conventional electric and hybrid cars, for the first time exceeded sales of cars with conventional diesel or gasoline engines, with a market share of 51.4% of new car sales at that month. The registration of lightweight plug-in electric vehicles in Norway passes 100,000 units of milestone in April 2016, and 100,000 all-electric vehicles by December 2016.

Among the existing government incentives, all electric cars and vans are excluded in Norway from all non-recurring vehicle charges, including purchase taxes, and 25% VAT on purchases, together making the purchase price of electric cars competing with conventional cars. Also, the government approved a tax deduction for plug-in hybrids valid from July 2013. The government's original goal of 50,000 pure electric vehicles on the Norwegian road was reached by the end of April 2015. In May 2015, the Government decided to maintain incentives until 2017, and Parliament agreed to reduce and eliminate some incentives from January 2018. Local authorities are also given the right to decide whether electric cars can park for free and use public transport. In February 2016, the government opened for public discussion of the proposed National Transport Plan 2018-2029 (NTP). Among other things, the NTP sets the goal that all new cars, buses and light commercial vehicles by 2025 have zero emission vehicles, these are all-electric and hydrogen vehicles.

As a result of the successful policies adopted to promote the adoption of EV, the number of electric vehicles on the Norwegian road increased rapidly, resulting in some unintended consequences and increased some complaints and criticisms. Complaints about incentives include: high public subsidies compared to the value of carbon footprints reduction of electric vehicles; the possibility of traffic congestion on several Oslo bus lines due to the increasing number of electric cars; loss of revenue for some ferry operators due to the large number of electric cars being exempted from payments; and the lack of parking space for conventional car owners due to a preference for electric cars (though this is actually the intended policy).

Video Plug-in electric vehicles in Norway

Government goals and incentives

Incentives available

The Norwegian Parliament sets a goal of achieving 50,000 zero emissions vehicles by 2018. Among the existing incentives, all electric cars and utility vans are waived in Norway of all non-recurring vehicle charges, including purchase taxes, which are exceptionally high for the ordinary. cars, and 25% VAT purchases, together make the purchase price of electric cars compete with conventional cars. For example, in early 2013 Nissan Leaf's highest sales price was 240,690 kroner (about $ 42,500) while Golf Volkswagen's 1.3-lt purchase price was 238,000 kroner (about US $ 42,000 ). Electric vehicles are also exempted from the annual road tax, all public parking fees, and toll payments, and can use bus lanes. This incentive is valid until the end of 2017 or up to 50,000 EV targets are reached.

Sales of plug-in hybrids have much smaller market penetration than the sale of pure electric cars. The hybrid plug-in is not eligible for the same tax exemption and other government incentives applicable to electric cars. Because the Norwegian tax system levies higher taxes on heavier vehicles, plug-in hybrids are more expensive than gasoline and diesel-powered cars are equivalent because of the extra weight of the battery pack and the additional electrical components. Starting July 1, 2013, existing weight reductions for conventional hybrids and 10% hybrid plug-in increased to 15% for PHEVs. The weight reduction is increased to 26% effective since January 2015. This fiscal incentive combined with the wider variety of models available in the market resulted in record sales of plug-in hybrids by 2015, with nearly 8,000 newly registered units, up from about 1,700 by 2014 Hybrid plug-in market share rose to 5.2%, up from just over 1% in 2014, and from 4.2% in September 2015 to 13.9% in September 2016.

The government sets the letters of identification, "EL", for use on electric vehicle plates to simplify control whether the vehicle meets the requirements for user incentives such as free parking, freeways via toll gates etc. Accordingly, the hydrogen vehicle has a "HY" as an identifier. Nothing is equivalent to a plug-in hybrid. Also being able to see passing vehicles with either "EL" or "HY" can have an informative effect on the general public about zero emission vehicles.

Since the number of electric cars and registered vans reaches 60,000 units in July 2015, and the prefix "EL" is set to end on "EL 99999" (most vehicles in the country have five-digit registration numbers between 10,000 and 99999), Norwegian Public Road Agency choose the prefix "EK" in the second row of plates, to signify " elektrisk kjÃÆ'¸retÃÆ'¸y ", Norway for electric vehicles. And since the sale of electric vehicles is expected to continue at a rapid pace, meaning that the second phase of the license plate is likely to run out as well, the "EV" prefix has been set aside for future electric cars. In July 2016, as the stock of "EL" prefix plates was running low, the first electric vehicle listed with the new "EK" series was on the road.

In September 2013, the Norwegian Parliament approved, as part of the revised 2014 budget, the 25% VAT exemption for electric vehicle rentals was effective on January 1, 2014. However, in September 2014, the release was not enforced because the Minister of Finance decided to postpone the move, awaiting official consultation with the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) to ensure that VAT exemptions for leasing do not violate the European Economic Area Agreement (EEA). The loss of government revenue due to unfinished lease clearance is estimated at about 47 million kroner (about US $ 7.3 million per year). One Member of Parliament has criticized the government for the postponement. He argues that early VAT exemptions for all electric vehicles were never approved at the ESA. In addition, ESA spokesman confirmed that the Government has not sent any request in September 2014, or the agency did not receive complaints about the tax evasion of the Norwegian native EV. MP said that he will demand that the decision be implemented when Parliament meets in October 2014. The consultation was presented to ESA in November 2014, and the authorities decided in April 2015 that the exemption of VAT on the rental of electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles in accordance with the Agreement EEA, as the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Approval from ESA originally valid until the end of 2017, but the government may apply for an extension if the zero rate for VAT is kept. Exclusions for the rental of electric vehicles entered into force in July 2015.

The target of 50,000 electric cars on the Norwegian road is reached on April 20, 2015, more than two years earlier than expected. This milestone is commemorated by the Norwegian Electrical Vehicle Association in Drammen where 50,000 registered electric cars, the Tesla Model S, are awarded the plate "EL 60000." Special electric vehicle series begins with "EL 10000." By reaching a stock of 50,000 electric cars, the penetration of the pure electric vehicle market reached 2% of all registered passenger cars in Norway. A milestone of 100,000 lightweight electric light vehicles is achieved in December 2016, representing about 10% of all pure electric cars that have been sold worldwide. According to the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, if the country wants to achieve ambitious climate goals set by Parliament, the next goal is to have 400,000 battery electric vehicles by 2020.

Stopping incentives

As one of the criteria for ending incentives was reached, in April 2014, no decision was made by the authorities regarding the introduction of a 25% VAT on the purchase of electric vehicles. Among the options under consideration by the government is to introduce taxes gradually, 8% VAT starting in 2016, will be increased to 12% by 2017 and 16% by 2018. Prime Minister Erna Solberg has assured the government will not make any changes also about the benefits of electric cars in the 2015 budget.

In early March 2015, negotiations began among the parties represented in Parliament to determine the future of all motor vehicles and fuel taxes. The Liberal Party wants all the benefits to continue beyond the set quota. The Ministry of Finance also makes a comprehensive review of all motor vehicle taxes. Both purchase tax exemptions charge the government of about 3 billion kroner (about 480 million ) in lost revenues only in 2014, and up to 4 billion kroner (about US $ 640 million ) if all other benefits are accounted for. Although it has exceeded the limit of 50,000 electric cars, tax benefits are expected to continue until late 2016.

In May 2015, the Government decided to maintain incentives until 2017, and political parties in Parliament agreed to reduce and reduce some incentives. Starting January 2018, electric car owners will be required to pay half of the annual road license fees and full tariffs by 2020. The value-added tax exemption (VAT) for electric cars will expire in 2018, but be replaced by new ones. scheme, which can be worn ceiling that can be reduced as technology develops. The agreement also gives local authorities the right to decide whether electric cars can park for free and use public transport routes.

In March 2016, the Ministry of Transport issued new regulations for parking on site with access to the general public. The new parking regulation, which came into force on 1 January 2017, stopped free parking for non-emission vehicles, but determined that Kota may introduce payment waivers for electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles at city parking locations. In September 2016, the city council of Trondheim and TÃÆ'¸nsberg decided to introduce full payment for EVs starting 2017; BodÃÆ'¸ and TromsÃÆ'Â kota cities will introduce payments for parking in downton but freed parking outside the city center; and the cities of Oslo, Mandal and Drammen decided to keep free parking for zero-emission vehicles.

In the 2017 APBN, the Government proposes to extend VAT exemption for zero-emission vehicles until 2020. In addition, it proposes a national rule to keep the zero-emission zero-maximum vehicle tax rate equal to half the value charged to conventional cars. The budget proposal also includes adjustments to free plug-in hybrids from higher taxes levied on heavier vehicles, and instead, to impose taxes under their fuel economy under the New European Moving Cycle (NEDC). Until 2016, all plug-in hybrids have a 26% weight allowance regardless of all electric range or fuel efficiency.

Goal for 2018-2029

In February 2016, the government opened for public discussion until July 1, 2016 proposed National Transport Plan 2018-2029 (NTP). The plan explains that the transport sector contributes approximately 16.5 million tonnes of CO 2 , which accounts for about a third of the total domestically produced greenhouse gas emissions in Norway. Road traffic, including private cars and heavy vehicles, accounted for about 10 million tonnes of CO 2 . NTP establishes policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from private cars, trucks, ships, aircraft and construction equipment by about half to 2030.

To achieve this goal, among other things, NTP sets the goal that all new cars, buses and light commercial vehicles by 2025 have zero emission vehicles, these are all-electric and hydrogen vehicles. By 2030, heavy duty vans, 75% of new long-distance buses, and 50% of new trucks have zero emission vehicles. Also, by 2030, 40% of all ships in short ocean shipments must use biofuels or become low-vessel or zero emissions. The proposed strategy states that until a zero-emission vehicle takes over, all internal combustion engine cars are sold into plug-in hybrids, and wherever possible, biofuels should be used. In addition, government agencies should use biofuels, low-emission and zero emission technologies in private and chartered vessels and vessels. The plan also calls for supporting the spread of zero emissions vehicles, but also for reducing existing incentives, and proposes to invest more in public transport, on foot and on cycling.

Criticism of incentives

Since 2013 some complaints and criticisms have emerged due to the rapid increase in the number of electric vehicles on the roads as a result of existing incentives to promote EV adoption, and in particular about non-fiscal incentives. This includes high public subsidies when compared to the reduced carbon footprint value of electric vehicles; travel mode shifted by people who buy electric vehicles as second cars instead of buses and trains; potential traffic congestion on the Oslo bus line due to the increasing number of electric cars; loss of revenue for some ferry operators due to the large number of electric cars being exempted from payments; and lack of parking space for conventional car owners due to a preference for electric cars and lack of parking time limits.

Excessive subsidies

According to research published by Reuters in March 2013, prepared by Bjart Holtsmark, a Norwegian Statistics analyst, the tax exemption on the purchase of electric cars is worth almost US $ 11,000 compared to the full tax rates of ordinary ordinary combustion engine cars , which is equivalent to US $ 1,400 a year for the life of the car (8 years). The value of the toll exemption to drive to Oslo is worth US $ 1,400 per year, free parking is worth US $ 5,000 per year, and electric cars avoid other costs US $ 400 a year. Without adding value to the driving benefits of the bus lanes, the annual benefits of owning an electric car in Oslo are estimated to be US $ 8,200 per car, per year. Analysis using the Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid as a benchmark vehicle. Mr. Holtsmark also pointed out that "by encouraging people who can afford it to buy a second car instead of using buses and trains, electric car schemes can ironically exacerbate environmental problems and cause traffic congestion."

The Norwegian Project GrÃÆ'¸nn bil (Green Car) debates these numbers because they think the analysis is based on unrealistic assumptions. The group argues that the analysis uses a very short vehicle life span of 7.8 years, while the Norwegian average is close to 18 years; it is highly unlikely that a vehicle can be parked in Oslo between 1,875 hours and 3,000 hours per year to save an estimated US $ 5,000 given the existing parking time limit; and the typical EV owner drives about 15,000 km (9,300 mi) per year, instead of 6,500 km (4,000 mi) implicit in the analysis. Using assumptions they deem more realistic, GrÃÆ'¸nn bil estimates that the annual benefits of owning an electric car in Oslo are estimated to be US $ 3,336 per car, per year, 40% of Holtsmark estimates. They also found that the per tonne cost of CO 2 emissions was reduced was US $ 2,499 , not US $ 13,600 estimated by Holtsmark.

Bus line congestion

In December 2013, the Budstikka newspaper conducted an informal test to measure the difference in travel time between electric cars and gasoline-powered cars during the morning rush hour on a stretch of road between the suburbs of the Asker municipality. in Akershus, and SkÃÆ'¸yen, the neighborhood of Oslo. The electric car completed the journey in 19 minutes using the bus line while it took 51 minutes for a conventional car to travel on the normal track. Around noon, the same trip took the electric car for only 13 minutes.

Budstikka also calculates the number of vehicles traveling on bus lines during peak hours on December 3, 2013. The newspaper found that a total of 829 vehicles used bus lines between 7:30 and 8:30, where, 618 vehicles are electric cars (74.5%). Buses only account for 7.5% of traffic on bus lines, and taxis, two-wheeled vehicles and mini-buses are made up of the rest. Deputy Director of the Institute of Transportation Economics (TÃÆ'ËÅ"I) explains that the normal capacity of the highway lane is between 1,800 and 2,000 vehicles per hour, but because the entrances and exits, and buses maneuver in and out of the bus Lane to stop, traffic flow begins to become bothered when the number of vehicles on the bus lane is about 1,000 vehicles per hour. Although in December 2013 traffic was approaching this limit, Deputy Director TÃÆ'ËÅ"I did not want to predict when this critical situation will occur. The manager of the green car advocacy group, GrÃÆ'nn Bil warned that "if the only reason people buy electric cars is to drive on the bus lanes, they may be disappointed sooner or later."

In mid-2014, bus drivers in parts of Oslo began to complain about the delays caused by the growing number of electric cars. A bus driver interviewed expressed concern that electric cars "can create a vicious circle - tired of being stuck in traffic, bus users may be tempted to buy their own electric cars, aggravate congestion problems." According to the Norwegian Public Road Administration, in August 2014, electric cars represent 85% of traffic on bus lines during rush hours. At the end of August 2014, Norwegian ministers were under increasing pressure to reduce non-financial incentives and tax breaks for electric cars to ease the growing congestion problem, but no decision was made by the central government. The success of the adoption of electric cars is unexpected, as authorities plan to keep incentives in place until the end of 2017, or until they reach 50,000 units. At the sales pace achieved during 2014, the registered 50,000 EV target can be met in April or May 2015.

According to local authorities from the city of Oslo, the negative effects on bus lines occur only in certain places and at certain times, especially on the Norwegian National Road E18, west of Oslo. The problem is concentrated at the exit and entry ramps which in the long run may have serious consequences for bus accessibility. All involved agencies monitor the situation and the Oslo authorities consider that the restrictions for EVs to access the bus line should be considered only when it becomes a major problem for buses.

Load on ferry operators

As part of an incentive to promote EV adoption, plug-in electric vehicles are exempt from paying ferry fees, but only passing cars are free, drivers and every passenger pay a regular fee. The accelerated growth of electric cars on several ferry routes has caused complaints from ferry operators due to increased losses on their box revenues. According to FosenNamsos Sea AS, operators with four ferry lines serving the Hordaland region, during the first seven months of 2014 the number of electric vehicles driving Krokeidet-Hufthamar services from Hordaland increased by 215% compared to the same period last year, to a total of 9,226 electric cars not paying the cost of the ferry though late July. The company believes that "no one can forecast the incredible growth of electric cars we see on some ferry routes, but the Austevoll satellite connection involves a significant loss of revenue for us."

On June 1, 2014, the home-based company SÃÆ'¸r-TrÃÆ'¸ndelag revoked the payment for electric vehicles at county ferries. The Company has also requested for the same ending of Hordaland Freight from the exclusion or some form of income loss compensation. FosenNamsos Sea AS believes that the financial burden should be on government instead of ferry operators. On September 1, 2014, the Hordaland county has 5,016 registered electric cars, Norway's second largest after Oslo. The hordaland transport authority is studying the request but has stated that the agency must follow state regulations for ferry tariffs and regulations set for electric cars.

Injustice free parking

As an incentive to promote EV adoption, plug-in electric vehicles are exempt from general parking fees. Politicians in Trondheim, in SÃÆ'¸r-TrÃÆ'¸ndelag county complained about the lack of parking space for conventional car owners due to a preference for electric cars. The city has a five hour time limit for electric cars to use free street parking, but owners of electric cars that use their cars to commute move their cars during the day, and end up having free parking all day while they're at work. A member of the City Council noted that on many roads there are many plug-in electric vehicles parked throughout the day, and sometimes there are more electric cars than regular cars. This situation makes it difficult to find a parking spot for those who come to town to shop. In addition, the city government of Trondheim lost revenue. City counselors want to end the incentives of electric car owners having to park in downtown Trondheim all day for free.

Charging infrastructure

In March 2016, there were 7,632 electric recharge points in the country. The region with the most stations is Oslo with 1,996 points, followed by Akershus with 1,117, and Hordaland with 932. Norway's filling infrastructure includes 293 CHAdeMO fast charging points and 194 fast charging points at the Tesla supercharger station.

Maps Plug-in electric vehicles in Norway

Pattern of use and attitude

survey 2013

In June 2013, the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association ( Norsk Elbilforening ) conducted a survey among electric car owners, totaling 1,858 respondents, representing more than 15% of all electric car owners in Norway. The study found that the typical electric car owner is a middle-aged family father with higher education and income, and he owns the Nissan Leaf as one of two cars. As many as 85% of respondents have two or more cars in their homes because they need a second car for longer trips considering the limited range of electric cars today can provide. However, for everyday needs, the study found that one electric car is enough. Norwegians travel 42 km daily, mostly by car. Based on the survey, the study found that 15% of electric car owners travel on their daily basis with just one electric car. These users choose public transportation or car/sharing rentals for longer trips, because high taxes on traditional cars in Norway make it expensive to own a car.

The study also found that about half of the survey respondents of 2013 have the best-selling Nissan Leaf electric cars in Norway and among the top five on the general model rankings. About 5% of respondents have more than one electric car, as some owners keep their old electric cars (like Th! Nk and Buddy) when they buy new ones. Surveys show that in many cases electric cars replace traditional cars (87%), but also use of public transportation (10%), and on foot and cycling (1%). Regarding daily use of electric cars, this study found that owners used electric cars mostly to leave for work (89.6%), shopping (88.4%) and driving after work activities (77.0%). Other uses include sending children to school or kindergarten (40.9%) and for business purposes (40.2%). On the other hand, the use of electric cars for holiday travel is very limited (11.7%).

Regarding the filling pattern, the 2013 survey found that 85% of respondents can fill in their own garage or parking lot, and 10% have access to filling in the shared apartment building where they live. This means that 95% of respondents are able to charge their electric cars at home at night. Surveys show that 59% of respondents have access to charging where they work, and 48% in public filling stations in their area usually use electric cars.

2016 survey

The Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics conducted in March 2016 a survey among more than 8,000 vehicle owners in Norway. The purpose of this study is to identify how plug-in vehicles are used, why they are purchased and how technology is judged in comparison to the owner of an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. The sample consists of 3,111 owners of all electric vehicles (BEV), 2,065 private plug-in hybrid (PHEV) owners, and 3,080 ICE vehicle owners. The study found that buyers of BEV and PHEV have different transport needs but both are motivated by economic use and the environment, while owners of electric vehicles are all also motivated by free toll road incentives. Surveys show that usually diesel and gasoline vehicles are replaced with the purchase of a plug-in vehicle, but a larger part of the battery of an electric vehicle becomes an additional vehicle in the household. Younger BEV owners, have more children, travel longer distances to work and have more vehicles than other vehicle owners.

Most owners of BEV (71%) also have ICEV, 4% PHEV, and 4% more than one BEV. The remaining 21% has only one BEV. 46% of PHEV owners and 48% of ICEV owners belong to one household vehicle. The most versatile BEV, Tesla Model S, twice as common in single BEV households as in households also has ICEV, and four times more common in households with multiple BEVs. Based on the survey, the researchers found that owners of hybrid plug-ins in Norway drive an average of 55% of their annual distance in charge-depleting or all-electric mode (EV mode), and the share rises to about 63% for travel. Part of higher electric travel for trips to work and in summer, and lower in winter. The average plug-in hybrid user in this survey drives 60% of total distance in EV mode in summer and 53% in winter. Estimates for work trips are higher in 70% in summer and 59% in winter. On the other hand, the study found that battery electric vehicles are driven more and more in daily traffic.

According to survey results, plug-in vehicles are mainly worn at home, either in their garage or in outdoor parking at the property owners, with 59% of BEV owners and 74% of PHEV owners charging in this manner. Only 6% of BEV owners and 5% of PHEV owners never charge a fee at home. Filling in the workplace is relatively common among BEV owners, 28% do it more than twice a week, 38% every week. Approximately 21% of PHEV owners do so at least weekly. Charging elsewhere is rare, but BEV owners are more often recharged at public filling stations and shopping centers than PHEV owners. Fast charging is used for irregular trips where users plan to use quick chargers to complete travel or to troubleshoot while on the go. Most electric vehicle battery owners manage their daily lives well and are satisfied with vehicles combined with exciting local incentives not available for plug-in hybrid owners and other vehicle users.

The peer-to-peer effect is essential for the diffusion of battery electric vehicles to be the largest source of information leading to purchases. The plug-in hybrid buyer receives most of the information that leads to purchases from dealers and advertisers. The four reasons most often mentioned by 89% of BEV owners who say they will buy BEV again are economic usage, environmental performance, future proof technology, and free toll freeway usage. Less than 1% will not buy BEV anymore. The reason for not buying any more is the issue of reach and charging. Three main reasons why 80% of PHEV owners say they will buy another one is the economy of use, environmental performance and that technology is proof of the future. Only 2% will not buy PHEV anymore. The main reason for not buying anymore is the short range in all-electric mode and the inability to use EV mode when it's cool.

File:Nissan Leaf in bus lanes Norway.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
src: upload.wikimedia.org


The government's original goal of 50,000 pure electric vehicles on Norwegian roads was achieved by the end of April 2015. The stock of registered plug-in electric vehicles in Norway passes 100,000 units of milestone in April 2016, and light-duty all-electric vehicle registration reaches 100,000 units milestone in the month December 2016. In August 2016, there are 34 models of plug-in vehicles that can be used in the Norwegian market, 19 plug-in hybrids and 15 electric cars and utility vans.

In December 2016, a total of 135,276 lightweight plug-in electric vehicles were registered in Norway, allowing the country to have Europe's largest auto and vans plug-in stock, and the fourth largest in the world after China, the US and Japan. Of these, 50,834 plug-ins are registered in 2016 (37.6%), including 5,281 imports used. Norway is the country's best-selling plug-in market in 2016 with 45,492 new plug-in cars and registered vans, surpassing the Netherlands, Europe's top market by 2015.

Also, Norway is the first country in the world to have an electric car that ranks new car sales every month. From September 2013 to November 2016, nine times the plug-in electric car has been ranked the country's monthly ranking, four times the Tesla Model S, twice the Nissan Leaf, after the Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV, after the Tesla Model X, and once BMW i3. In March 2014, Tesla Model S also broke the 28-year record for monthly sales of one model regardless of its power source. On 30 November 2016, Leaf ranks as the nation's best-selling plug-in electric car of all time in the country with 27,115 Leafs on the Norwegian road in late November 2016, followed by Volkswagen e-Golf with 15,991 units, and Tesla Model S with 11,615 units. These figures include the import used. These three models include more than half of the listed shares of all electric vehicles registered in the country. Norway is Europe's largest market for Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S.

In December 2017, and accounting for new and used import registrations, Norway's light-duty plug-in fleet consisted of 141,951 passengers in electric cars and vans, and 67,171 plug-in hybrids. The listed plug-in stock covers nearly 2,700 electric cars and approximately 24,500 imported electric cars are being used from neighboring countries.

As of September 30, 2013, total registered plug-in electrical stock includes more than 2,500 heavy quadricycles, such as Kewet/Buddy (1,087), Th! Nk City (1.120), and REVAi (299). These city cars are entitled to special "EL" plates provided for Norwegian electric vehicles.

In August 2014, plug-in electric car registrations were concentrated in six districts, Akershus with 7,576 units, Oslo with 7,110, Hordaland with 5,205, Rogaland with 3,372, SÃÆ'¸r-TrÃÆ'¸ndelag with 2,900, and Buskerud with 1,888. According to a research report published by Navigant Research in April 2014, the light-duty electric vehicle fleet plug-in used in the Greater Oslo Region in 2023 is expected to represent 10.7% of the city's total listed light vehicle stock.

Import used

The import sales used in Norway are very significant, and by December 2015, more than 11,500 plug-in vehicles imported from neighboring countries have been registered, especially pure electric cars. The registration of all-electric cars used amounted to 2,086 units in 2013, 3,063 in 2014 and 5,122 in 2015. In addition, about 1,300 used electric cars were imported into Norway before 2013. In September 2014 most of the imports came from France, especially the Nissan Leaf model.. Only in 2015, Norway imports a total of 21,756 used cars by 2015, a highly sought-after electric plug-up model tops the list of imported cars, Nissan Leaf with 2,088 and Kia Soul EV with 2,044. A total of 5,281 imported used electric cars were registered in 2016, up 3.1% from 2015, with registrations led by two popular plug-in models, Kia Soul (2,494) and Nissan Leaf (2,112).

Market penetration

In March 2014, Norway became the first country in which more than one out of every 100 registered passenger cars were electric plug-ins, out of a fleet of more than 2.52 million passenger cars. All electric vehicles reach 1.02% market penetration of the total registered passenger fleet, and for all segments of electricity plug-in market penetration increases to 1.07% when plug-in hybrids are taken into account. In March 2015, market penetration of the plug-in segment was over 2%, and the all-electric segment accounted for 2% of the 2.5 million registered passenger cars in the country by the end of April 2015. The penetration of the plug-in electric car market in the country 3% in December 2015. The entire electricity segment reached a market penetration of 3.5% in September 2016. On December 31, 2016, the plug-in car represented 5% of 2,639,308 passenger cars on the Norwegian road.

Plug-in concentration

Also, due to the size of the population, Norway is the country with the largest EV per capita ownership in the world, In 2013, EV concentration reached four plug-in electric vehicles per 1,000 people by 2013, nine times higher than US, -in the largest at the time. By July 2016, the market concentration had risen to 21.5 registered plug-in cars per 1,000 people, 3.6 times as high as California, the leading American market, and 14.2 times higher than the average US concentration, then the state market the world's largest.

Market share

Norway's plug-in electric car market share of new car sales is the highest in the world. Segment market share increased from 1.6% in 2011, to 3.1% in 2012, and reached 5.6% in 2013. Only the Netherlands, with 5.34% in 2013, reached the same market share. By 2014, the overall plug-in car takes the rate up to 13.8%, and reaches 22.4% by 2015. With a plug-in market share of 9.7% by 2015, the Netherlands has the second largest market share in the world after Norway.

Note the 29.1% market share of plug-ins of new car sales was achieved in 2016. The electric segment all registered a 15.7% market share, down from 17.1% in 2015, while the market share of plug-in hybrids rose to 13 , 4%. These results reflect a new trend in the Norwegian plug-in power market that began in 2016, as annual sales and market share of all electric cars decreased over the previous year, while the plug-in hybrid segment experienced significant growth. The new monthly market share record for the plug-in power passenger segment was achieved in March 2016 with 33.5% new car sales; The all-electric car segment has an 18.7% market share among new passenger cars, while the plug-in hybrid segment has 14.8%.

The highest monthly market share for plug-in electric passenger segment was achieved in January 2017 with 37.5% new car sales; the plug-in hybrid segment achieved a market share of 20.0% of new passenger cars, while the all-electric car segment has 17.5%. In addition, the segment of electric passenger cars, consisting of plug-in hybrids, all-electric cars and conventional hybrids, for the first time exceeded the combined sales of cars with conventional diesel or gasoline engines in January 2017, with a market share of 51.4% of car sales just that month.

Sales records

Norway is the first country in the world where plug-in electric cars have been listed among the top 10 cars in the past month, and the first has an electric car that ranks new car sales every month. Since 2013, plug-in cars have been ranked nine times in new car sales each month. Tesla Model S has become the new best-selling car four times, twice in 2013, first in September and again in December, and again in March 2014, and again in March 2015. Nissan Leaf has achieved monthly new car sales ranked twice, first in October 2013 and again in January 2014. Both Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S are listed among Norway's top 20 best-selling cars by 2013, with a third Leaf rating of 4,604 units and a market share of 3.2%; and Model S is ranked 20th with a market share of 1.4% of new car sales in 2013.

In March 2014, the Tesla Model S also broke the 28-year record for monthly single-model sales regardless of its power source, with 1,493 units sold, surpassing Ford Sierra, which sold 1,454 units in May 1986. In July 2016, when new car registrations were broken down type powertrain, for the first time a plug-in hybrid, the Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV, listed as a new best-selling car. In September 2016, Tesla Model X was classified as the best-selling new car model in Norway when registration was broken down by powetrain type. The BMW i3 is the new best-selling passenger car of November 2016.


A total of 2,240 electric cars were sold in 2011, up from 722 in 2010. A total of 5,411 electric cars and vans were registered in the country by the end of 2011. Sales in 2011 were led by the Mitsubishi i-MiEV family with 1,477 units including 1,050 i-MiEVs, 217 Peugeot iOns and 210 CitroÃÆ'¡n C-Zero, together represent 66% of the electric car sales in Norway that year. All time registration is led by Th! Nk City with 1,216 units registered at the end of 2011, followed by Kewet/Buddy with 1,125 units and Mitsubishi i-MiEV with 1,050 units.

At the end of the first quarter of 2012 Th! Nk City (1,205 units) is surpassed as Mitsubishi i-MiEV's all-time best electric car (1,223), while registration during this quarter is dominated by Nissan Leaf with more than 600 units registered. Registration totals 4,679 plug-in electric cars by 2012, including 318 plug-in hybrids and 59 electric cars. Sales of plug-in electric-drives in 2012 represent a 3.1% market share of passenger car sales in the country, up from 1.6% in 2011. Registration in 2012 includes 300 electric used import vehicles, representing 1, 0% of total imports used in the country.. Among the countries largest electric car sales in 2012, Norway is ranked fifth with a market share of 7% of global EV sales.

Sales in 2012 led by Nissan Leaf with 2,487 units listed, including 189 used Leafs imports, and Leaf sales representing 53% of plug-in segment sales that year. Cumulative sales reached 2,860 Leafs since its launch in September 2011, accounting for more than 5% of Leaf's global sales. Norway is the first country in the world where electric cars are ranked in the top 10, because Nissan Leaf ranked 9th in October new car sales, ending 2012 at 13th, representing a market share of 1.7% of all sales of new cars in the country, up from 0.3% in 2011. Other top selling models in 2012 were the Mitsubishi i-MiEV with 672 units (7 imports used), CitroÃÆ'¡n C-Zero 560 (47 second-hand imports ), and Peugeot iOn 477 (used 47 imports), for a total of 1,709 i registered MiEV family cars. Since 2009, the i-MiEV family sold 3,147 new electric cars by December 2012.


Installation of electric vehicle registration amounted to 10,769 units in 2013, where the import used represents 20%. Total registrations include 387 plug-in hybrids and 355 all-electric light commercial vans, together representing 6.9% of total 2013 registrations, and reflecting the continued dominance of pure electric vehicles in the Norwegian market. The plug-in electric drive segment in Norway grew 129% from 2012 to 2013, achieving one of the highest EV growth rates in the world, second only to the Netherlands (338%). The number of electric utility vehicles is relatively low, but the segment rose 221% from 159 units in 2012 to 511 vehicles by 2013.

Nissan Leaf continues its leadership in the Norwegian plug-in power market with 4,604 new units sold in 2013, representing 58.4% of sales of plug-in electric cars in 2013. Tesla Model S ranks second with 1,986 units (25.2 % share), followed by Volkswagen e-Up! with 580 units (7.4% share). Since September 2011, a total of 7,275 new Leaf cars have been sold in the country by December 2013. Accounting for Leafs imported from neighboring countries, of which 1,608 units are registered during 2013, a total of 9,080 Leafs have been registered in Norway. until December 2013, representing 9.4% of the 96,847 Leafs shipped worldwide until December 2013. The Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid is the best-selling plug-in hybrid by 2013 with 184 units, followed by Opel Ampera and Volvo V60 Plug- in Hybrid, both with 94 units.

Registration reached a monthly record in August 2013, with a total of 990 new and used utility plug-in vehicles, of whom, 700 were new car sales. Overall electric car sales grabbed a record 6.0% market share of new passenger car sales in the country in August 2013, up from 3.6% in August 2012. Plug-in hybrids represent 0.2% stake, and all-electric vans 0 , 1% of truck sales. Sales of new plug-in electric cars represent a 3.4% market share of new car sales between January and August 2013.

Tesla Model S Delivery begins in Oslo on August 7, 2013, according to the first retail shipments of Model S in Europe. The first S model was sent to Frederic Hauge, a Norwegian environmentalist. During the first month in the Norwegian market, a total of 186 units were shipped to retail customers, allowing Model S to rank as the second most-sold electric car in August 2013 behind Nissan Leaf (448 units). Sales of Model S along with Leaf's sales record, allowing the electric car segment in Norway to achieve its best monthly sales and market share of 6.0% of new passenger car sales in August 2013, up from 3.6% in August 2012. Sales Model S jumped in September 2013, with a total of 616 units shipped, making Tesla Model S the best-selling car in Norway during the month, representing a market share of 5.1% of all new cars sold in the country, and contributing to a record 8.6% share market for all electric vehicle sales during the month of September. The share rose to 9.0% when plug-in hybrids and electric cars were taken into account, up from 6% the previous month. A spoksman from the Norwegian Road Federation (OFV) stated that the peak in the S Model registrations "may be a short-lived phenomenon, caused by a grouping of deliveries made over several months ." According to Reuters, demand for Model S is so high that there is a five-month waiting list, and as a result of the shortage, the market used has emerged. Some Norwegians are willing to pay as much as US $ 10,000 to US $ 20,000 premium to buy Model S used from existing owners.

In October 2013 the all-electric car was the country's best-selling car for two consecutive months. This time is a Nissan Leaf with 716 units sold, representing 5.6% of new car sales for the month. S Model sales amounted to 98 units, and with 925 electric cars all sold that month, this segment grabbed a 7.2% market share of Norwegian October sales, up from 3% in the same month in 2012. In December 2013, with 553 units sold and 4.9% market share, Model S is the country's new best-selling car for the second time in 2013. A total of 1,986 new Model S cars were sold until December 2013, enabling Tesla electric cars to rank as the second top selling. electric vehicles in 2013 after Nissan Leaf. According to Elon Musk, by the end of 2013 Norway becomes Tesla's largest per capita sales market for Model S, along with Switzerland.


A total of 23,390 plug-in electric vehicles are registered in Norway in 2014, consisting of 18,094 new electric cars, 3,063 using imported all-electric cars, 1,678 new plug-in hybrid cars and 555 new electric cars. The combined sales of new and used plug-in electric vehicles capture 13.84% market share of total passenger car registrations in 2014. The all-new electric car segment achieved 12.5% ​​market share. New all-electric passenger car registrations rose 129.5% from 2013, and the plug-in hybrid segment grew 411.6% from a year earlier. Norway ended 2014 as Europe's best-selling market segment, with 18,649 passenger cars and registered utility vans, surpassing France (15,046), Germany (8,804) and the United Kingdom (7,730). Norway accounts for a third of all sales of all European electric cars by 2014.

In January 2014, Leaf was ranked second for new car sales in Norway, with 650 units sold, representing 5.7% of new car sales for the month. Nissan Leaf's registrations passed the 10,000-unit milestone in February 2014. Model S ranked third monthly sales in March 2014, with 1,493 units sold, grabbing a 10.8% market share of new car sales that month, contributing to record market share for electric car segment all 20.3% of total new car sales. The new recording market share of the plug-in electric vehicle segment was reached in January, with 1,895 newly registered electric cars achieving an 18.0% market share, plus 326 new plug-in hybrids reaching a 3.1% share, for the combined market share of 21, 1% of the total new car registrations that month.

A total of 2,056 Model S cars were sold during the first quarter of 2014, making Model S the best-selling new car in Norway during 2014 so far, capturing a 5.6% market share of new car sales. The Renault Zoe was officially launched in the Norwegian market in April 2014, and unlike other European countries, Zoe is sold with included batteries.

During the first half of 2014, Model S, with 3,136 units sold, ranked second as Norway's second best-selling new car with a market share of 4.3% of new car sales; and is also the best-selling plug-in electric car, with a 33.5% share of all-electric segment sales. The Leaf, with 2,665 units, ranks fourth among new car sales, grabbing a 3.7% market share of new car sales; and is listed as the second top selling plug-in car after Model S, with a 28.5% share of all-electric segment sales. Another plug-in car that sells is Volkswagen e-Up! with 1,551 units and 16.6% share of all-electric segments; BMW i3 with 1,159 units, including sales of variants with range-extender options (REx), and capture 12.4% share of all-electric segment. The recently released Volkswagen e-Golf is the best-selling plug-in electric car in July 2014 with 391 units sold and representing 34.4% of Golf nameplate sales (1,136), which is the country's best-selling new car that month. E-Golf once again sold plug-in electric cars in August 2014 with 467 units sold, representing 43.4% of the monthly Golf signboard sales of that month (1,075). In two months and a half a total of 925 Volkswagen e-Golf cars have been sold, surpassing the early S Model sales that sent 805 units during the first two months on the Norwegian market.

Sales of plug-in hybrids increased significantly during the first half of 2014, with 856 units sold. Sales are driven by Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV with 818 units sold between January and June 2014, representing 95.6% of the Norwegian plug-in hybrid segment. Only 25 Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrids, 21 Prius PHVs and 15 Amperas were sold during this period. The Outlander plug-in version represents nearly 54% of the 1.523 Outlander sold in Norway in the first half of 2014. Outlander P-HEV passed the 1,000-unit mark in August 2014.

Sales of plug-in electric cars in 2014 are led by Nissan Leaf with 4,781 new registrations, followed by Tesla Model S with 4,040 units. The Leaf ended 2014 as the third-largest new car sales in Norway, capturing a 3.3% market share of total new car sales in that country that year. Sales of the largest plug-in hybrid by 2014 are the Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV with 1,485 units sold, out of nearly 1,700 plug-in hybrids sold in the country that year.

By December 2014, a total of 12,056 new Leafs have been sold in the country. In addition, there are 3,626 imported Leafs used registered in the country on September 30, 2014. With about 16,000 registered units including used imports, Leaf is ranked as the best-selling electric car of all time, representing 39% of the country's total - registered electric fleet. Tesla Model S, released in August 2013, ranks second with a cumulative sales of 6,023 new units through December 2014, with about 14% of the total stock of registered plug-in electric vehicles. In July 2014, Norway was the largest overseas market of Model S, with an average of 436 sedans sold per month since August 2013.


The highest monthly registration record and market share ever registered in March 2015, with 3,391 new electric cars sold that month representing 23.4% of new car sales, and 357 plug-in hybrids representing 2.52% market share that month, reaching a combined market share of 26.4% PEV. In addition, a total of 73 new all-electric cars and 320 imported used electric cars were registered in March 2015, increasing the total March registration of light plug-in vehicles to 4,141 units. Sales in March set another record, with three electric car ranks entirely as the top 3 new car sales in the country, Tesla Model S with 1,140 units, Volkswagen e-Golf with 956 (out of a total of 1,421 units sold by Golf nameplate), and Nissan Leaf with 526.

A total of 39,632 lightweight plug-in electric vehicles were registered in Norway in 2015, up from 23,408 in 2014 (69.3%). Sales of new plug-ins reach 34,455 units, consisting of 25,779 pure electric cars, 7,964 plug-in hybrids, and 712 all-electric utility vans. A total of 5,177 registered imports are listed, consisting of 5,122 imported pure electric cars and 55 vans. The combined sales of new plug-in cars account for 22.4% of all new passenger cars sold in 2015, with the entire electric car segment at 17.1%, up from 12.5% ​​in 2014, while the hybrid plug segment -in reached 5.2%, up from 1% in 2014.

VW e-Golf, with 8,943 units sold, is Norway's best-selling plug-in electric car by 2015, representing 34.7% of plug-in segment sales, ahead of Tesla Model S (4.039) and Nissan Leaf (3.189). The e-Golf variant represents 54.6% of the total sales of the new VW Golf label in the country by 2015. For the second year running, Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV is a top selling plug-in hybrid in 2015 with 2,875 units, hybrid plug-in in the country, with 4,360 units registered since 2014. By 2015, Outlander is followed by Volkswagen Golf GTE with 2,000 units, and Audi A3 e-tron with 1,684 units, together representing 84% of hybrid plug segment sales -in by 2015.

In December 2015, Nissan Leaf continues to be the best-selling plug-in electric car of all time in the country with a total of 15,245 new Leafs registered since 2011. In addition, a large number of imported Leafs from neighboring countries have been used. registered in the country, increasing the stock of Leafs registered to more than 20,000 units, which means that more than 10% of Leafs sold in the world are on the Norwegian road in November 2015. The second rank is Volkswagen e-Golf, with 10,961 new units registered since 2014, followed by Tesla Model S, with 10,062 new units registered in Norway until December 2015, representing approximately 10% of Model S.'s global sales.

​​â € <â € <2016

A total of 50,875 plug-in electric vehicles have been registered in Norway in 2016, consisting of 24,222 new electric cars, 5,281 used imported electric cars, 20,663 new plug-in hybrid cars, 607 new electric cars, and 102 used imports. all-electric car. New plug-in light-assignment registrations reached 45,492 plug-in cars and registered vans. with new plug-in passenger car registrations up 32% from 2015. New plug-in car registrations account for 29.1% of all newly registered passenger cars in 2016, with the entire electric car segment at 15.7%, down from 17.1% in 2015, and the plug-in hybrid segment rose to 13.4%, up from 5.3% in 2015. When conventional hybrid sales were taken into account, the combined market share of the electric drive segment stood at 40.2% new passenger car sales in 2016.

The stock of plug-in electric vehicles registered in Norway passes 100,000 units of milestone in April 2016, making Norway the country with the fourth largest plug-in car stock and van in the world after China, US and Japan, as well as European countries with plug-in vehicle stock the biggest light duty. All-electric light vehicle registration reached 100,000 units of milestone in December 2016, with three models, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S and Volkswagen e-Golf, accounting for more than half the total pure electric car stock on the Norwegian road in late November 2016. Norway is a country the best-selling plug-in in Europe by 2016, surpassing the Netherlands, Europe's top market by 2015.

The Outlander PHEV ending in 2016 was recorded as the best-selling plug-in car in Norway with 5,136 units sold, the first time a plug-in hybrid topped the list of top-stop Norwegian electric cars. The next rank is Volkswagen e-Golf (4,705), Volkswagen Golf GTE (4,337), Nissan Leaf (4,162), and BMW i3 (3.953). The import registration used is led by Kia Soul (2,494) and Nissan Leaf (2,112). When new car sales in 2016 are broken down by powertrain or fuel, nine out of ten best-selling models are electric drive models: three plug-in hybrids, three battery electric cars, three conventional hybrids, and only one diesel-powered car.

New plug-in car power registrations in February 2016 reached 3,936 new and used plug-in vehicles, with new plug-in passenger car segment reaching 28.5% market share of new car sales, exceeding previous monthly record holder, March 2015 (26 , 4%). The highest monthly market share for plug-in electric passenger segment was achieved in March 2016 with 33.5% new car sales; The all-electric car segment has an 18.7% market share among new passenger cars, while the plug-in hybrid segment has 14.8%. The March segment registration reached 5,183 units, comprising 2,595 new pure electric cars, 2,051 new plug-in hybrid cars, 68 new electric cars, 465 used cars and 4 used vans. In March 2016, the combined sales of plug-in Golf variants reached 1,216 units from 1,411 new Golf nameplate units registered that month, representing 86.2% of total registrar models.

When the new car registrations in July 2016 were broken down by type of powertrain, a total of five plug-in cars were ranked among the top 10 best-selling cars in Norway that month, with the Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV rating for the first time as the best-selling new car with 504 units registered on July 2016. The next rank is the Volkswagen Golf GTE (412), Volkswagen Passat GTE (294), Volkswagen e-Golf (279), and Nissan Leaf (237). At the end of August 2016, approximately 90,000 pure electric vehicles were registered in the country, including imports used, triggering the introduction of a new "EK" dedicated plate series dedicated to all electric vehicles.

The VW Golf nameplate leads the new car registrations in September 2016 with 996 units, followed by Tesla Model X with 601 and BMW i3 with 520. However, when Golf family sales are broken down by each variant powetrain, all-electric e-Golf is registered 392 units, Golf GTE plug-in hybrid 358, and Golf 242 units are powered internal combustion. Therefore, the Model X not only leads sales in the plug-in power segment, but also the best-selling new car model in September 2016. In addition, when the models were rated considering their powertrain, a total of five ratings of plug-in cars among 10 the new best-selling car in Norway that month. In addition to the Model X and i3, other plug-in models selling over are the Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV (427), Volkswagen e-Golf (392), and Volkswagen Golf GTE (358). Once again in November 2016, an electric car occupied the sale of new cars in the country. BMW i3 is listed as a new passenger car sales model with 1,014 units listed, capturing a market share of 7.7% of new car sales that month.

On December 30, 2016, Nissan Leaf remained as the best-selling all-time plug-in electric car of all time in the country with a total of 19,407 newly registered Leafs since 2011. When imported Leafs are used, there are 27,115 Leafs in Norway roads by the end of November 2016. The second rank is VW e-Golf with 16,216 units registered followed by Tesla Model S with 11,878 units. In December 2016, Outlander PHEV is the best-selling plug-in hybrid car of all time with 9,499 new units registered since 2013.


The monthly market share record for the plug-in power passenger segment was achieved in January 2017 with 37.5% of new car sales; the plug-in hybrid segment has a market share of 20.0% of new passenger cars, while the entire electric car segment has 17.5%. In January 2017, the electrically powered segment for the first time exceeded sales of cars with diesel or gasoline engines. Sales of plug-in hybrids, all-electric cars and conventional hybrids reached a market share of 51.4% of new car sales that month.

Recent trends

The plug-in segment replaces the diesel car

During the first quarter of 2016 gasoline-powered cars retained nearly the same market share by 2015, while the share of diesel-powered cars decreased by 8.9%, almost equal to the increase in hybrid plug-in segments. In September 2016 the Norwegian electric car segment has achieved a record market share of 47.8% of new car sales that month.

By 2016 the more common category of hybrid electric cars, which in Norway include plug-in hybrids, has a market share of 24.5% of new car sales, up from 12.4% in 2015. Accounting alongside all electric car market share (15.7%), plug-in hybrids (13.4%), and conventional hybrids (11.1%), the Norwegian electric drive segment achieved a record 40.2% market share of new car sales in 2016. Conversely, the new diesel market Powered cars are down to 30.8% from 40.8% in 2015, and gasoline-powered cars have 29.0% market share, down slightly from 29.6% in 2015. This trend indicates that the diesel, and in a lower level, the gasoline segment, losing market share in favor of conventional hybrids and plug-in electric cars, especially plug-in hybrids. Sales of plug-in cars are expected to me

Source of the article : Wikipedia
