Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

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Ethiopia - Country Profile - Nations Online Project
src: www.nationsonline.org

Ethiopia ( ; Amharic: ????? , ?? ty ??? y? , listen ), officially Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic (???????? ???????????, you ?? tiyo ?? ya F? d? ralaw? D? mokiras? yaw? r? pebil? k listen ), is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It borders Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan in the west, and Kenya to the south. With over 102 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world and the second most populous country on the African continent. It occupies an area of ​​1,100,000 square kilometers (420,000 sqÃ, mi), and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa.

Some of the oldest skeletal evidence for modern humans anatomically has been found in Ethiopia. It is widely regarded as the area from which modern humans first established for the Middle East and places outside. According to linguists, the first Afroasiatic-speaking population settled in the Horn region during the later Neolithic era. Tracing its roots into the 2nd millennium BC, the Ethiopian government system is a monarchy for much of its history. In the first century AD, the kingdom of Aksum preserved a unified civilization in the region, followed by the Ethiopian Empire around 1137. During the final 19th century struggle for Africa, Ethiopia was one of the nations that defended its sovereignty from long-term colonialism by force colonial Europe. Many newly independent countries on the continent adopted flag colors. Ethiopia is also the first independent member of Africa of the League of Nations of the 20th century and the United Nations. In 1974, the Ethiopian monarchy under Haile Selassie was overthrown by Derg, a communist military government backed by the Soviet Union. In 1987, Derg founded the People's Democratic Republic in Ethiopia, but was later ousted in 1991 by the Ethiopian People's Democratic Front, which has been a political coalition in power ever since.

Ethiopia and Eritrea use the ancient Ge'ez script, which is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. The Ethiopian calendar, which is approximately seven years and three months behind the Gregorian calendar, coexists alongside the Borana calendar. The majority of the population is Christian (especially the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church and P'ent'ay), while about a third follow Islam (mainly Sunnis). This country is the location of Migration to Abyssinia and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa in Negash. The large population of Ethiopian Jews, known as Bete Israel, also lived in Ethiopia until the 1980s. Ethiopia is a multilingual country with about 80 ethnolinguistic groups, the four largest of which are Oromo, Amhara, Somali and Tigrayans. Most people in this country speak Afroasiatics from the Kushitic or Semitic branches. In addition, the language of Omotik is spoken by ethnic minority groups living in the southern region. The Nilo-Sahara language is also spoken by the ethnic minority Nilotic.

This nation is a land of contrasts, with its fertile western part, its forests, and many rivers, and the hottest of Dallol settlements to the north. The Ethiopian Plateau is the largest mountain in Africa, and the Cave of Sof Omar contains the largest cave on the continent. Ethiopia also has the most UNESCO World Heritage Site in Africa. In addition, the country is one of the founding members of the United Nations, Group 24 (G-24), the Non-Aligned Movement, the G-77 and the Organization of African Unity. Its capital, Addis Ababa serves as the headquarters of the African Union, the African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the African Alert Force, and many African-focused global NGOs. In the 1970s and 1980s, Ethiopia suffered civil conflict and communist purge, which hampered its economy. The country has recovered and now has the largest economy (by GDP) in East and Central Africa. According to Global Fire Power, Ethiopia also has 51 strongest militaries in the world, and the fourth most powerful in Africa.

Video Ethiopia


Greek name ???????? (from ?????? , Aithiops , 'an Ethiopian') is a compound word, derived from two Greek word, from ???? ?? ( aitho "I burn" ops "face"). According to the Digital Library of Perseus, the title is correctly translated as Burnt-face in the noun and red-brown form in the adjective. Historian Herodotus uses the title to denote parts of Africa under the Sahara which later became known in Ecumene (the inhabited world). However, the Greek formation may be a people's etymology for the term Egyptian Ancient athtiu-abu , meaning 'the robber of the heart'.

In the Greco-Roman inscription, Aethiopia is a special toponym for ancient Nubians. At least as early as c. 850, the name Aethiopia also appears in many Old Testament translations mentioned by Nubia. The ancient Hebrew text identifies Nubia as Kush. However, in the New Testament, the Greek term Aithiops actually took place, referring to a servant of Kandace or Kandake, possibly a Meroà pengh in Nubia.

Following the Hellenic and Biblical traditions, the Ademukum Monumentum, a third century inscription belonging to the Aksumite Empire, shows that the ruler of Aksum ruled the area flanked to the west by the territory of Ethiopia and Sasu. King Aksumite, Ezana would eventually conquer Nubia in the next century, and Aksumites then set the title "Ethiopia" for their own kingdom. In the Ge'ez version of the Ezana inscription, A ??????? equated with the un-localized ? b? tm and ? b? t (? abashat), and shows for the first time the population of the Aksum plateau. This new devil will then be translated as '? Bs ('A? B? Sh) in Sabaic and as ? Abasha in Arabic.

In the 15th century Ge'ez Book of Aksum , this name is thought to have originated from a legendary individual named Ityopp'is . He is a son of Cush, son of Ham born outside the Bible, who is said to have established the city of Axum.

In English, and generally outside of Ethiopia, the country was formerly known as Abyssinia. This toponym comes from the ancient Latin form Habash .

Maps Ethiopia



Several important findings have pushed Ethiopia and surrounding areas to the forefront of palaeontology. The oldest hominid found to date in Ethiopia is 4.2 million years of Ardipithicus ramidus (Ardi) discovered by Tim D. White in 1994. The most famous hominid discovery is Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy). Known locally as Dinkinesh, this specimen was found in the Awash Valley in the Afar Region of Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson, and is one of the most complete and best adult Australopithecine fossils ever discovered. Lucy's taxonomic name refers to the area where the discovery was made. Hominids are estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago.

Ethiopia is also regarded as one of the earliest sites of modern anatomical human appearance, Homo sapiens . The oldest fossil of this local fossil discovery, Omo remains, was dug in the southwestern region of Omo Kibish and has been dated Paleolithic Central, some 200,000 years ago. In addition, the Homo sapiens idaltu framework was found on a site in the Middle Awash valley. Aged about 160,000 years ago, they may represent an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens , or the anatomically straightforward ancestor of modern humans. Homo sapiens fossils unearthed at the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco since the date it originated from the previous period, some 300,000 years ago.

According to linguists, the first Afro-ational-speaking population arrived in the region during the next Neolithic era of the proposed urrenate family ("native homeland") in the Nile Valley, or Near East. Other scholars propose that Afro-asiatic families thrive in the Horn, with the speakers then spreading from there. The craniometric analysis of the Herto skull Homo sapiens idaltu found that the fossil was morphologically different from crania belonging to modern Afroasiatic-speaking groups from the Horn of Africa and Egyptian Dynasties. The latter population does not have Middle Eastern closeness. This suggests that Afro-speaking groups are living in the area for an extended period of time, which may have arrived from the Middle East.


Around the 8th century BC, a kingdom known as D ttt was established in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. The capital of the government is located in Yeha, in northern Ethiopia. Most modern historians regard this civilization as ethnic Ethiopian tribe, although it influenced Saba because of the last Red Sea hegemony.

Other scholars think of Dmt as the result of the unity of Afro-asian cultures of the Kushitic and Semitic branches; namely, the local Agaw and Sabaeans of South Arabia. However, Ge'ez, the ancient Semitic language of Ethiopia, is thought to have been developed independently of Sabaean, one of the Semitic languages ​​of the South. In early 2000 BC, other Semitic speakers lived in Ethiopia and Eritrea where Ge'ez was developing. Saba's influence is now considered small, confined to some areas, and disappears after decades or centuries. It may be a military trade or colony allied with Ethiopian civilization in Dütt or other proto-Aksumite countries.

After the fall of Dmt during the 4th century BC, the Ethiopian highlands became dominated by smaller successor kingdoms. In the first century AD, the Kingdom of Aksum emerged in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. According to the Middle Ages The Book of Aksum , the first capital of the empire, Mazaber, was built by Itiyopis, son of Kush. Aksum later will extend its power to Yemen on the other side of the Red Sea. The Persian religious figure Mani listed Aksum with Romans, Persians, and Chinese as one of the four great powers of his day, during the 3rd century.

Around 316 AD, Frumentius and his brother Edesius of Tire accompanied their uncle on a trip to Ethiopia. When the ship stopped at the port of the Red Sea, the natives killed all explorers except two brothers, who were brought to justice as slaves. They were given a position of trust by the king, and they converted members of the palace into Christianity. Frumentius became the first bishop of Aksum. The 324-pointed coin indicates that Ethiopia was the second country to formally adopt Christianity (after Armenia did so in 301), although it may have been initially confined to court circles; it was the first major force to do so.

When the Emperor's government gradually declined, one of the earliest local Muslims of the nation, the Makhzumi Empire, was established in the Shewa region. His rule was governed by the Makhzumi dynasty, which ruled over the province until he was overthrown around the year 1280 by the Walashma dynasty.

During the Muhammad era

The first interaction of the Prophet Muhammad with Ethiopia was during the reign of A ?? ama ibn Abjar, who was then the Emperor of Aksum and fled to several Muslims in the Kingdom of Aksum in 614 AD. According to another writer, Ashama may be the same person as the king of Armah, or his father or son. Taddesse Tamrat notes that the inhabitants of Wiqro, where the ruler is known as Ashamat al-Negashi , claim that his tomb is located in their village.

The second interaction of Muhammad with Ethiopia was during the Expedition of Zaid ibn Haritha, when he sent Amr bin Umayyad al-Damri to the Ethiopian King (then Abyssinia).


The Zagwe dynasty dominated many parts of Ethiopia and present-day Eritrea between the early twelfth and late thirteenth centuries. The name of the dynasty comes from the Kushitic-speaking Agaw in northern Ethiopia. From 1270 AD to Zemene Mesafint (Age of Princes), the Solomon dynasty ruled the Ethiopian Empire.

At the beginning of the 15th century, Ethiopia sought to make diplomatic contact with the European empires for the first time since the Aksumite era. A letter from Henry IV of England to the Abyssinian Emperor survives. In 1428, Yeshaq sent two messengers to Alfonso V from Aragon, who sent the messenger home. They failed to finish the journey home. The first continuing relationship with the European state began in 1508 with Portugal under Dawit II (Lebna Dengel), who had just inherited the throne from his father.

This proved to be an important development, because when the Empire was subjected to attacks from the Adal Sultan's general and imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (called left-handed "GraÃÆ'Â ±" "), Portugal helped the Ethiopian emperor sending weapons and four hundred men, who helped his son Gelawdewos defeat Ahmad and rebuild his power. The Abyssinian-Adal War was also one of the region's first proxy wars, when the Ottoman Empire and Portugal sided with the conflict. When Emperor Susenyos, I moved to Roman Catholicism in 1624, years of rebellion and civil unrest occurred, resulting in thousands of deaths. Jesuit missionaries have alluded to the faith of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo of the local Ethiopia. In June 1632, Fasilides, son of Susenyos, re-declared the state religion to become Ethiopian Orthodoxy. He expelled Jesuit missionaries and other Europeans.

The Aussa Sultanate

The Aussa Sultanate or "Afar sultanate" replaced the previous Aamsa of Aussa. The last rule emerged in 1577 when Muhammed Jasa transferred his capital from Harar to Aussa (Asaita) with the split of the Adipati Sultanate into the Sultanate of Aussa and the Sultanate of Harar. At some point after 1672, the Sultanate of Aussa declined and temporarily ended up with the rise of Imam Umar Din bin Adam who was recorded to the throne.

The Sultanate was later re-established by Kedafu around 1734. It was later ruled by the Mudaito Dynasty. The main symbol of the Sultan is the silver wand, which is considered to have magical properties.

Zemene Mesafint

Between 1755 and 1855, Ethiopia underwent a period of isolation known as Zemene Mesafint or "Age of Princes". The Emperors became puppets, controlled by warlords such as Rizard Mikael Sehul of Tigray, Rold Wolde Selassie of Tigray, and by the Yejju Oromo dynasty, such as Race > Gugsa of Yejju, which later led to the reign of Oromo from the 17th century Gondar, changed the court of Amharic to Afaan Oromo.

The Ethiopian isolation ended after the British mission that ended the alliance between the two countries, but it was not until 1855 that Ethiopia was completely united and the reign of the Emperor restored, beginning with the Tewodros II government. After the ascent, he began to modernize Ethiopia and the power that had recently occurred to the Emperor. Ethiopia began to take part in the affairs of the world once more.

But Tewodros suffered some rebellion in his kingdom. North Oromo militia, Tigrayan rebellion, and constant attacks of the Ottoman Empire and Egyptian forces near the Red Sea brought Tewodros II's last decline and fall. He committed suicide in 1868 during his final battle with the British Expedition to Abyssinia. Emperor Tewodros II was born in Begemder of Qwara nobility, where the Qwara dialect of the Agaw language is spoken.

After Tewodros's death, Tekle Giyorgis II was proclaimed Emperor. He was defeated in the Battle of Zulawu (21 June 1871) and Adua (11 July 1871). Kassai was later declared John IV on January 21, 1872. In 1875 and 1876, Turkish/Egyptian troops, accompanied by many 'advisors' of Europe and America, twice raided Abyssinia but were initially defeated: once at the Battle of the Gundet lost 800 people, the second invasion, was convincingly defeated by Emperor John IV at the Battle of Gura on 7 March 1875, in which the attacking troops lost at least 3000 people due to death or capture. From 1885 to 1889, Ethiopia joined the Mahdis War allied with Britain, Turkey and Egypt against Sudan's Mahdistan State. On March 10, 1889, Yohannes IV was killed by the Sudanese army Khalifah Abdullah while leading his troops in the Battle of Gallabat (also called Battle of Metemma).

From Menelik II to Adwa (1889-1913)

Ethiopia in its crude form today began under the rule of Menelik II, who was Emperor from 1889 until his death in 1913. From his base in the central province of Shewa, Menelik set out to annex the territories to the south, east and west, the areas inhabited by Oromo, Sidama, Gurage, Welayta, and other groups. He did this with the help of the Sheikh Oromo Gobana Dacche militia, who occupied land that had not been detained since the war of Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, as well as other areas that had never been under the sovereignty of Ethiopia. Menelik's campaign against Orom outside his army was largely a retaliation for centuries of Oromo expansionism and Zemene Mesafint , a period in which the succession of Oromo feudal rulers dominated the plateau. Most important were the Yejju dynasty, including Aligaz from Yejju and his brother Ali I from Yejju. Ali I founded the town of Debre Tabor in the Amhara Territory, which became the capital of the dynasty.

Menelik was born from King Hailemelekot of Shewa and his mother Ejegayehu Lema Adeyamo who served as a servant in the royal household. He has been born in Angolala in the Oromo area and has undergone his first twelve years with Shewan Oromos who has many similarities with him.

During his reign, Menelik II made progress in road construction, electricity and education; development of central taxation system; and the foundation and construction of Addis Ababa city - which became the capital of Shewa Province in 1881. After he ascended the throne in 1889, he was renamed Addis Ababa, Abyssinia's new capital. Menelik had signed the Wichale Agreement with Italy in May 1889 in which Italy would recognize the sovereignty of Ethiopia as long as Italy could control an area in northern Ethiopia (part of modern Eritrea). In return, Italy provided Menelik with weapons and supported him as emperor. The Italians used the time between signing the treaty and ratification by the Italian government to expand their territorial claims. This conflict erupted in the Battle of Adwa on 1 March 1896 in which the Italian colonial troops were defeated by Ethiopia.

About a third of the population died in the Great Ethiopian Famine (1888-1892).

Era Haile Selassie I (1916-1974)

Early 20th century was characterized by Emperor Haile Selassie ("Ras Tafari"). Haile Selassie I was born from the parents of the three Ethiopian-language Afroasia-speaking populations: Oromo and Amhara, the two largest ethnic groups in the country, as well as Gurage. He reigned after Iyasu V was overthrown, and campaigned nationalist modernization from 1916, when he was made the Ras and the Regent ( Inderase ) for the Empress Empress, Zewditu, de facto of the Ethiopian Empire. After the death of Zewditu on 2 November 1930, he replaced him as emperor.

Ethiopia's independence was disrupted by the Second Italo-Ethiopic War, beginning when it was attacked by the Italian Fascists in early October 1935, and the Italian occupation of the country (1936-1941). During this time, Haile Selassie appealed to the League of Nations in 1935, delivered an address that made her a worldwide figure, and the year 1935 Time The Best Man of the Year. Since the majority of Ethiopians live in rural towns, Italy faces continuous resistance and attacks in urban centers during its occupation. Haile Selassie escaped into exile at Fairfield House, Bath and Mussolini capable of proclaiming the Ethiopian Empire and assuming an imperial title by the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III, recognized by member countries of the International League of Nations organizations.

In 1937, the 12th massacre of the Italian Yekatit took place. This was when there was imprisonment and massacres of Ethiopians. This is because of the failed attempt to kill the Viceroy of East Africa, Rodolfo Graziani.

After the entry of Italy into World War II, British troops, along with Arbegnoch (lit. "patriot", referring to armed resistance troops) restored Ethiopia's sovereignty in the East African campaign in 1941. A guerrilla campaign Italy continued until 1943. This was followed by British confession of Ethiopia's full sovereignty, (i.e. without English special privilege), with the signing of the Anglo-Ethiopia Agreement in December 1944.

On August 26, 1942, Haile Selassie issued a proclamation that erased Ethiopia's legal basis for slavery. Ethiopia had between two and four million slaves in the early 20th century, out of a total population of about eleven million.

In 1952, Haile Selassie arranged a federation with Eritrea. He dissolved this in 1962 and illegally annexed Eritrea against the UN Federation Agreement, which rejected and ultimately won the war of independence. Haile Selassie played a leading role in the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963.

Opinion in Ethiopia turned against Haile Selassie caused by the world oil crisis in 1973. The oil crisis caused a sharp rise in gasoline prices from February 13, 1974; lack of food; uncertainty about succession; border war; and dissatisfaction in the middle class created through modernization. High gasoline prices motivated taxi drivers and teachers for a strike on February 18, 1974, and students and workers in Addis Ababa began demonstrating against the government on February 20, 1974. The feudal oligarchs cabinet Akilou Habte Wolde was overthrown, and the new government was formed with Endelkachew Makonnen serving as Prime Minister.

Era Derg (1974-1991)

The reign of Haile Selasban ended on 12 September 1974, when he was overthrown by Derg, a Soviet-backed Marxist-Leninist military dictatorship led by Mengistu Haile Mariam. The new Provisional Military Governing Council established a one-party communist state called the Ethiopian People's Democratic Republic in March 1975.

The next regime underwent several coups, insurrections, large-scale droughts, and enormous refugee problems. In 1977, Somalia, who had received aid and weapons from the Soviet Union, invaded Ethiopia in the Ogaden War, seized parts of Ogaden region. Ethiopia restored it after it began receiving massive military aid from the Soviet Union, Cuba, South Yemen, East Germany, and North Korea. This includes about 15,000 Cuban combat troops.

Between 1977-78, up to 500,000 died as a result of the Red Terror, from forced deportation, or from the use of hunger as a weapon under Mengistu's rule. The Red Terror was conducted in response to what Derg called White Terror, a series of violent, murder, and murderous events perpetrated by the so-called "petty-bourgeois reactionaries" who wanted a reversal of the 1974 revolution.

The 1983-85 famine in Ethiopia affects about eight million people, resulting in one million deaths. The rebellion against Communist rule sprang up, particularly in the northern regions of Eritrea and Tigray. In 1989, the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) joined other ethnic-based opposition movements to form a coalition known as the Ethiopian People's Democratic Front (EPRDF).

At the same time, the Soviet Union began to withdraw from building world communism under Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of glasnost and perestroika, marking a dramatic reduction in aid to Ethiopia from the Socialist Bloc countries. This resulted in more economic difficulties and military collapse in the face of the onslaught determined by guerrilla forces in the north. The collapse of socialism in general, and in Eastern Europe during the 1989 revolution, coincided with the Soviet Union that stopped aid to Ethiopia as a whole in 1990. The strategic view for Mengistu deteriorated rapidly.

In May 1991, the advanced EPRDF troops in Addis Ababa and the Soviet Union did not intervene to save the government. Mengistu escaped from the state and was granted asylum in Zimbabwe, where he still lives.

In 2006, after a 12-year trial, the Ethiopian Federal High Court in Addis Ababa found Mengistu guilty of genocide in absentia . Many other top leaders from his regime were also found guilty of war crimes. Mengistu and others who fled from the country were tried and sentenced in absentia . Many former officials receive the death penalty and dozens of others spend the next 20 years in prison, before being pardoned from life sentences.

In July 1991, the EPRDF convened a National Conference to establish an Ethiopian Transitional Government composed of 87 members of the House of Representatives and guided by a national charter serving as a transitional constitution. In June 1992, the Oromo Liberation Front withdrew from the government; in March 1993, members of the Ethiopian People's Democratic Coalition also left the government. In 1994, a new constitution was written which established a parliamentary republic with a bicameral legislature and a judicial system.

Federal Democratic Republic (1991-present)

The first multiparty elections took place in May 1995, which was won by EPRDF. The president of the transitional government, EPRDF leader Meles Zenawi, became Prime Minister, and Negasso Gidada was elected President.

In May 1998, a border dispute with Eritrea led to the Eritrea-Ethiopian War, which lasted until June 2000 and cost the two countries about $ 1 million a day. This has a negative effect on Ethiopia's economy, but it strengthens the ruling coalition.

The 3rd multiparty election in Ethiopia on May 15, 2005 is highly debated, with some opposition groups claiming fraud. Although the Carter Center approved the conditions before the election, he expressed his dissatisfaction with post-election events. EU election observers cite state support for EPRDF campaigns, as well as irregularities in vote counting and publishing results. Opposition parties gain more than 200 parliamentary seats, compared with only 12 in the 2000 elections. While most opposition representatives join the parliament, some CUD party leaders who refuse to take their parliamentary seats are accused of inciting post-election violence and imprisonment. Amnesty International considers them "prisoners of conscience" and they are then released.

A coalition of opposition parties and some individuals was founded in 2009 to overthrow the EPRDF regime in legislative elections in 2010. The Meles party, which has ruled since 1991, published a 65-page manifesto in Addis Ababa on October 10, 2009 The opposition won most votes in Addis Ababa, but EPRDF stopped the vote count for several days. Once that happens, he claims the election, amid allegations of fraud and intimidation.

Some of the eight Medrek member parties (Forum for Democratic Dialogue) include the Oromo Federalist Congress (hosted by the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement and the Oromo People's Congress), Arena Tigray (hosted by former ruling party TPLF), Unity for Democracy and Justice ( UDJ, whose leader was imprisoned), and Somali Democratic Coalition Forces.

In mid-2011, two irregular rainy seasons in a row sparked the worst drought in East Africa seen in 60 years. The full recovery of the drought impact does not occur until 2012, with a long-term strategy by national governments along with development agencies believed to offer the most sustainable results.

Meles died on August 20, 2012 in Brussels, where he was treated for an unspecified illness. Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn was appointed new prime minister until the 2015 election, and remained so afterwards with his party controlling every seat of parliament.

Protests broke out across the country on 5 August 2016 and dozens of demonstrators were later shot and killed by police. The protesters demand an end to human rights abuses, the release of political prisoners, a fairer redistribution of the wealth generated by more than a decade of economic growth, and the return of the Wolqayt District to the Amhara Territory. The incident was the most violent crackdown on protesters in Sub-Saharan Africa since the Ethiopian regime killed at least 75 people during protests in the Oromia Region in November and December 2015. Following this protest, Ethiopia declared a state of emergency on October 6, 2016. Emergencies were lifted on the moon August 2017.

On February 16, 2018, the Ethiopian government announced a six-month national emergency following the resignation of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. Hailemariam was the first ruler in the history of modern Ethiopia to resign; the previous leader had died in the office or was ousted. He said he wanted to clear the way for reform.

Ethiopia | African Wildlife Foundation
src: www.awf.org


Ethiopian politics takes place within the framework of a federal parliamentary republic, where the Prime Minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government. The federal legislative powers are held both in government and two parliamentary chambers. On the basis of Article 78 of the Ethiopian Constitution of 1994, the Court is fully independent of the executive and legislature. The current reality of this provision is questioned in a report prepared by Freedom House.

According to the Democracy Index published by the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit at the end of 2010, Ethiopia is an "authoritarian regime", which is ranked the most democratic of the 167 countries. Ethiopia has dropped 12 places on the list since 2006, and the latest report mentions the government's crackdown on opposition activities, the media and civil society before the 2010 parliamentary elections, which, according to the report, has made Ethiopia the country's de facto one party.

In July 2015, during a trip by US President Barack Obama to Ethiopia, he highlighted the country's role in the fight against Islamic terrorism. Obama is the first US president to visit Ethiopia.


The election of a 547-member constituent assembly was held in June 1994. The Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic in December 1994. Elections for popularly elected first national and regional parliamentary elections were held in May and June 1995 Most opposition parties voted boycott this election. There is a big victory for the Ethiopian People's Democratic Front (EPRDF). International and non-governmental observers have concluded that opposition parties will be able to participate if they choose to do so.

The Ethiopian government is currently installed in August 1995. The first President is Negasso Gidada. The EPRDF-led Prime Minister's government, Meles Zenawi, promotes the policy of ethnic federalism, which leaves significant power to the ethnic, ethnically based regional government. Ethiopia currently has nine semi-autonomous administrative regions that have the power to raise and spend their own incomes. Under the current administration, some fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of the press, are limited.

Citizens have little access to media other than state-owned networks, and most private newspapers struggle to stay open and suffer periodic government harassment. At least 18 journalists who have written critical articles on the government were arrested after the 2005 general election on genocide and treason charges. The government uses the press laws that govern defamation to intimidate journalists who are critical of their policies.

The Meles government was elected in 2000 in the first multiparty elections in Ethiopia; However, the results were heavily criticized by international observers and criticized by the opposition as a fraud. EPRDF also won the 2005 election which returned Meles to power. Despite the growing opposition vote in the election, both opposition and observers from the EU and elsewhere stated that the vote did not meet international standards for fair and free elections. Ethiopian police have reportedly massacred 193 protesters, mostly in the capital Addis Ababa, in violence after the May 2005 election in the Ethiopian police massacre.

The government initiated a crackdown in the provinces as well; in Oromia said authorities use concerns over insurgency and terrorism to use torture, imprisonment, and other repressive methods to silence critics after the election, especially those sympathetic to the Oromo National Congress (ONC) opposition party. The government has been involved in a conflict with rebels in the Ogaden region since 2007. The biggest opposition party in 2005 was the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD). After internal divisions, most CUD party leaders have formed a new United Party for Democracy and Justice led by Justice Birtukan Mideksa. A member of the Oromo ethnic group in the country, Ms. Birtukan Mideksa was the first woman to lead a political party in Ethiopia.

In 2008, the top five opposition parties were the Union for Democracy and Justice led by Judge Birtukan Mideksa, United Ethiopian Democratic Forces led by Dr. Beyene Petros, Federal Oromo Democratic Movement led by Dr. Bulcha Demeksa, Oromo People's Congress led by Drs. Merra Gudina, and the United Ethiopian Democratic Party - the Medhin Party led by Lidetu Ayalew. After the 2015 election, Ethiopia lost one remaining opposition MPs; now there is no opposition MP in the Ethiopian parliament.

Human rights

Recent human rights abuses include the killing of 100 peaceful protesters by direct government fire in Oromo and Amhara areas by 2016. The UN has asked UN observers on the ground in Ethiopia to investigate the incident, but the EPRDF-dominated Ethiopian government has refused. this call. Demonstrators protest against land grabs and lack of human rights such as the freedom to choose their representatives. The TPLF-dominated EPRDF won 100% in a vote marked by fraud that has caused Ethiopian civilians to protest a scale not seen in previous post-election protests.

Merra Gudina, leader of the Oromo People's Congress, said the East African country was at "crossroads". "People are demanding their rights," he said. "People are fed up with what the regime has done for a quarter of a century, protesting land acquisition, reparations, stolen elections, rising living costs, things." If the government continues to press while people demand their rights in the millions (civil war) is one possible scenario, "Merera said in an interview with Reuters.

According to a 2003 survey by the National Committee on Traditional Practice in Ethiopia, marriage with kidnappings accounted for 69% of nation's marriages, with about 80% in the largest region, Oromiya, and as high as 92% in Southern, National, and People's Countries. Homosexual acts are illegal in Ethiopia.

Among the Karo and Hamer-speaking Omo tribes in southern Ethiopia, adults and children with physical disorders are considered mingi, "ritually impure". The latter is believed to use an evil influence on others; disabled babies have traditionally been killed without proper burial. Karo officially banned this exercise in July 2012.

In 2013, the Oakland Institute released a report accusing the Ethiopian government of forcing the removal of "hundreds of thousands of indigenous people from their land" in the Gambela Territory. The report described the Ethiopian government's plan "to move more than 1.5 million people" by the end of 2013, to enable foreign investors to develop land for large-scale industrial agriculture. According to some reports by organizations, those who refuse are subjects of various bullying techniques including physical and sexual abuse, which sometimes leads to death. A similar report by 2012 by Human Rights Watch also explains the Egyptian village program 2010-2011 in Gambella, with plans to conduct similar settlements in other regions. The Ethiopian government has denied allegations of land grabs and instead pointed to the positive trajectory of the country's economy as evidence of the benefits of development programs.

7 Things Everyone Should Know about Ethiopia - G Adventures
src: media.gadventures.com

Administrative division

Before 1996, Ethiopia was divided into thirteen provinces, many of which came from historic areas. The nation now has a tiered governmental system of federal governments that oversees regional, ethnic, and ethnic ( woreda regional, ethnic, and kebeles countries.

Since 1996, Ethiopia has been divided into nine regional regions which are ethnically and politically autonomous ( kililoch , singular kilil ) and two rental cities ( astedader akababiwoch , singular astedader akababi ), the latter being Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. The kililoch is divided into sixty-eight zones, and then further to 550 woredas and some special woredas .

The Constitution gives broad powers to regional countries, who can build their own government and democracy as long as it is in line with the federal constitution. Each region has at its peak a regional council in which its members are elected directly to represent districts and the council has the legislative and executive powers to direct the internal affairs of the region.

Article 39 of the Ethiopian Constitution further gives each state the right of freedom from Ethiopia. However, there is a debate about how much power guaranteed in the constitution is actually given to states. The Council applies their mandate through the executive committee and regional sector bureaus. Complex structures such as boards, executives, and sectoral public institutions are replicated to the next level ( woreda ).

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With an area of ​​1,126,829 square kilometers (435,071 square meters), Ethiopia is the 27th largest country in the world, comparable to the size of Bolivia. It lies between the 3rd parallel north and the 15th parallel to the north and the longitudes of 33th eastern meridian and 48th east meridian.

The main part of Ethiopia lies in the Horn of Africa, which is the easternmost part of the African mainland. The Ethiopian border is Sudan and South Sudan to the west, Djibouti and Eritrea to the north, Somalia to the east and Kenya to the south. In Ethiopia it is a vast mountainous plateau complex and splits the plateau divided by the Great Rift Valley, which generally runs southwest to the northeast and is surrounded by lowlands, steppes, or semi-deserts. The great diversity of the terrain determines the wide variation in climate, soil, natural vegetation, and settlement patterns.

Ethiopia is a diverse ecological country, ranging from deserts along the eastern border to the tropical forests to the south to the vast Afromontane in the north and southwest. Lake Tana in the north is the source of the Blue Nile. It also has a large number of endemic species, especially the gelada, ibex wex and the Ethiopian wolf ("Simien fox"). The wide altitude has given the country many different ecological fields, and this has helped drive the evolution of endemic species in ecological isolation.


The most dominant type of climate is the tropical monsoon, with wide-ranging indexed topographic variations. The Ethiopian Plateau covers most of the country and has a climate that is generally much cooler than other areas in proximity to the Equator. Most of the major cities in the country are located at an altitude of about 2,000-2,500 m (6,562-8,202 ft) above sea level, including historic capitals such as Gondar and Axum.

The modern capital, Addis Ababa, is located at the foot of Mount Entoto at an altitude of about 2,400 meters (7,900 ft). It experienced a mild climate year round. With a fairly uniform temperature throughout the year, the seasons in Addis Ababa are largely determined by rainfall: the dry season from October to February, the sunny rainy season from March to May, and the heavy rainy season from June to September. Average annual rainfall is about 1,200 millimeters (47 inches).

There is an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day. The dry season is the longest time of the year, although even at the height of the rainy season in July and August there are usually several hours per day from bright sunlight. The average annual temperature in Addis Ababa is 16 ° C (60.8 ° F), with an average daily average temperature of 20-25 ° C (68.0-77.0 ° F) throughout the year, and an average overnight average of 5- 10 ° C (41.0-50.0 ° F).

Most cities and tourist attractions in Ethiopia are located at the same height as Addis Ababa and have a comparable climate. In less abandoned areas, particularly the lower plains of lower Ethiopian xeric grass and shrubs in the eastern part of the country, the climate can be much hotter and drier. Dallol, in Danakil depression in this eastern zone, has the highest annual temperature in the world at 34 Â ° C (93.2 Â ° F).

Ethiopia's Highland Wildlife - 2019 - Natures Images
src: www.natures-images.co.uk



Ethiopia has 31 species of endemic mammals. African wild dogs prehistoric have a wide distribution in the region. However, with the last sighting in Finicha'a, this canid is suspected of potentially local extinction. The Ethiopian wolf is probably the most widely studied of all endangered species in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is a center of global poultry diversity. To date, more than 856 species of birds have been recorded in Ethiopia, twenty of which are endemic in the country. Sixteen species are endangered or endangered. A large number of these birds feed on butterflies, such as Bicyclus anynana.

Historically, across the African continent, wildlife populations have declined rapidly due to logging, civil war, pollution, hunting, and other human factors. The 17-year civil war, along with severe drought, has a negative impact on Ethiopia's environmental conditions, leading to greater habitat degradation. Habitat destruction is a contributing factor. When changes to habitat occur quickly, animals do not have time to adjust. Human impacts threaten many species, with the greater threat expected as a result of climate change caused by greenhouse gases. With carbon dioxide emissions in 2010 of 6,494,000 tonnes, Ethiopia accounts for only 0.02% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.

Ethiopia has a large number of species listed as endangered, endangered, and vulnerable to global extinction. The threatened species in Ethiopia can be broken down into three categories (based on IUCN rankings): endangered, endangered, and vulnerable.


Ethiopia is one of eight basic and independent centers of cultivated plants in the world. However, deforestation is a major concern of Ethiopia because studies indicate forest loss contributes to soil erosion, nutrient loss in soils, loss of animal habitat, and reduced biodiversity. At the beginning of the 20th century, approximately 420,000 km 2 (or 35%) of Ethiopian soil was covered by trees, but recent research shows that forest cover is now about 11.9% of its size.

Ethiopia lost about 1,410 km of natural soup per year. Between 1990 and 2005 the country lost about 21,000 km 2 forests. Current government programs to control deforestation consist of education, promoting reforestation programs, and providing raw materials that are an alternative to wood. In rural areas, the government also provides non-timber fuel sources and access to non-forest land to promote agriculture without damaging forest habitats.

Organizations such as SOS and African Agriculture work with the federal government and local governments to create forest management systems. Working with grants of approximately 2.3 million Euros, the Ethiopian government has recently started training people to reduce erosion and use appropriate irrigation techniques that do not contribute to deforestation. This project helps more than 80 communities.

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According to the IMF, Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, posting economic growth of more than 10% from 2004 to 2009. Africa's fastest growing non-oil economy in 2007 and 2008. By 2015, the World Bank highlights that Ethiopia has witnessed rapid economic growth with real domestic product growth (GDP) averaging 10.9% between 2004 and 2014.

In 2008 and 2011, Ethiopia's growth performance and substantial development gains were challenged by high inflation and difficult balance of payments situation. Inflation jumped to 40% in August 2011 due to loose monetary policy, large civil service pay increases in early 2011, and high food prices. For 2011/12, year-end inflation is projected at around 22%, and single-digit inflation is projected in 2012/13 with tight monetary and fiscal policy implementation.

Despite the rapid growth in recent years, GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and the economy faces a number of serious structural problems. However, with investments focused on public infrastructure and industrial parks, Ethiopia's economy overcame its structural problems to become a light manufacturing center in Africa.

The Ethiopian Constitution defines the right to own land as belonging only to "state and people", but citizens can rent land (up to 99 years), and can not mortgage or sell. Renting land for a maximum of twenty years is allowed and this is expected to ensure that land goes to the most productive users. Distribution and land administration are considered areas where corruption is institutionalized, and payment of facilitation and bribery are often requested when dealing with land-related issues. Since there is no land ownership, infrastructure projects are most often undertaken without requiring land users, which then end up displaced and without houses or land. Much anger and distrust sometimes result in public protests. In addition, agricultural productivity remains low, and there is frequent drought in the country, also causing internal displacement.

Energy and water power

Ethiopia has 14 large rivers, which flow from its high plains, including the Nile. The country has the largest water reserves in Africa. In 2012, hydroelectric power represents about 88.2% of the total installed electrical capacity. The remaining electrical power is generated from fossil fuels (8.3%) and other renewable sources (3.6%). The electrification rate for total population by 2013 is 24%, with 85% coverage in urban areas and 10% coverage in rural areas. In 2014, total electricity production is 9.5 billion kWh and consumption of 6.7 billion kWh. There are 1.1 billion kWh in electricity exports, 0 kWh in imports of electricity, and 2.4 million kW of installed generating capacity.

Ethiopia sends about 81% of the volume of water to the Nile through the valleys of the Nile Blue River, the Sobat River and Atbara. In 1959, Egypt and Sudan signed a bilateral agreement, the 1959 Nile Waters Treaty, which granted both countries exclusive maritime rights over the Nile waters. Since then, Egypt under international law has vetoed almost all projects in Ethiopia seeking to exploit the local Nile. It has the effect of shrinking the external financing of hydroelectric and irrigation power projects in western Ethiopia, thereby hampering resource-based economic development projects. However, Ethiopia is in the process of constructing a 6450 MW hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile river. When completed, Ethiopia's Supreme Ethics Dam is scheduled to be the largest hydro-power plant on the continent. The Gibe III hydroelectric project has already generated about 1.870-MW.


Agriculture accounts for about 85% of the workforce. However, the services sector accounts for the bulk of GDP. Many other economic activities depend on agriculture, including marketing, processing, and export of agricultural products. Production is overwhelming by small scale farmers and companies, and most commodity exports are provided by the agricultural sector of small agricultural crops. The main plants include coffee, beans, oilseed, cereals, potatoes, sugar cane, and vegetables.

Exports are almost entirely agricultural commodities (with the exception of Gold exports), and coffee is the largest foreign exchange earner. Ethiopia is Africa's second largest maize producer. According to UN estimates, the GDP per capita of Ethiopia has reached $ 357 in 2011. The same report shows that life expectancy has increased substantially in recent years. Male life expectancy reported 56 years and for women 60 years.


Exports from Ethiopia in the 2009/2010 financial year reached 1.4 billion USD. This country produces more coffee than any other country on the continent.

Ethiopia also has the fifth largest livestock stock. Other major export commodities are khat, gold, leather products, and oil seeds. The recent development of the floriculture sector means Ethiopia is poised to become one of the world's best flower and plant exporters.

Cross-border trade by shepherds is often informal and out of state control and regulation. In East Africa, more than 95% of cross-border trade is through unofficial channels. Unofficial trade of live cattle, camels, sheep and goats from Ethiopia sold to Somalia, Djibouti, and Kenya yields an estimated total value of between 250 and 300 million US dollars each year (100 times more than official figures).

This trade helps lower food prices, increases food security, reduces border tensions, and promotes regional integration. However, this unregulated and undocumented nature of trade is risky, as it allows the disease to spread more easily across national borders. In addition, the Ethiopian government is said to be unhappy with the loss of tax revenues and foreign exchange earnings. Recent initiatives have sought to document and manage these trades.

With the slow-growing private sector, designer leather products such as bags become a large export business, with Taytu becoming the country's first luxury designer label. Additional small-scale export products include cereals, nuts, cotton, sugarcane, potatoes, and leather. With the construction of new dams and hydroelectric projects growing across the country, Ethiopia is also planning to export electricity to its neighboring countries.

Coffee remains the most important export product, and with new worldwide trademark deals (including the latest deal with Starbucks), the country plans to increase its revenue from coffee. Most consider the water resources as large and potential as "white oil" and its coffee resources as "black gold".

The country also has large mineral resources and oil potential in some less populated areas. Political instability in these areas, however, has impeded development. Ethiopian geologists were involved in a major gold fraud in 2008. Four chemists and geologists from the Ethiopian Geological Survey were arrested in connection with a fake gold scandal, following complaints from buyers in South Africa. Gold bars from the National Bank of Ethiopia were discovered by police for metal plated, at a cost of about 17 million USD, according to the Science and Development Network website.

In 2011, the Great Ethiopian Dam project started. When completed, it will provide surplus energy in Ethiopia that will be available for export to neighboring countries.


Ethiopia has 926 km electrification 1,435 mm ( 4Ã, ftÃ, 8 1 / 2 in ) standard gauge railway, 656 km to Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway between Addis Ababa and Port of Djibouti (via Awash) and 270 km to Awash - Hara Gebeya Railway between Addis Ababa and Dessie twin cities/Kombolcha (also via Awash). Both railways are either in service or under construction until August 2017. After being commissioned and fully operational by 2018/2019, the two railways will allow passenger transport at a specified speed of 120 km/h and freight transport at ~ 80 km/hour. The expected travel time from Addis Ababa to Djibouti City for passengers will be less than twelve hours and the travel time from Addis Ababa to Dessie/Kombolcha will be about six hours.

Outside the first 270 km from Awash - Hara Gebeya Railway, the second construction phase over 120 km predicts the extension of this train from Dessie/Kombolcha to Hara Gebeya/Woldiya. It is unclear, when this section will be built and opened. The third railway line along the 216 km north is also being constructed between Mek'ele and Woldiya, but also unclear, when the train will be commissioned and opened. All trains are part of the future rail network with more than 5,000 km of trains, the National Railway Network of Ethiopia.

As the first part of the ten-year Road Sector Development Program, between 1997 and 2002, the Ethiopian government embarked on an ongoing effort to improve road infrastructure. As a result, in 2015 Ethiopia has total (Federal and Regional) of 100,000 km of roads, both paved and gravel.

Ethiopia has 58 airports by 2012, and 61 by 2016. Among these, Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa and Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport in Dire Dawa accommodate international flights. Ethiopian Airlines is a state airline, and wholly owned by the Ethiopian Government. From its center at Bole International Airport, the airline serves a network of 102 domestic passengers 20 international, and 44 cargo, destinations. It is also one of the fastest growing carriers in industry and continents.

Mursi people in Ethiopia: Bad tourism for a good cause
src: travellersarchive.com


Ethiopia's population has grown from 33.5 million in 1983 to 87.9 million in 2014. The population is only about 9 million in the 19th century. Results of the Population Census and Housing 2007 show that Ethiopian population grew at an average annual rate of 2.6% between 1994 and 2007, down from 2.8% over the 1983-1994 period. Today, the population growth rate is one of the top ten countries in the world. The population is expected to grow by more than 210 million by 2060, which will be an increase from the 2011 estimate of a factor of around 2.5.

The country's population is very diverse, containing over 80 different ethnic groups. According to the 2007 Ethiopian national census, Oromo is Ethiopia's largest ethnic group, in 34.4% of the country's population. The Amhara represents 27.0% of the country's population, while Somalis and Tigrayans represent respectively 6.22% and 6.08% of the population. Other prominent ethnic groups are as follows: Sidama 4.00%, Gurage 2.52%, Welayta 2.27%, Afar 1.73%, Hadiya 1.72%, Gamo 1.49% and others 12.6%.

Afro-speaking community is the majority of the population. Among them, Semitic speakers often collectively call themselves Habesha. The Arabic form of this term ( al-Abasha ) is the etymological basis of "Abyssinia," the name of former Ethiopian in English and other European languages. In addition, ethnic Nilo-Saharan ethnic minorities inhabit the south of the country, particularly in the Gambela region bordering South Sudan. The largest ethnic groups of these include Nuer and Anuak.

In 2009, Ethiopia accommodated a population of refugees and asylum seekers totaling about 135,200. The majority of these populations come from Somalia (about 64,300 people), Eritrea (41,700) and Sudan (25,900). The Ethiopian government requires almost all refugees to live in refugee camps.


According to Ethnologue , there are 90 languages ​​spoken in Ethiopia. Most people in this country speak Afroasiatic languages ​​from the Cushit or Semitic branches. The first include Oromiffa, pronounced by Oromo, and Somali, spoken by Somalis; the latter including Amharik, pronounced by Amhara, and Tigrinya, pronounced by Tigrayans. Together, these four groups make up about three quarters of Ethiopian population. Other Afroasiatic languages ​​with a number of speakers include the Cushitic Sidamo, Afar, Hadiyya and Agaw languages, as well as Semitic Gurage, Harari, Silt'e, and Argobba languages. The Arabic language, also belonging to the Afroasiatical family, is also pronounced in some areas.

In addition, the language of Omotik is spoken by ethnic ethnic minority groups who inhabit the south. Among these idioms are Aari, Bench, Dime, Dizin, Gamo-Gofa-Dawro, Maale, Hamer, and Wolaytta.

The language of the Nilo-Sahara family is also spoken by ethnic minorities concentrated in the southwestern part of the country. These languages ​​include Nuer, Anuak, Nyangatom, Majang, Suri, Me'en, and Mursi.

English is the most widely used foreign language, and is the medium of instruction in high school. Amharic is the language of elementary instruction, but has been replaced in many areas by regional languages ​​such as Oromiffa, Somali or Tigrinya. While all languages ​​enjoy the same state recognition in the 1995 Constitution of Ethiopia, Amharik is recognized as the official language of the Federal government. Various areas of Ethiopia and the city charter are free to determine their own work languages. Amharik is recognized as the official language of the Amhara Region, Benishangul-Gumuz, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region, Gambela Region, Addis Abeba and Dire Dawa, while Afar, Harari, Oromiffa, Somali and Tigrinya are recognized as official language workers in their respective territories -masing.


In terms of the writing system, Ethiopia's main orthography is Ge'ez's manuscript. Employed as an abugida for several languages ​​in the country, first used in the 6th and 5th centuries BC as an alphabet for transcribing Semit Ge'ez. Ge'ez now serves as the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the Orthodox Church of Tewahedo Eritrea. During the 1980s, Ethiopic character sets were computerized. Now this is part of the Unicode standard as Ethiopic, Ethiopic Extended, Ethiopic Supplement, and Ethiopic Extended-A.

Other writing systems have also been used for years by different Ethiopian communities. The latter include Bakri Sapalo's script for Oromiffa.


Ethiopia has a close historical relationship with the three major religions of Abraham in the world. In the fourth century, the Ethiopian empire was one of the first in the world to formally adopt Christianity as a state religion. As a result of the resolution of the Council of Chalcedon, the 451 miaphysites, which includes the vast majority of Christians in Egypt and Ethiopia, are accused of monophysitism and designated as heretics under the common name of Coptic Christians (see Oriental Orthodoxy). Although no longer distinguished as a state religion, the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church remains a major Christian denomination. There is also a large Muslim demography, which represents about a third of the population. In addition, Ethiopia is the site of First Hegira, a major emigration in Islamic history. A town in the Tigray Region, Negash is the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa. Until the 1980s, the population of the Israeli Beta (Ethiopian Jews) lived in Ethiopia.

According to the 2007 National Census, Christians accounted for 62.8% of the country's population (43.5% Ethiopian Orthodox, 19.3% other denominations), 33.9% Muslim, 2.6% traditional religious practitioners, and other religions 0, 6%. This is in accordance with the CIA World Factbook, which states that Christianity is the most practiced religion in Ethiopia. The ratio of Christians to Muslims is largely stable compared to the previous census conducted several decades ago. Sunnis make up the majority of Muslims with non-denominational Muslims being the second largest Muslim group, and Shias and Ahmadiyya are a minority. Sunnis are mostly Shafi'i or Salafis, and there are also many Sufi Muslims there. A large Muslim population in the Afar region u

Source of the article : Wikipedia
